/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests if requests display the correct status code and text in the UI. */ add_task(function* () { let { L10N } = require("devtools/client/netmonitor/l10n"); let { tab, monitor } = yield initNetMonitor(STATUS_CODES_URL); info("Starting test... "); let { document, EVENTS, NetMonitorView } = monitor.panelWin; let { RequestsMenu, NetworkDetails } = NetMonitorView; let requestItems = []; RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false; NetworkDetails._params.lazyEmpty = false; const REQUEST_DATA = [ { // request #0 method: "GET", uri: STATUS_CODES_SJS + "?sts=100", details: { status: 101, statusText: "Switching Protocols", type: "plain", fullMimeType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", size: L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("networkMenu.sizeB", 0), time: true } }, { // request #1 method: "GET", uri: STATUS_CODES_SJS + "?sts=200", details: { status: 202, statusText: "Created", type: "plain", fullMimeType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", size: L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("networkMenu.sizeB", 22), time: true } }, { // request #2 method: "GET", uri: STATUS_CODES_SJS + "?sts=300", details: { status: 303, statusText: "See Other", type: "plain", fullMimeType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", size: L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("networkMenu.sizeB", 22), time: true } }, { // request #3 method: "GET", uri: STATUS_CODES_SJS + "?sts=400", details: { status: 404, statusText: "Not Found", type: "plain", fullMimeType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", size: L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("networkMenu.sizeB", 22), time: true } }, { // request #4 method: "GET", uri: STATUS_CODES_SJS + "?sts=500", details: { status: 501, statusText: "Not Implemented", type: "plain", fullMimeType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", size: L10N.getFormatStrWithNumbers("networkMenu.sizeB", 22), time: true } } ]; let wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 5); yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, {}, function* () { content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(); }); yield wait; info("Performing tests"); yield verifyRequests(); yield testTab(0, testSummary); yield testTab(2, testParams); return teardown(monitor); /** * A helper that verifies all requests show the correct information and caches * RequestsMenu items to requestItems array. */ function* verifyRequests() { info("Verifying requests contain correct information."); let index = 0; for (let request of REQUEST_DATA) { let item = RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(index); requestItems[index] = item; info("Verifying request #" + index); yield verifyRequestItemTarget(item, request.method, request.uri, request.details); index++; } } /** * A helper that opens a given tab of request details pane, selects and passes * all requests to the given test function. * * @param Number tabIdx * The index of NetworkDetails tab to activate. * @param Function testFn(requestItem) * A function that should perform all necessary tests. It's called once * for every item of REQUEST_DATA with that item being selected in the * NetworkMonitor. */ function* testTab(tabIdx, testFn) { info("Testing tab #" + tabIdx); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[tabIdx]); let counter = 0; for (let item of REQUEST_DATA) { info("Waiting tab #" + tabIdx + " to update with request #" + counter); yield chooseRequest(counter); info("Tab updated. Performing checks"); yield testFn(item); counter++; } } /** * A function that tests "Summary" contains correct information. */ function* testSummary(data) { let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[0]; let { method, uri, details: { status, statusText } } = data; is(tabpanel.querySelector("#headers-summary-url-value").getAttribute("value"), uri, "The url summary value is incorrect."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#headers-summary-method-value").getAttribute("value"), method, "The method summary value is incorrect."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#headers-summary-status-circle").getAttribute("code"), status, "The status summary code is incorrect."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#headers-summary-status-value").getAttribute("value"), status + " " + statusText, "The status summary value is incorrect."); } /** * A function that tests "Params" tab contains correct information. */ function* testParams(data) { let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[2]; let statusParamValue = data.uri.split("=").pop(); let statusParamShownValue = "\"" + statusParamValue + "\""; is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope").length, 1, "There should be 1 param scope displayed in this tabpanel."); is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variable-or-property").length, 1, "There should be 1 param value displayed in this tabpanel."); is(tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-empty-notice").length, 0, "The empty notice should not be displayed in this tabpanel."); let paramsScope = tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0]; is(paramsScope.querySelector(".name").getAttribute("value"), L10N.getStr("paramsQueryString"), "The params scope doesn't have the correct title."); is(paramsScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .name")[0] .getAttribute("value"), "sts", "The param name was incorrect."); is(paramsScope.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-variable .value")[0] .getAttribute("value"), statusParamShownValue, "The param value was incorrect."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#request-params-box") .hasAttribute("hidden"), false, "The request params box should not be hidden."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#request-post-data-textarea-box") .hasAttribute("hidden"), true, "The request post data textarea box should be hidden."); } /** * A helper that clicks on a specified request and returns a promise resolved * when NetworkDetails has been populated with the data of the given request. */ function chooseRequest(index) { let onTabUpdated = monitor.panelWin.once(EVENTS.TAB_UPDATED); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, requestItems[index].target); return onTabUpdated; } });