/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let prefs = [ "browser.cache.offline.enable", "browser.cache.disk.enable", "browser.cache.memory.enable", ]; registerCleanupFunction(function() { for (let pref of prefs) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref); } }); for (let pref of prefs) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(pref, false); } open_preferences(runTest); } function runTest(win) { is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:preferences", "about:preferences loaded"); let tab = win.document; let elements = tab.getElementById("mainPrefPane").children; // Test if advanced pane is opened correctly win.gotoPref("paneAdvanced"); for (let element of elements) { if (element.nodeName == "preferences") { continue; } let attributeValue = element.getAttribute("data-category"); if (attributeValue == "paneAdvanced") { is_element_visible(element, "Advanced elements should be visible"); } else { is_element_hidden(element, "Non-Advanced elements should be hidden"); } } gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); win.close(); finish(); }