<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <bindings id="placesTreeBindings" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <binding id="places-tree" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/tree.xml#tree"> <implementation> <constructor><![CDATA[ // Force an initial build. if (this.place) this.place = this.place; ]]></constructor> <destructor><![CDATA[ // Break the treeviewer->result->treeviewer cycle. // Note: unsetting the result's viewer also unsets // the viewer's reference to our treeBoxObject. var result = this.result; if (result) { result.root.containerOpen = false; } // Unregister the controllber before unlinking the view, otherwise it // may still try to update commands on a view with a null result. if (this._controller) { this._controller.terminate(); this.controllers.removeController(this._controller); } this.view = null; ]]></destructor> <property name="controller" readonly="true" onget="return this._controller"/> <!-- overriding --> <property name="view"> <getter><![CDATA[ try { return this.treeBoxObject.view.wrappedJSObject || null; } catch (e) { return null; } ]]></getter> <setter><![CDATA[ return this.treeBoxObject.view = val; ]]></setter> </property> <property name="associatedElement" readonly="true" onget="return this"/> <method name="applyFilter"> <parameter name="filterString"/> <parameter name="folderRestrict"/> <parameter name="includeHidden"/> <body><![CDATA[ // preserve grouping var queryNode = PlacesUtils.asQuery(this.result.root); var options = queryNode.queryOptions.clone(); // Make sure we're getting uri results. // We do not yet support searching into grouped queries or into // tag containers, so we must fall to the default case. if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsHistoryContainer(queryNode) || options.resultType == options.RESULTS_AS_TAG_QUERY || options.resultType == options.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS) options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI; var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(); query.searchTerms = filterString; if (folderRestrict) { query.setFolders(folderRestrict, folderRestrict.length); options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS; } options.includeHidden = !!includeHidden; this.load([query], options); ]]></body> </method> <method name="load"> <parameter name="queries"/> <parameter name="options"/> <body><![CDATA[ let result = PlacesUtils.history .executeQueries(queries, queries.length, options); let callback; if (this.flatList) { let onOpenFlatContainer = this.onOpenFlatContainer; if (onOpenFlatContainer) callback = new Function("aContainer", onOpenFlatContainer); } if (!this._controller) { this._controller = new PlacesController(this); this.controllers.appendController(this._controller); } let treeView = new PlacesTreeView(this.flatList, callback, this._controller); // Observer removal is done within the view itself. When the tree // goes away, treeboxobject calls view.setTree(null), which then // calls removeObserver. result.addObserver(treeView, false); this.view = treeView; if (this.getAttribute("selectfirstnode") == "true" && treeView.rowCount > 0) { treeView.selection.select(0); } this._cachedInsertionPoint = undefined; ]]></body> </method> <property name="flatList"> <getter><![CDATA[ return this.getAttribute("flatList") == "true"; ]]></getter> <setter><![CDATA[ if (this.flatList != val) { this.setAttribute("flatList", val); // reload with the last place set if (this.place) this.place = this.place; } return val; ]]></setter> </property> <property name="onOpenFlatContainer"> <getter><![CDATA[ return this.getAttribute("onopenflatcontainer"); ]]></getter> <setter><![CDATA[ if (this.onOpenFlatContainer != val) { this.setAttribute("onopenflatcontainer", val); // reload with the last place set if (this.place) this.place = this.place; } return val; ]]></setter> </property> <!-- Causes a particular node represented by the specified placeURI to be selected in the tree. All containers above the node in the hierarchy will be opened, so that the node is visible. --> <method name="selectPlaceURI"> <parameter name="placeURI"/> <body><![CDATA[ // Do nothing if a node matching the given uri is already selected if (this.hasSelection && this.selectedNode.uri == placeURI) return; function findNode(container, placeURI, nodesURIChecked) { var containerURI = container.uri; if (containerURI == placeURI) return container; if (nodesURIChecked.includes(containerURI)) return null; // never check the contents of the same query nodesURIChecked.push(containerURI); var wasOpen = container.containerOpen; if (!wasOpen) container.containerOpen = true; for (var i = 0; i < container.childCount; ++i) { var child = container.getChild(i); var childURI = child.uri; if (childURI == placeURI) return child; else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(child)) { var nested = findNode(PlacesUtils.asContainer(child), placeURI, nodesURIChecked); if (nested) return nested; } } if (!wasOpen) container.containerOpen = false; return null; } var container = this.result.root; NS_ASSERT(container, "No result, cannot select place URI!"); if (!container) return; var child = findNode(container, placeURI, []); if (child) this.selectNode(child); else { // If the specified child could not be located, clear the selection var selection = this.view.selection; selection.clearSelection(); } ]]></body> </method> <!