/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; var { console } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm", {}); var { require } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm", {}); var Services = require("Services"); var DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils"); var flags = require("devtools/shared/flags"); flags.testing = true; flags.wantLogging = true; flags.wantVerbose = false; var { OS } = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); var { FileUtils } = require("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); var { TargetFactory } = require("devtools/client/framework/target"); var promise = require("promise"); var defer = require("devtools/shared/defer"); var { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); var { expectState } = require("devtools/server/actors/common"); var HeapSnapshotFileUtils = require("devtools/shared/heapsnapshot/HeapSnapshotFileUtils"); var HeapAnalysesClient = require("devtools/shared/heapsnapshot/HeapAnalysesClient"); var { addDebuggerToGlobal } = require("resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm"); var Store = require("devtools/client/memory/store"); var { L10N } = require("devtools/client/memory/utils"); var SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL = Cc["@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal); var EXPECTED_DTU_ASSERT_FAILURE_COUNT = 0; do_register_cleanup(function () { equal(DevToolsUtils.assertionFailureCount, EXPECTED_DTU_ASSERT_FAILURE_COUNT, "Should have had the expected number of DevToolsUtils.assert() failures."); }); function dumpn(msg) { dump(`MEMORY-TEST: ${msg}\n`); } function initDebugger() { let global = new Cu.Sandbox(SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL, { freshZone: true }); addDebuggerToGlobal(global); return new global.Debugger(); } function StubbedMemoryFront() { this.state = "detached"; this.recordingAllocations = false; this.dbg = initDebugger(); } StubbedMemoryFront.prototype.attach = Task.async(function* () { this.state = "attached"; }); StubbedMemoryFront.prototype.detach = Task.async(function* () { this.state = "detached"; }); StubbedMemoryFront.prototype.saveHeapSnapshot = expectState("attached", Task.async(function* () { return ThreadSafeChromeUtils.saveHeapSnapshot({ runtime: true }); }), "saveHeapSnapshot"); StubbedMemoryFront.prototype.startRecordingAllocations = expectState("attached", Task.async(function* () { this.recordingAllocations = true; })); StubbedMemoryFront.prototype.stopRecordingAllocations = expectState("attached", Task.async(function* () { this.recordingAllocations = false; })); function waitUntilSnapshotState(store, expected) { let predicate = () => { let snapshots = store.getState().snapshots; do_print(snapshots.map(x => x.state)); return snapshots.length === expected.length && expected.every((state, i) => state === "*" || snapshots[i].state === state); }; do_print(`Waiting for snapshots to be of state: ${expected}`); return waitUntilState(store, predicate); } function findReportLeafIndex(node, name = null) { if (node.reportLeafIndex && (!name || node.name === name)) { return node.reportLeafIndex; } if (node.children) { for (let child of node.children) { const found = findReportLeafIndex(child); if (found) { return found; } } } return null; } function waitUntilCensusState(store, getCensus, expected) { let predicate = () => { let snapshots = store.getState().snapshots; do_print("Current census state:" + snapshots.map(x => getCensus(x) ? getCensus(x).state : null)); return snapshots.length === expected.length && expected.every((state, i) => { let census = getCensus(snapshots[i]); return (state === "*") || (!census && !state) || (census && census.state === state); }); }; do_print(`Waiting for snapshots' censuses to be of state: ${expected}`); return waitUntilState(store, predicate); } function* createTempFile() { let file = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", ["tmp.fxsnapshot"]); file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE); let destPath = file.path; let stat = yield OS.File.stat(destPath); ok(stat.size === 0, "new file is 0 bytes at start"); return destPath; }