/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Bug 1309212 - Make sure info-bar is displayed with dimensions for text nodes. const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_infobar_textnode.html"; add_task(function* () { let { inspector, testActor } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URI); let { walker } = inspector; info("Retrieve the children of #textnode-container"); let div = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#textnode-container"); let { nodes } = yield inspector.walker.children(div); // Children 0, 2 and 4 are text nodes, for which we expect to see an infobar containing // dimensions. // Regular text node. info("Select the first text node"); yield selectNode(nodes[0], inspector, "test-highlight"); yield checkTextNodeInfoBar(testActor); // Whitespace-only text node. info("Select the second text node"); yield selectNode(nodes[2], inspector, "test-highlight"); yield checkTextNodeInfoBar(testActor); // Regular text node. info("Select the third text node"); yield selectNode(nodes[4], inspector, "test-highlight"); yield checkTextNodeInfoBar(testActor); }); function* checkTextNodeInfoBar(testActor) { let tag = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeTextContent( "box-model-infobar-tagname"); is(tag, "#text", "node display name is #text"); let dims = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeTextContent( "box-model-infobar-dimensions"); // Do not assert dimensions as they might be platform specific. ok(!!dims, "node has dims"); }