/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests Curl Utils functionality. */ const { Curl, CurlUtils } = require("devtools/client/shared/curl"); add_task(function* () { let { tab, monitor } = yield initNetMonitor(CURL_UTILS_URL); info("Starting test... "); let { NetMonitorView, gNetwork } = monitor.panelWin; let { RequestsMenu } = NetMonitorView; RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false; let wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1, 3); yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, SIMPLE_SJS, function* (url) { content.wrappedJSObject.performRequests(url); }); yield wait; let requests = { get: RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(0), post: RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(1), multipart: RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(2), multipartForm: RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(3) }; let data = yield createCurlData(requests.get.attachment, gNetwork); testFindHeader(data); data = yield createCurlData(requests.post.attachment, gNetwork); testIsUrlEncodedRequest(data); testWritePostDataTextParams(data); testWriteEmptyPostDataTextParams(data); testDataArgumentOnGeneratedCommand(data); data = yield createCurlData(requests.multipart.attachment, gNetwork); testIsMultipartRequest(data); testGetMultipartBoundary(data); testRemoveBinaryDataFromMultipartText(data); data = yield createCurlData(requests.multipartForm.attachment, gNetwork); testGetHeadersFromMultipartText(data); if (Services.appinfo.OS != "WINNT") { testEscapeStringPosix(); } else { testEscapeStringWin(); } yield teardown(monitor); }); function testIsUrlEncodedRequest(data) { let isUrlEncoded = CurlUtils.isUrlEncodedRequest(data); ok(isUrlEncoded, "Should return true for url encoded requests."); } function testIsMultipartRequest(data) { let isMultipart = CurlUtils.isMultipartRequest(data); ok(isMultipart, "Should return true for multipart/form-data requests."); } function testFindHeader(data) { let headers = data.headers; let hostName = CurlUtils.findHeader(headers, "Host"); let requestedWithLowerCased = CurlUtils.findHeader(headers, "x-requested-with"); let doesNotExist = CurlUtils.findHeader(headers, "X-Does-Not-Exist"); is(hostName, "example.com", "Header with name 'Host' should be found in the request array."); is(requestedWithLowerCased, "XMLHttpRequest", "The search should be case insensitive."); is(doesNotExist, null, "Should return null when a header is not found."); } function testWritePostDataTextParams(data) { let params = CurlUtils.writePostDataTextParams(data.postDataText); is(params, "param1=value1¶m2=value2¶m3=value3", "Should return a serialized representation of the request parameters"); } function testWriteEmptyPostDataTextParams(data) { let params = CurlUtils.writePostDataTextParams(null); is(params, "", "Should return a empty string when no parameters provided"); } function testDataArgumentOnGeneratedCommand(data) { let curlCommand = Curl.generateCommand(data); ok(curlCommand.includes("--data"), "Should return a curl command with --data"); } function testGetMultipartBoundary(data) { let boundary = CurlUtils.getMultipartBoundary(data); ok(/-{3,}\w+/.test(boundary), "A boundary string should be found in a multipart request."); } function testRemoveBinaryDataFromMultipartText(data) { let generatedBoundary = CurlUtils.getMultipartBoundary(data); let text = data.postDataText; let binaryRemoved = CurlUtils.removeBinaryDataFromMultipartText(text, generatedBoundary); let boundary = "--" + generatedBoundary; const EXPECTED_POSIX_RESULT = [ "$'", boundary, "\\r\\n\\r\\n", "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"param1\"", "\\r\\n\\r\\n", "value1", "\\r\\n", boundary, "\\r\\n\\r\\n", "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"filename.png\"", "\\r\\n", "Content-Type: image/png", "\\r\\n\\r\\n", boundary + "--", "\\r\\n", "'" ].join(""); const EXPECTED_WIN_RESULT = [ '"' + boundary + '"^', "\u000d\u000A\u000d\u000A", '"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""param1"""^', "\u000d\u000A\u000d\u000A", '"value1"^', "\u000d\u000A", '"' + boundary + '"^', "\u000d\u000A\u000d\u000A", '"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file""; filename=""filename.png"""^', "\u000d\u000A", '"Content-Type: image/png"^', "\u000d\u000A\u000d\u000A", '"' + boundary + '--"^', "\u000d\u000A", '""' ].join(""); if (Services.appinfo.OS != "WINNT") { is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(binaryRemoved), EXPECTED_POSIX_RESULT, "The mulitpart request payload should not contain binary data."); } else { is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(binaryRemoved), EXPECTED_WIN_RESULT, "WinNT: The mulitpart request payload should not contain binary data."); } } function testGetHeadersFromMultipartText(data) { let headers = CurlUtils.getHeadersFromMultipartText(data.postDataText); ok(Array.isArray(headers), "Should return an array."); ok(headers.length > 0, "There should exist at least one request header."); is(headers[0].name, "Content-Type", "The first header name should be 'Content-Type'."); } function testEscapeStringPosix() { let surroundedWithQuotes = "A simple string"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(surroundedWithQuotes), "'A simple string'", "The string should be surrounded with single quotes."); let singleQuotes = "It's unusual to put crickets in your coffee."; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(singleQuotes), "$'It\\'s unusual to put crickets in your coffee.'", "Single quotes should be escaped."); let newLines = "Line 1\r\nLine 2\u000d\u000ALine3"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(newLines), "$'Line 1\\r\\nLine 2\\r\\nLine3'", "Newlines should be escaped."); let controlChars = "\u0007 \u0009 \u000C \u001B"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(controlChars), "$'\\x07 \\x09 \\x0c \\x1b'", "Control characters should be escaped."); let extendedAsciiChars = "æ ø ü ß ö é"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringPosix(extendedAsciiChars), "$'\\xc3\\xa6 \\xc3\\xb8 \\xc3\\xbc \\xc3\\x9f \\xc3\\xb6 \\xc3\\xa9'", "Character codes outside of the decimal range 32 - 126 should be escaped."); } function testEscapeStringWin() { let surroundedWithDoubleQuotes = "A simple string"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(surroundedWithDoubleQuotes), '"A simple string"', "The string should be surrounded with double quotes."); let doubleQuotes = "Quote: \"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.\""; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(doubleQuotes), '"Quote: ""Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."""', "Double quotes should be escaped."); let percentSigns = "%AppData%"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(percentSigns), '""%"AppData"%""', "Percent signs should be escaped."); let backslashes = "\\A simple string\\"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(backslashes), '"\\\\A simple string\\\\"', "Backslashes should be escaped."); let newLines = "line1\r\nline2\r\nline3"; is(CurlUtils.escapeStringWin(newLines), '"line1"^\u000d\u000A"line2"^\u000d\u000A"line3"', "Newlines should be escaped."); } function* createCurlData(selected, network, controller) { let { url, method, httpVersion } = selected; // Create a sanitized object for the Curl command generator. let data = { url, method, headers: [], httpVersion, postDataText: null }; // Fetch header values. for (let { name, value } of selected.requestHeaders.headers) { let text = yield network.getString(value); data.headers.push({ name: name, value: text }); } // Fetch the request payload. if (selected.requestPostData) { let postData = selected.requestPostData.postData.text; data.postDataText = yield network.getString(postData); } return data; }