/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test switching to the individuals view when we are in the diffing view. const { censusState, diffingState, viewState, individualsState, } = require("devtools/client/memory/constants"); const { fetchIndividuals, takeSnapshotAndCensus, } = require("devtools/client/memory/actions/snapshot"); const { changeView, popViewAndRefresh, } = require("devtools/client/memory/actions/view"); const { selectSnapshotForDiffingAndRefresh, } = require("devtools/client/memory/actions/diffing"); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } const EXPECTED_INDIVIDUAL_STATES = [ individualsState.COMPUTING_DOMINATOR_TREE, individualsState.FETCHING, individualsState.FETCHED, ]; add_task(function* () { let front = new StubbedMemoryFront(); let heapWorker = new HeapAnalysesClient(); yield front.attach(); let store = Store(); const { getState, dispatch } = store; dispatch(changeView(viewState.CENSUS)); // Take two snapshots and diff them from each other. dispatch(takeSnapshotAndCensus(front, heapWorker)); dispatch(takeSnapshotAndCensus(front, heapWorker)); yield waitUntilCensusState(store, s => s.census, [censusState.SAVED, censusState.SAVED]); dispatch(changeView(viewState.DIFFING)); dispatch(selectSnapshotForDiffingAndRefresh(heapWorker, getState().snapshots[0])); dispatch(selectSnapshotForDiffingAndRefresh(heapWorker, getState().snapshots[1])); yield waitUntilState(store, state => { return state.diffing && state.diffing.state === diffingState.TOOK_DIFF; }); ok(getState().diffing.census); // Fetch individuals. const root = getState().diffing.census.report; ok(root, "Should have a census"); const reportLeafIndex = findReportLeafIndex(root); ok(reportLeafIndex, "Should get a reportLeafIndex"); const snapshotId = getState().diffing.secondSnapshotId; ok(snapshotId, "Should have a snapshot id"); const breakdown = getState().censusDisplay.breakdown; ok(breakdown, "Should have a breakdown"); dispatch(fetchIndividuals(heapWorker, snapshotId, breakdown, reportLeafIndex)); for (let state of EXPECTED_INDIVIDUAL_STATES) { yield waitUntilState(store, s => { return s.view.state === viewState.INDIVIDUALS && s.individuals && s.individuals.state === state; }); ok(true, `Reached state = ${state}`); } ok(getState().individuals, "Should have individuals state"); ok(getState().individuals.nodes, "Should have individuals nodes"); ok(getState().individuals.nodes.length > 0, "Should have a positive number of nodes"); // Pop the view back to the diffing. dispatch(popViewAndRefresh(heapWorker)); yield waitUntilState(store, state => { return state.diffing && state.diffing.state === diffingState.TOOK_DIFF; }); ok(getState().diffing.census.report, "We have our census diff again after popping back to the last view"); heapWorker.destroy(); yield front.detach(); });