/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); // Check that the scrubber in the timeline can be moved by clicking & dragging // in the header area. // Also check that doing so changes the timeline's play/pause button to paused // state. // Finally, also check that the scrubber can be moved using the scrubber handle. add_task(function* () { yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html"); let {panel} = yield openAnimationInspector(); let timeline = panel.animationsTimelineComponent; let {win, timeHeaderEl, scrubberEl, scrubberHandleEl} = timeline; let playTimelineButtonEl = panel.playTimelineButtonEl; ok(!playTimelineButtonEl.classList.contains("paused"), "The timeline play button is in its playing state by default"); info("Mousedown in the header to move the scrubber"); yield synthesizeInHeaderAndWaitForChange(timeline, 50, 1, "mousedown"); checkScrubberIsAt(scrubberEl, timeHeaderEl, 50); ok(playTimelineButtonEl.classList.contains("paused"), "The timeline play button is in its paused state after mousedown"); info("Continue moving the mouse and verify that the scrubber tracks it"); yield synthesizeInHeaderAndWaitForChange(timeline, 100, 1, "mousemove"); checkScrubberIsAt(scrubberEl, timeHeaderEl, 100); ok(playTimelineButtonEl.classList.contains("paused"), "The timeline play button is in its paused state after mousemove"); info("Release the mouse and move again and verify that the scrubber stays"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(timeHeaderEl, 100, 1, {type: "mouseup"}, win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(timeHeaderEl, 200, 1, {type: "mousemove"}, win); checkScrubberIsAt(scrubberEl, timeHeaderEl, 100); info("Try to drag the scrubber handle and check that the scrubber moves"); let onDataChanged = timeline.once("timeline-data-changed"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(scrubberHandleEl, 1, 20, {type: "mousedown"}, win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(timeHeaderEl, 0, 0, {type: "mousemove"}, win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(timeHeaderEl, 0, 0, {type: "mouseup"}, win); yield onDataChanged; checkScrubberIsAt(scrubberEl, timeHeaderEl, 0); }); function* synthesizeInHeaderAndWaitForChange(timeline, x, y, type) { let onDataChanged = timeline.once("timeline-data-changed"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(timeline.timeHeaderEl, x, y, {type}, timeline.win); yield onDataChanged; } function getPositionPercentage(pos, headerEl) { return pos * 100 / headerEl.offsetWidth; } function checkScrubberIsAt(scrubberEl, timeHeaderEl, pos) { let newPos = Math.round(parseFloat(scrubberEl.style.left)); let expectedPos = Math.round(getPositionPercentage(pos, timeHeaderEl)); is(newPos, expectedPos, `The scrubber is at position ${pos} (${expectedPos}%)`); }