/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the selector-search input proposes ids and classes even when . and // # is missing, but that this only occurs when the query is one word (no // selector combination) // The various states of the inspector: [key, suggestions array] // [ // what key to press, // suggestions array with count [ // [suggestion1, count1], [suggestion2] ... // ] count can be left to represent 1 // ] const KEY_STATES = [ ["s", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["p", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["a", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["n", []], [" ", [["span div", 1]]], // mixed tag/class/id suggestions only work for the first word ["d", [["span div", 1]]], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", [["span div", 1]]], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", []], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", [["span", 1], [".span", 1], ["#span", 1]]], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", []], // Test that mixed tags, classes and ids are grouped by types, sorted by // count and alphabetical order ["b", [ ["button", 3], ["body", 1], [".bc", 3], [".ba", 1], [".bb", 1], ["#ba", 1], ["#bb", 1], ["#bc", 1] ]], ]; const TEST_URL = `
`; add_task(function* () { let {inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(TEST_URL)); let searchBox = inspector.panelWin.document.getElementById( "inspector-searchbox"); let popup = inspector.searchSuggestions.searchPopup; yield focusSearchBoxUsingShortcut(inspector.panelWin); for (let [key, expectedSuggestions] of KEY_STATES) { info("pressing key " + key + " to get suggestions " + JSON.stringify(expectedSuggestions)); let onCommand = once(searchBox, "input", true); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, inspector.panelWin); yield onCommand; info("Waiting for the suggestions to be retrieved"); yield inspector.searchSuggestions._lastQuery; let actualSuggestions = popup.getItems(); is(popup.isOpen ? actualSuggestions.length : 0, expectedSuggestions.length, "There are expected number of suggestions"); actualSuggestions.reverse(); for (let i = 0; i < expectedSuggestions.length; i++) { is(expectedSuggestions[i][0], actualSuggestions[i].label, "The suggestion at " + i + "th index is correct."); is(expectedSuggestions[i][1] || 1, actualSuggestions[i].count, "The count for suggestion at " + i + "th index is correct."); } } });