/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// Test that context menu items are enabled / disabled correctly.
const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_menu.html";
const ALL_MENU_ITEMS = [
ALL_MENU_ITEMS.filter(item => ACTIVE_ON_DOCTYPE_ITEMS.indexOf(item) === -1);
* Test cases, each item of this array may define the following properties:
* desc: string that will be logged
* selector: selector of the node to be selected
* disabled: items that should have disabled state
* clipboardData: clipboard content
* clipboardDataType: clipboard content type
* attributeTrigger: attribute that will be used as context menu trigger
const TEST_CASES = [
desc: "doctype node with empty clipboard",
selector: null,
desc: "doctype node with html on clipboard",
clipboardData: "
some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
selector: null,
desc: "element node HTML on the clipboard",
clipboardData: "some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
disabled: [
selector: "#sensitivity",
desc: " element",
clipboardData: "some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
selector: "html",
disabled: [
desc: " with HTML on clipboard",
clipboardData: "some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
selector: "body",
disabled: [
desc: "
with HTML on clipboard",
clipboardData: "some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
selector: "img",
disabled: [
desc: " with HTML on clipboard",
clipboardData: "some text
clipboardDataType: "html",
selector: "head",
disabled: [
desc: " with no html on clipboard",
selector: "head",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " with text on clipboard",
clipboardData: "some text",
clipboardDataType: undefined,
selector: "#paste-area",
disabled: [
desc: " with base64 encoded image data uri on clipboard",
"" +
clipboardDataType: undefined,
selector: "#paste-area",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " with empty string on clipboard",
clipboardData: "",
clipboardDataType: undefined,
selector: "#paste-area",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " with whitespace only on clipboard",
clipboardData: " \n\n\t\n\n \n",
clipboardDataType: undefined,
selector: "#paste-area",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " that isn't visible on the page, empty clipboard",
selector: "#hiddenElement",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " nested in another hidden element, empty clipboard",
selector: "#nestedHiddenElement",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat([
desc: " with context menu triggered on attribute, empty clipboard",
selector: "#attributes",
disabled: PASTE_MENU_ITEMS.concat(["node-menu-copyimagedatauri"]),
attributeTrigger: "data-edit"
var clipboard = require("sdk/clipboard");
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
clipboard = null;
add_task(function* () {
let { inspector } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
for (let test of TEST_CASES) {
let { desc, disabled, selector, attributeTrigger } = test;
info(`Test ${desc}`);
setupClipboard(test.clipboardData, test.clipboardDataType);
let front = yield getNodeFrontForSelector(selector, inspector);
info("Selecting the specified node.");
yield selectNode(front, inspector);
info("Simulating context menu click on the selected node container.");
let nodeFrontContainer = getContainerForNodeFront(front, inspector);
let contextMenuTrigger = attributeTrigger
? nodeFrontContainer.tagLine.querySelector(
: nodeFrontContainer.tagLine;
let allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector, {
target: contextMenuTrigger,
for (let id of ALL_MENU_ITEMS) {
let menuItem = allMenuItems.find(item => item.id === id);
let shouldBeDisabled = disabled.indexOf(id) !== -1;
is(menuItem.disabled, shouldBeDisabled,
`#${id} should be ${shouldBeDisabled ? "disabled" : "enabled"} `);
* A helper that fetches a front for a node that matches the given selector or
* doctype node if the selector is falsy.
function* getNodeFrontForSelector(selector, inspector) {
if (selector) {
info("Retrieving front for selector " + selector);
return getNodeFront(selector, inspector);
info("Retrieving front for doctype node");
let {nodes} = yield inspector.walker.children(inspector.walker.rootNode);
return nodes[0];
* A helper that populates the clipboard with data of given type. Clears the
* clipboard if data is falsy.
function setupClipboard(data, type) {
if (data) {
info("Populating clipboard with " + type + " data.");
clipboard.set(data, type);
} else {
info("Clearing clipboard.");
clipboard.set("", "text");