/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test clearSnapshots deletes snapshots with READ censuses let { takeSnapshotAndCensus, clearSnapshots } = require("devtools/client/memory/actions/snapshot"); let { snapshotState: states, actions } = require("devtools/client/memory/constants"); const { treeMapState } = require("devtools/client/memory/constants"); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_task(function* () { let front = new StubbedMemoryFront(); let heapWorker = new HeapAnalysesClient(); yield front.attach(); let store = Store(); const { getState, dispatch } = store; dispatch(takeSnapshotAndCensus(front, heapWorker)); yield waitUntilCensusState(store, s => s.treeMap, [treeMapState.SAVED]); ok(true, "snapshot created"); ok(true, "dispatch clearSnapshots action"); let deleteEvents = Promise.all([ waitUntilAction(store, actions.DELETE_SNAPSHOTS_START), waitUntilAction(store, actions.DELETE_SNAPSHOTS_END) ]); dispatch(clearSnapshots(heapWorker)); yield deleteEvents; ok(true, "received delete snapshots events"); equal(getState().snapshots.length, 0, "no snapshot remaining"); heapWorker.destroy(); yield front.detach(); });