-- Causes a particular node to be selected in the tree, resulting in all containers above the node in the hierarchy to be opened, so that the node is visible. --> <method name="selectNode"> <parameter name="node"/> <body><![CDATA[ var view = this.view; var parent = node.parent; if (parent && !parent.containerOpen) { // Build a list of all of the nodes that are the parent of this one // in the result. var parents = []; var root = this.result.root; while (parent && parent != root) { parents.push(parent); parent = parent.parent; } // Walk the list backwards (opening from the root of the hierarchy) // opening each folder as we go. for (var i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let index = view.treeIndexForNode(parents[i]); if (index != Ci.nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer.INDEX_INVISIBLE && view.isContainer(index) && !view.isContainerOpen(index)) view.toggleOpenState(index); } // Select the specified node... } let index = view.treeIndexForNode(node); if (index == Ci.nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer.INDEX_INVISIBLE) return; view.selection.select(index); // ... and ensure it's visible, not scrolled off somewhere. this.treeBoxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(index); ]]></body> </method> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="result"> <getter><![CDATA[ try { return this.view.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryResultObserver).result; } catch (e) { return null; } ]]></getter> </property> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="place"> <getter><![CDATA[ return this.getAttribute("place"); ]]></getter> <setter><![CDATA[ this.setAttribute("place", val); var queriesRef = { }; var queryCountRef = { }; var optionsRef = { }; PlacesUtils.history.queryStringToQueries(val, queriesRef, queryCountRef, optionsRef); if (queryCountRef.value == 0) queriesRef.value = [PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery()]; if (!optionsRef.value) optionsRef.value = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions(); this.load(queriesRef.value, optionsRef.value); return val; ]]></setter> </property> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="hasSelection"> <getter><![CDATA[ return this.view && this.view.selection.count >= 1; ]]></getter> </property> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="selectedNodes"> <getter><![CDATA[ let nodes = []; if (!this.hasSelection) return nodes; let selection = this.view.selection; let rc = selection.getRangeCount(); let resultview = this.view; for (let i = 0; i < rc; ++i) { let min = { }, max = { }; selection.getRangeAt(i, min, max); for (let j = min.value; j <= max.value; ++j) { nodes.push(resultview.nodeForTreeIndex(j)); } } return nodes; ]]></getter> </property> <method name="toggleCutNode"> <parameter name="aNode"/> <parameter name="aValue"/> <body><![CDATA[ this.view.toggleCutNode(aNode, aValue); ]]></body> </method> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="removableSelectionRanges"> <getter><![CDATA[ // This property exists in addition to selectedNodes because it // encodes selection ranges (which only occur in list views) into // the return value. For each removed range, the index at which items // will be re-inserted upon the remove transaction being performed is // the first index of the range, so that the view updates correctly. // // For example, if we remove rows 2,3,4 and 7,8 from a list, when we // undo that operation, if we insert what was at row 3 at row 3 again, // it will show up _after_ the item that was at row 5. So we need to // insert all items at row 2, and the tree view will update correctly. // // Also, this function collapses the selection to remove redundant // data, e.g. when deleting this selection: // // http://www.foo.com/ // (-) Some Folder // http://www.bar.com/ // // ... returning http://www.bar.com/ as part of the selection is // redundant because it is implied by removing "Some Folder". We // filter out all such redundancies since some partial amount of // the folder's children may be selected. // let nodes = []; if (!this.hasSelection) return nodes; var selection = this.view.selection; var rc = selection.getRangeCount(); var resultview = this.view; // This list is kept independently of the range selected (i.e. OUTSIDE // the for loop) since the row index of a container is unique for the // entire view, and we could have some really wacky selection and we // don't want to blow up. var containers = { }; for (var i = 0; i < rc; ++i) { var range = []; var min = { }, max = { }; selection.getRangeAt(i, min, max); for (var j = min.value; j <= max.value; ++j) { if (this.view.isContainer(j)) containers[j] = true; if (!(this.view.getParentIndex(j) in containers)) range.push(resultview.nodeForTreeIndex(j)); } nodes.push(range); } return nodes; ]]></getter> </property> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="draggableSelection" onget="return this.selectedNodes"/> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="selectedNode"> <getter><![CDATA[ var view = this.view; if (!view || view.selection.count != 1) return null; var selection = view.selection; var min = { }, max = { }; selection.getRangeAt(0, min, max); return this.view.nodeForTreeIndex(min.value); ]]></getter> </property> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <property name="insertionPoint"> <getter><![CDATA[ // invalidated on selection and focus changes if (this._cachedInsertionPoint !