/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

// Tests that the cookie commands works as they should

const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/commandline/" +

function test() {
  helpers.addTabWithToolbar(TEST_URI, function (options) {
    return helpers.audit(options, [
        setup: "cookie",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie",
          hints:        " list",
          markup: "IIIIII",
          status: "ERROR"
        setup: "cookie lis",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie lis",
          hints:            "t",
          markup: "IIIIIIVIII",
          status: "ERROR"
        setup: "cookie list",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie list",
          hints:             "",
          markup: "VVVVVVVVVVV",
          status: "VALID"
        setup: "cookie remove",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie remove",
          hints:               " <name>",
          markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVV",
          status: "ERROR"
        setup: "cookie set",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie set",
          hints:            " <name> <value> [options]",
          markup: "VVVVVVVVVV",
          status: "ERROR"
        setup: "cookie set fruit",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie set fruit",
          hints:                  " <value> [options]",
          markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
          status: "ERROR"
        setup: "cookie set fruit ban",
        check: {
          input:  "cookie set fruit ban",
          hints:                      " [options]",
          markup: "VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV",
          status: "VALID",
          args: {
            name: { value: "fruit" },
            value: { value: "ban" },
            secure: { value: false },
        setup:    'cookie set fruit ban --path ""',
        check: {
          input:  'cookie set fruit ban --path ""',
          hints:                                " [options]",
          status: "VALID",
          args: {
            name: { value: "fruit" },
            value: { value: "ban" },
            path: { value: "" },
            secure: { value: false },
        setup: "cookie list",
        exec: {
          output: [ /zap=zep/, /zip=zop/, /Edit/ ]
        setup: "cookie set zup banana",
        check: {
          args: {
            name: { value: "zup" },
            value: { value: "banana" },
        exec: {
          output: ""
        setup: "cookie list",
        exec: {
          output: [ /zap=zep/, /zip=zop/, /zup=banana/, /Edit/ ]
        setup: "cookie remove zip",
        exec: { },
        setup: "cookie list",
        exec: {
          output: [ /zap=zep/, /zup=banana/, /Edit/ ]
        post: function (output, text) {
          ok(!text.includes("zip"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zop"), "");
        setup: "cookie remove zap",
        exec: { },
        setup: "cookie list",
        exec: {
          output: [ /zup=banana/, /Edit/ ]
        post: function (output, text) {
          ok(!text.includes("zap"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zep"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zip"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zop"), "");
        setup: "cookie remove zup",
        exec: { }
        setup: "cookie list",
        exec: {
          output: "No cookies found for host example.com"
        post: function (output, text) {
          ok(!text.includes("zap"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zep"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zip"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zop"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("zup"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("banana"), "");
          ok(!text.includes("Edit"), "");
  }).then(finish, helpers.handleError);