/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Makes sure Pie Charts have the right internal structure. */ add_task(function* () { let { monitor } = yield initNetMonitor(SIMPLE_URL); info("Starting test... "); let { document, Chart } = monitor.panelWin; let pie = Chart.Pie(document, { width: 100, height: 100, data: [{ size: 1, label: "foo" }, { size: 2, label: "bar" }, { size: 3, label: "baz" }] }); let node = pie.node; let slices = node.querySelectorAll(".pie-chart-slice.chart-colored-blob"); let labels = node.querySelectorAll(".pie-chart-label"); ok(node.classList.contains("pie-chart-container") && node.classList.contains("generic-chart-container"), "A pie chart container was created successfully."); is(slices.length, 3, "There should be 3 pie chart slices created."); ok(slices[0].getAttribute("d").match( /\s*M 50,50 L 49\.\d+,97\.\d+ A 47\.5,47\.5 0 0 1 49\.\d+,2\.5\d* Z/), "The first slice has the correct data."); ok(slices[1].getAttribute("d").match( /\s*M 50,50 L 91\.\d+,26\.\d+ A 47\.5,47\.5 0 0 1 49\.\d+,97\.\d+ Z/), "The second slice has the correct data."); ok(slices[2].getAttribute("d").match( /\s*M 50,50 L 50\.\d+,2\.5\d* A 47\.5,47\.5 0 0 1 91\.\d+,26\.\d+ Z/), "The third slice has the correct data."); ok(slices[0].hasAttribute("largest"), "The first slice should be the largest one."); ok(slices[2].hasAttribute("smallest"), "The third slice should be the smallest one."); ok(slices[0].getAttribute("name"), "baz", "The first slice's name is correct."); ok(slices[1].getAttribute("name"), "bar", "The first slice's name is correct."); ok(slices[2].getAttribute("name"), "foo", "The first slice's name is correct."); is(labels.length, 3, "There should be 3 pie chart labels created."); is(labels[0].textContent, "baz", "The first label's text is correct."); is(labels[1].textContent, "bar", "The first label's text is correct."); is(labels[2].textContent, "foo", "The first label's text is correct."); yield teardown(monitor); });