== undefined) return this._cachedInsertionPoint; // there is no insertion point for history queries // so bail out now and save a lot of work when updating commands var resultNode = this.result.root; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsQuery(resultNode) && PlacesUtils.asQuery(resultNode).queryOptions.queryType == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) return this._cachedInsertionPoint = null; var orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_BEFORE; // If there is no selection, insert at the end of the container. if (!this.hasSelection) { var index = this.view.rowCount - 1; this._cachedInsertionPoint = this._getInsertionPoint(index, orientation); return this._cachedInsertionPoint; } // This is a two-part process. The first part is determining the drop // orientation. // * The default orientation is to drop _before_ the selected item. // * If the selected item is a container, the default orientation // is to drop _into_ that container. // // Warning: It may be tempting to use tree indexes in this code, but // you must not, since the tree is nested and as your tree // index may change when folders before you are opened and // closed. You must convert your tree index to a node, and // then use getChildIndex to find your absolute index in // the parent container instead. // var resultView = this.view; var selection = resultView.selection; var rc = selection.getRangeCount(); var min = { }, max = { }; selection.getRangeAt(rc - 1, min, max); // If the sole selection is a container, and we are not in // a flatlist, insert into it. // Note that this only applies to _single_ selections, // if the last element within a multi-selection is a // container, insert _adjacent_ to the selection. // // If the sole selection is the bookmarks toolbar folder, we insert // into it even if it is not opened if (selection.count == 1 && resultView.isContainer(max.value) && !this.flatList) orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON; this._cachedInsertionPoint = this._getInsertionPoint(max.value, orientation); return this._cachedInsertionPoint; ]]></getter> </property> <method name="_getInsertionPoint"> <parameter name="index"/> <parameter name="orientation"/> <body><![CDATA[ var result = this.result; var resultview = this.view; var container = result.root; var dropNearItemId = -1; NS_ASSERT(container, "null container"); // When there's no selection, assume the container is the container // the view is populated from (i.e. the result's itemId). if (index != -1) { var lastSelected = resultview.nodeForTreeIndex(index); if (resultview.isContainer(index) && orientation == Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON) { // If the last selected item is an open container, append _into_ // it, rather than insert adjacent to it. container = lastSelected; index = -1; } else if (lastSelected.containerOpen && orientation == Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_AFTER && lastSelected.hasChildren) { // If the last selected item is an open container and the user is // trying to drag into it as a first item, really insert into it. container = lastSelected; orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON; index = 0; } else { // Use the last-selected node's container. container = lastSelected.parent; // See comment in the treeView.js's copy of this method if (!container || !container.containerOpen) return null; // Avoid the potentially expensive call to getChildIndex // if we know this container doesn't allow insertion if (PlacesControllerDragHelper.disallowInsertion(container)) return null; var queryOptions = PlacesUtils.asQuery(result.root).queryOptions; if (queryOptions.sortingMode != Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE) { // If we are within a sorted view, insert at the end index = -1; } else if (queryOptions.excludeItems || queryOptions.excludeQueries || queryOptions.excludeReadOnlyFolders) { // Some item may be invisible, insert near last selected one. // We don't replace index here to avoid requests to the db, // instead it will be calculated later by the controller. index = -1; dropNearItemId = lastSelected.itemId; } else { var lsi = container.getChildIndex(lastSelected); index = orientation == Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_BEFORE ? lsi : lsi + 1; } } } if (PlacesControllerDragHelper.disallowInsertion(container)) return null; // TODO (Bug 1160193): properly support dropping on a tag root. let tagName = null; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsTagQuery(container)) { tagName = container.title; if (!tagName) return null; } return new InsertionPoint(PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(container), index, orientation, tagName, dropNearItemId); ]]></body> </method> <!-- nsIPlacesView --> <method name="selectAll"> <body><![CDATA[ this.view.selection.selectAll(); ]]></body> </method> <!-- This method will select the first node in the tree that matches each given item id. It will open any folder nodes that it needs to in order to show the selected items. --> <method name="selectItems"> <parameter name="aIDs"/> <parameter name="aOpenContainers"/> <body><![CDATA[ // Never open containers in flat lists. if (this.flatList) aOpenContainers = false; // By default, we do search and select within containers which were // closed (note that containers in which nodes were not found are // closed). if (aOpenContainers === undefined) aOpenContainers = true; var ids = aIDs; // don't manipulate the caller's array // Array of nodes found by findNodes which are to be selected var nodes = []; // Array of nodes found by findNodes which should be opened var nodesToOpen = []; // A set of GUIDs of container-nodes that were previously searched, // and thus shouldn't be searched again. This is empty at the initial // start of the recursion and gets filled in as the recursion // progresses. var checkedGuidsSet = new Set(); /** * Recursively search through a node's children for items * with the given IDs. When a matching item is found, remove its ID * from the IDs array, and add the found node to the nodes dictionary. * * NOTE: This method will leave open any node that had matching items * in its subtree. */ function findNodes(node) { var foundOne = false; // See if node matches an ID we wanted; add to results. // For simple folder