/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test that bogus source maps don't break debugging. */ const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_minified_bogus_map.html"; const JS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "code_math_bogus_map.js"; // This test causes an error to be logged in the console, which appears in TBPL // logs, so we are disabling that here. DevToolsUtils.reportingDisabled = true; var gPanel, gDebugger, gFrames, gSources, gPrefs, gOptions; function test() { let options = { source: JS_URL, line: 1 }; initDebugger(TAB_URL, options).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => { gPanel = aPanel; gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin; gFrames = gDebugger.DebuggerView.StackFrames; gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources; gPrefs = gDebugger.Prefs; gOptions = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Options; is(gPrefs.pauseOnExceptions, false, "The pause-on-exceptions pref should be disabled by default."); isnot(gOptions._pauseOnExceptionsItem.getAttribute("checked"), "true", "The pause-on-exceptions menu item should not be checked."); checkInitialSource(); enablePauseOnExceptions() .then(disableIgnoreCaughtExceptions) .then(testSetBreakpoint) .then(reloadPage) .then(testHitBreakpoint) .then(enableIgnoreCaughtExceptions) .then(disablePauseOnExceptions) .then(() => closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel)) .then(null, aError => { ok(false, "Got an error: " + aError.message + "\n" + aError.stack); }); }); } function checkInitialSource() { isnot(gSources.selectedItem.attachment.source.url.indexOf("code_math_bogus_map.js"), -1, "The debugger should show the minified js file."); } function enablePauseOnExceptions() { let deferred = promise.defer(); gDebugger.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", () => { is(gPrefs.pauseOnExceptions, true, "The pause-on-exceptions pref should now be enabled."); ok(true, "Pausing on exceptions was enabled."); deferred.resolve(); }); gOptions._pauseOnExceptionsItem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); gOptions._togglePauseOnExceptions(); return deferred.promise; } function disableIgnoreCaughtExceptions() { let deferred = promise.defer(); gDebugger.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", () => { is(gPrefs.ignoreCaughtExceptions, false, "The ignore-caught-exceptions pref should now be disabled."); ok(true, "Ignore caught exceptions was disabled."); deferred.resolve(); }); gOptions._ignoreCaughtExceptionsItem.setAttribute("checked", "false"); gOptions._toggleIgnoreCaughtExceptions(); return deferred.promise; } function testSetBreakpoint() { let deferred = promise.defer(); let sourceForm = getSourceForm(gSources, JS_URL); let source = gDebugger.gThreadClient.source(sourceForm); source.setBreakpoint({ line: 3, column: 18 }, aResponse => { ok(!aResponse.error, "Should be able to set a breakpoint in a js file."); ok(!aResponse.actualLocation, "Should be able to set a breakpoint on line 3 and column 18."); deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; } function reloadPage() { let loaded = waitForSourceAndCaret(gPanel, ".js", 3); gDebugger.DebuggerController._target.activeTab.reload(); return loaded.then(() => ok(true, "Page was reloaded and execution resumed.")); } function testHitBreakpoint() { let deferred = promise.defer(); gDebugger.gThreadClient.resume(aResponse => { ok(!aResponse.error, "Shouldn't get an error resuming."); is(aResponse.type, "resumed", "Type should be 'resumed'."); waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.FETCHED_SCOPES).then(() => { is(gFrames.itemCount, 2, "Should have two frames."); // This is weird, but we need to let the debugger a chance to // update first executeSoon(() => { gDebugger.gThreadClient.resume(() => { gDebugger.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("paused", () => { gDebugger.gThreadClient.resume(() => { // We also need to make sure the next step doesn't add a // "resumed" handler until this is completely finished executeSoon(() => { deferred.resolve(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); return deferred.promise; } function enableIgnoreCaughtExceptions() { let deferred = promise.defer(); gDebugger.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", () => { is(gPrefs.ignoreCaughtExceptions, true, "The ignore-caught-exceptions pref should now be enabled."); ok(true, "Ignore caught exceptions was enabled."); deferred.resolve(); }); gOptions._ignoreCaughtExceptionsItem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); gOptions._toggleIgnoreCaughtExceptions(); return deferred.promise; } function disablePauseOnExceptions() { let deferred = promise.defer(); gDebugger.gThreadClient.addOneTimeListener("resumed", () => { is(gPrefs.pauseOnExceptions, false, "The pause-on-exceptions pref should now be disabled."); ok(true, "Pausing on exceptions was disabled."); deferred.resolve(); }); gOptions._pauseOnExceptionsItem.setAttribute("checked", "false"); gOptions._togglePauseOnExceptions(); return deferred.promise; } registerCleanupFunction(function () { gPanel = null; gDebugger = null; gFrames = null; gSources = null; gPrefs = null; gOptions = null; DevToolsUtils.reportingDisabled = false; });