/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */


Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);

const RELATIVE_DIR = "browser/extensions/pdfjs/test/";
const TESTROOT = "http://example.com/browser/" + RELATIVE_DIR;

const TESTS = [
    action: {
      selector: "button#zoomIn",
      event: "click"
    expectedZoom: 1, // 1 - zoom in
    message: "Zoomed in using the '+' (zoom in) button"

    action: {
      selector: "button#zoomOut",
      event: "click"
    expectedZoom: -1, // -1 - zoom out
    message: "Zoomed out using the '-' (zoom out) button"

    action: {
      keyboard: true,
      keyCode: 61,
      event: "+"
    expectedZoom: 1, // 1 - zoom in
    message: "Zoomed in using the CTRL++ keys"

    action: {
      keyboard: true,
      keyCode: 109,
      event: "-"
    expectedZoom: -1, // -1 - zoom out
    message: "Zoomed out using the CTRL+- keys"

    action: {
      selector: "select#scaleSelect",
      index: 5,
      event: "change"
    expectedZoom: -1, // -1 - zoom out
    message: "Zoomed using the zoom picker"

add_task(function* test() {
  let handlerService = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/handler-service;1"]
  let mimeService = Cc["@mozilla.org/mime;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService);
  let handlerInfo = mimeService.getFromTypeAndExtension('application/pdf', 'pdf');

  // Make sure pdf.js is the default handler.
  is(handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling, false,
     'pdf handler defaults to always-ask is false');
  is(handlerInfo.preferredAction, Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally,
    'pdf handler defaults to internal');

  info('Pref action: ' + handlerInfo.preferredAction);

  yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:blank" },
    function* (newTabBrowser) {
      yield waitForPdfJS(newTabBrowser, TESTROOT + "file_pdfjs_test.pdf" + "#zoom=100");

      yield ContentTask.spawn(newTabBrowser, TESTS, function* (TESTS) {
        let document = content.document;

        function waitForRender() {
          return new Promise((resolve) => {
            document.addEventListener("pagerendered", function onPageRendered(e) {
              if(e.detail.pageNumber !== 1) {

              document.removeEventListener("pagerendered", onPageRendered, true);
            }, true);

        // check that PDF is opened with internal viewer
        Assert.ok(content.document.querySelector("div#viewer"), "document content has viewer UI");
        Assert.ok("PDFJS" in content.wrappedJSObject, "window content has PDFJS object");

        let initialWidth, previousWidth;
        initialWidth = previousWidth =

        for (let test of TESTS) {
          // We zoom using an UI element
          var ev;
          if (test.action.selector) {
            // Get the element and trigger the action for changing the zoom
            var el = document.querySelector(test.action.selector);
            Assert.ok(el, "Element '" + test.action.selector + "' has been found");

            if (test.action.index){
              el.selectedIndex = test.action.index;

            // Dispatch the event for changing the zoom
            ev = new Event(test.action.event);
          // We zoom using keyboard
          else {
            // Simulate key press
            ev = new content.KeyboardEvent("keydown",
                                           { key: test.action.event,
                                             keyCode: test.action.keyCode,
                                             ctrlKey: true });
            el = content;

          yield waitForRender();

          var pageZoomScale = content.document.querySelector('select#scaleSelect');

          // The zoom value displayed in the zoom select
          var zoomValue = pageZoomScale.options[pageZoomScale.selectedIndex].innerHTML;

          let pageContainer = content.document.querySelector('div#pageContainer1');
          let actualWidth = parseInt(pageContainer.style.width);

          // the actual zoom of the PDF document
          let computedZoomValue = parseInt(((actualWidth/initialWidth).toFixed(2))*100) + "%";
          Assert.equal(computedZoomValue, zoomValue, "Content has correct zoom");

          // Check that document zooms in the expected way (in/out)
          let zoom = (actualWidth - previousWidth) * test.expectedZoom;
          Assert.ok(zoom > 0, test.message);

          previousWidth = actualWidth;

        var viewer = content.wrappedJSObject.PDFViewerApplication;
        yield viewer.close();