/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests the reducer responding to the action `selectSnapshot(snapshot)` */ let actions = require("devtools/client/memory/actions/snapshot"); let { snapshotState: states } = require("devtools/client/memory/constants"); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_task(function* () { let front = new StubbedMemoryFront(); yield front.attach(); let store = Store(); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { store.dispatch(actions.takeSnapshot(front)); } yield waitUntilState(store, ({ snapshots }) => snapshots.length === 5 && snapshots.every(isDone)); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { do_print(`Selecting snapshot[${i}]`); store.dispatch(actions.selectSnapshot(store.getState().snapshots[i].id)); yield waitUntilState(store, ({ snapshots }) => snapshots[i].selected); let { snapshots } = store.getState(); ok(snapshots[i].selected, `snapshot[${i}] selected`); equal(snapshots.filter(s => !s.selected).length, 4, "All other snapshots are unselected"); } }); function isDone(s) { return s.state === states.SAVED; }