/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

var EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
var Telemetry = require("devtools/client/shared/telemetry");
var { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task");

 * This object represents replacement for ToolSidebar
 * implemented in devtools/client/framework/sidebar.js module
 * This new component is part of devtools.html aimed at
 * removing XUL and use HTML for entire DevTools UI.
 * There are currently two implementation of the side bar since
 * the `sidebar.js` module (mentioned above) is still used by
 * other panels.
 * As soon as all panels are using this HTML based
 * implementation it can be removed.
function ToolSidebar(tabbox, panel, uid, options = {}) {

  this._tabbox = tabbox;
  this._uid = uid;
  this._panelDoc = this._tabbox.ownerDocument;
  this._toolPanel = panel;
  this._options = options;

  if (!options.disableTelemetry) {
    this._telemetry = new Telemetry();

  this._tabs = [];

  if (this._options.hideTabstripe) {
    this._tabbox.setAttribute("hidetabs", "true");


  this._toolPanel.emit("sidebar-created", this);

exports.ToolSidebar = ToolSidebar;

ToolSidebar.prototype = {
  TABPANEL_ID_PREFIX: "sidebar-panel-",

  // React

  get React() {
    return this._toolPanel.React;

  get ReactDOM() {
    return this._toolPanel.ReactDOM;

  get browserRequire() {
    return this._toolPanel.browserRequire;

  get InspectorTabPanel() {
    return this._toolPanel.InspectorTabPanel;

  // Rendering

  render: function () {
    let Tabbar = this.React.createFactory(this.browserRequire(

    let sidebar = Tabbar({
      toolbox: this._toolPanel._toolbox,
      showAllTabsMenu: true,
      onSelect: this.handleSelectionChange.bind(this),

    this._tabbar = this.ReactDOM.render(sidebar, this._tabbox);

   * Register a side-panel tab.
   * @param {string} tab uniq id
   * @param {string} title tab title
   * @param {React.Component} panel component. See `InspectorPanelTab` as an example.
   * @param {boolean} selected true if the panel should be selected
  addTab: function (id, title, panel, selected) {
    this._tabbar.addTab(id, title, selected, panel);
    this.emit("new-tab-registered", id);

   * Helper API for adding side-panels that use existing DOM nodes
   * (defined within inspector.xhtml) as the content.
   * @param {string} tab uniq id
   * @param {string} title tab title
   * @param {boolean} selected true if the panel should be selected
  addExistingTab: function (id, title, selected) {
    let panel = this.InspectorTabPanel({
      id: id,
      idPrefix: this.TABPANEL_ID_PREFIX,
      key: id,
      title: title,

    this.addTab(id, title, panel, selected);

   * Helper API for adding side-panels that use existing <iframe> nodes
   * (defined within inspector.xhtml) as the content.
   * The document must have a title, which will be used as the name of the tab.
   * @param {string} tab uniq id
   * @param {string} title tab title
   * @param {string} url
   * @param {boolean} selected true if the panel should be selected
  addFrameTab: function (id, title, url, selected) {
    let panel = this.InspectorTabPanel({
      id: id,
      idPrefix: this.TABPANEL_ID_PREFIX,
      key: id,
      title: title,
      url: url,
      onMount: this.onSidePanelMounted.bind(this),

    this.addTab(id, title, panel, selected);

  onSidePanelMounted: function (content, props) {
    let iframe = content.querySelector("iframe");
    if (!iframe || iframe.getAttribute("src")) {

    let onIFrameLoaded = (event) => {
      iframe.removeEventListener("load", onIFrameLoaded, true);

      let doc = event.target;
      let win = doc.defaultView;
      if ("setPanel" in win) {
        win.setPanel(this._toolPanel, iframe);
      this.emit(props.id + "-ready");

    iframe.addEventListener("load", onIFrameLoaded, true);
    iframe.setAttribute("src", props.url);

   * Remove an existing tab.
   * @param {String} tabId The ID of the tab that was used to register it, or
   * the tab id attribute value if the tab existed before the sidebar
   * got created.
   * @param {String} tabPanelId Optional. If provided, this ID will be used
   * instead of the tabId to retrieve and remove the corresponding <tabpanel>
  removeTab: Task.async(function* (tabId, tabPanelId) {

    let win = this.getWindowForTab(tabId);
    if (win && ("destroy" in win)) {
      yield win.destroy();

    this.emit("tab-unregistered", tabId);

   * Show or hide a specific tab.
   * @param {Boolean} isVisible True to show the tab/tabpanel, False to hide it.
   * @param {String} id The ID of the tab to be hidden.
  toggleTab: function (isVisible, id) {
    this._tabbar.toggleTab(id, isVisible);

   * Select a specific tab.
  select: function (id) {

   * Return the id of the selected tab.
  getCurrentTabID: function () {
    return this._currentTool;

   * Returns the requested tab panel based on the id.
   * @param {String} id
   * @return {DOMNode}
  getTabPanel: function (id) {
    // Search with and without the ID prefix as there might have been existing
    // tabpanels by the time the sidebar got created
    return this._panelDoc.querySelector("#" +
      this.TABPANEL_ID_PREFIX + id + ", #" + id);

   * Event handler.
  handleSelectionChange: function (id) {
    if (this._destroyed) {

    let previousTool = this._currentTool;
    if (previousTool) {
      if (this._telemetry) {
      this.emit(previousTool + "-unselected");

    this._currentTool = id;

    if (this._telemetry) {

    this.emit(this._currentTool + "-selected");
    this.emit("select", this._currentTool);

   * Show the sidebar.
   * @param  {String} id
   *         The sidebar tab id to select.
  show: function (id) {

    // If an id is given, select the corresponding sidebar tab and record the
    // tool opened.
    if (id) {
      this._currentTool = id;

      if (this._telemetry) {


   * Show the sidebar.
  hide: function () {
    this._tabbox.setAttribute("hidden", "true");


   * Return the window containing the tab content.
  getWindowForTab: function (id) {
    // Get the tabpanel and make sure it contains an iframe
    let panel = this.getTabPanel(id);
    if (!panel || !panel.firstElementChild || !panel.firstElementChild.contentWindow) {
      return null;

    return panel.firstElementChild.contentWindow;

   * Clean-up.
  destroy: Task.async(function* () {
    if (this._destroyed) {
    this._destroyed = true;


    // Note that we check for the existence of this._tabbox.tabpanels at each
    // step as the container window may have been closed by the time one of the
    // panel's destroy promise resolves.
    let tabpanels = [...this._tabbox.querySelectorAll(".tab-panel-box")];
    for (let panel of tabpanels) {
      let iframe = panel.querySelector("iframe");
      if (!iframe) {
      let win = iframe.contentWindow;
      if (win && ("destroy" in win)) {
        yield win.destroy();

    if (this._currentTool && this._telemetry) {

    this._toolPanel.emit("sidebar-destroyed", this);

    this._tabs = null;
    this._tabbox = null;
    this._panelDoc = null;
    this._toolPanel = null;