queries, check both itemId and the concrete // item id. var index = ids.indexOf(node.itemId); if (index == -1 && node.type == Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT) index = ids.indexOf(PlacesUtils.asQuery(node).folderItemId); if (index != -1) { nodes.push(node); foundOne = true; ids.splice(index, 1); } var concreteGuid = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemGuid(node); if (ids.length == 0 || !PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node) || checkedGuidsSet.has(concreteGuid)) return foundOne; // Only follow a query if it has been been explicitly opened by the caller. let shouldOpen = aOpenContainers && PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(node); PlacesUtils.asContainer(node); if (!node.containerOpen && !shouldOpen) return foundOne; checkedGuidsSet.add(concreteGuid); // Remember the beginning state so that we can re-close // this node if we don't find any additional results here. var previousOpenness = node.containerOpen; node.containerOpen = true; for (var child = 0; child < node.childCount && ids.length > 0; child++) { var childNode = node.getChild(child); var found = findNodes(childNode); if (!foundOne) foundOne = found; } // If we didn't find any additional matches in this node's // subtree, revert the node to its previous openness. if (foundOne) nodesToOpen.unshift(node); node.containerOpen = previousOpenness; return foundOne; } // Disable notifications while looking for nodes. let result = this.result; let didSuppressNotifications = result.suppressNotifications; if (!didSuppressNotifications) result.suppressNotifications = true try { findNodes(this.result.root); } finally { if (!didSuppressNotifications) result.suppressNotifications = false; } // For all the nodes we've found, highlight the corresponding // index in the tree. var resultview = this.view; var selection = this.view.selection; selection.selectEventsSuppressed = true; selection.clearSelection(); // Open nodes containing found items for (let i = 0; i < nodesToOpen.length; i++) { nodesToOpen[i].containerOpen = true; } for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var index = resultview.treeIndexForNode(nodes[i]); if (index == Ci.nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer.INDEX_INVISIBLE) continue; selection.rangedSelect(index, index, true); } selection.selectEventsSuppressed = false; ]]></body> </method> <field name="_contextMenuShown">false</field> <method name="buildContextMenu"> <parameter name="aPopup"/> <body><![CDATA[ this._contextMenuShown = true; return this.controller.buildContextMenu(aPopup); ]]></body> </method> <method name="destroyContextMenu"> <parameter name="aPopup"/> this._contextMenuShown = false; <body/> </method> <property name="ownerWindow" readonly="true" onget="return window;"/> <field name="_active">true</field> <property name="active" onget="return this._active" onset="return this._active = val"/> </implementation> <handlers> <handler event="focus"><![CDATA[ this._cachedInsertionPoint = undefined; // See select handler. We need the sidebar's places commandset to be // updated as well document.commandDispatcher.updateCommands("focus"); ]]></handler> <handler event="select"><![CDATA[ this._cachedInsertionPoint = undefined; // This additional complexity is here for the sidebars var win = window; while (true) { win.document.commandDispatcher.updateCommands("focus"); if (win == window.top) break; win = win.parent; } ]]></handler> <handler event="dragstart"><![CDATA[ if (event.target.localName != "treechildren") return; let nodes = this.selectedNodes; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let node = nodes[i]; // Disallow dragging the root node of a tree. if (!node.parent) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } // If this node is child of a readonly container (e.g. a livemark) // or cannot be moved, we must force a copy. if (!PlacesControllerDragHelper.canMoveNode(node)) { event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copyLink"; break; } } this._controller.setDataTransfer(event); event.stopPropagation(); ]]></handler> <handler event="dragover"><![CDATA[ if (event.target.localName != "treechildren") return; let cell = this.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(event.clientX, event.clientY); let node = cell.row != -1 ? this.view.nodeForTreeIndex(cell.row) : this.result.root; // cache the dropTarget for the view PlacesControllerDragHelper.currentDropTarget = node; // We have to calculate the orientation since view.canDrop will use // it and we want to be consistent with the dropfeedback. let tbo = this.treeBoxObject; let rowHeight = tbo.rowHeight; let eventY = event.clientY - tbo.treeBody.boxObject.y - rowHeight * (cell.row - tbo.getFirstVisibleRow()); let orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_BEFORE; if (cell.row == -1) { // If the row is not valid we try to insert inside the resultNode. orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON; } else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node) && eventY > rowHeight * 0.75) { // If we are below the 75% of a container the treeview we try // to drop after the node. orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_AFTER; } else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node) && eventY > rowHeight * 0.25) { // If we are below the 25% of a container the treeview we try // to drop inside the node. orientation = Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON; } if (!this.view.canDrop(cell.row, orientation, event.dataTransfer)) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); ]]></handler> <handler event="dragend"><![CDATA[ PlacesControllerDragHelper.currentDropTarget = null; ]]></handler> </handlers> </binding> </bindings>