<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->

<bindings id="browserPanelUIBindings"

  <binding id="panelmultiview">
      <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/customizableui/panelUI.css"/>
      <xul:box anonid="viewContainer" class="panel-viewcontainer" xbl:inherits="panelopen,viewtype,transitioning">
        <xul:stack anonid="viewStack" xbl:inherits="viewtype,transitioning" viewtype="main" class="panel-viewstack">
          <xul:vbox anonid="mainViewContainer" class="panel-mainview" xbl:inherits="viewtype"/>

          <!-- Used to capture click events over the PanelUI-mainView if we're in
               subview mode. That way, any click on the PanelUI-mainView causes us
               to revert to the mainView mode, whereupon PanelUI-click-capture then
               allows click events to go through it. -->
          <xul:vbox anonid="clickCapturer" class="panel-clickcapturer"/>

          <!-- We manually set display: none (via a CSS attribute selector) on the
               subviews that are not being displayed. We're using this over a deck
               because a deck assumes the size of its largest child, regardless of
               whether or not it is shown. That's not good for our case, since we
               want to allow each subview to be uniquely sized. -->
          <xul:vbox anonid="subViews" class="panel-subviews" xbl:inherits="panelopen">
            <children includes="panelview"/>
    <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener">
      <field name="_clickCapturer" readonly="true">
        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "clickCapturer");
      <field name="_viewContainer" readonly="true">
        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "viewContainer");
      <field name="_mainViewContainer" readonly="true">
        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "mainViewContainer");
      <field name="_subViews" readonly="true">
        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "subViews");
      <field name="_viewStack" readonly="true">
        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "viewStack");
      <field name="_panel" readonly="true">

      <field name="_currentSubView">null</field>
      <field name="_anchorElement">null</field>
      <field name="_mainViewHeight">0</field>
      <field name="_subViewObserver">null</field>
      <field name="__transitioning">false</field>
      <field name="_ignoreMutations">false</field>

      <property name="showingSubView" readonly="true"
                onget="return this._viewStack.getAttribute('viewtype') == 'subview'"/>
      <property name="_mainViewId" onget="return this.getAttribute('mainViewId');" onset="this.setAttribute('mainViewId', val); return val;"/>
      <property name="_mainView" readonly="true"
                onget="return this._mainViewId ? document.getElementById(this._mainViewId) : null;"/>
      <property name="showingSubViewAsMainView" readonly="true"
                onget="return this.getAttribute('mainViewIsSubView') == 'true'"/>

      <property name="ignoreMutations">
          return this._ignoreMutations;
          this._ignoreMutations = val;
          if (!val && this._panel.state == "open") {
            if (this.showingSubView) {
            } else {

      <property name="_transitioning">
          return this.__transitioning;
          this.__transitioning = val;
          if (val) {
            this.setAttribute("transitioning", "true");
          } else {
        this._clickCapturer.addEventListener("click", this);
        this._panel.addEventListener("popupshowing", this);
        this._panel.addEventListener("popupshown", this);
        this._panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", this);
        this._subViews.addEventListener("overflow", this);
        this._mainViewContainer.addEventListener("overflow", this);

        // Get a MutationObserver ready to react to subview size changes. We
        // only attach this MutationObserver when a subview is being displayed.
        this._subViewObserver =
          new MutationObserver(this._syncContainerWithSubView.bind(this));
        this._mainViewObserver =
          new MutationObserver(this._syncContainerWithMainView.bind(this));


        if (this._mainView) {
        this.setAttribute("viewtype", "main");

        if (this._mainView) {
        this._panel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", this);
        this._panel.removeEventListener("popupshown", this);
        this._panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", this);
        this._subViews.removeEventListener("overflow", this);
        this._mainViewContainer.removeEventListener("overflow", this);
        this._clickCapturer.removeEventListener("click", this);

      <method name="setMainView">
        <parameter name="aNewMainView"/>
        if (this._mainView) {
        this._mainViewId = aNewMainView.id;
        aNewMainView.setAttribute("mainview", "true");

      <method name="showMainView">
          if (this.showingSubView) {
            let viewNode = this._currentSubView;
            let evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
            evt.initCustomEvent("ViewHiding", true, true, viewNode);

            this._currentSubView = null;



            this.setAttribute("viewtype", "main");


      <method name="showSubView">
        <parameter name="aViewId"/>
        <parameter name="aAnchor"/>
          Task.spawn(function*() {
            let viewNode = this.querySelector("#" + aViewId);
            viewNode.setAttribute("current", true);
            // Emit the ViewShowing event so that the widget definition has a chance
            // to lazily populate the subview with things.
            let detail = {
              blockers: new Set(),
              addBlocker(aPromise) {

            let evt = new CustomEvent("ViewShowing", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail });

            let cancel = evt.defaultPrevented;
            if (detail.blockers.size) {
              try {
                let results = yield Promise.all(detail.blockers);
                cancel = cancel || results.some(val => val === false);
              } catch (e) {
                cancel = true;

            if (cancel) {

            this._currentSubView = viewNode;

            // Now we have to transition the panel. There are a few parts to this:
            // 1) The main view content gets shifted so that the center of the anchor
            //    node is at the left-most edge of the panel.
            // 2) The subview deck slides in so that it takes up almost all of the
            //    panel.
            // 3) If the subview is taller then the main panel contents, then the panel
            //    must grow to meet that new height. Otherwise, it must shrink.
            // All three of these actions make use of CSS transformations, so they
            // should all occur simultaneously.
            this.setAttribute("viewtype", "subview");

            this._mainViewHeight = this._viewStack.clientHeight;

            let newHeight = this._heightOfSubview(viewNode, this._subViews);

            this._subViewObserver.observe(viewNode, {
              attributes: true,
              characterData: true,
              childList: true,
              subtree: true

      <method name="_setViewContainerHeight">
        <parameter name="aHeight"/>
          let container = this._viewContainer;
          this._transitioning = true;

          let onTransitionEnd = () => {
            container.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
            this._transitioning = false;

          container.addEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
          container.style.height = `${aHeight}px`;

      <method name="_shiftMainView">
        <parameter name="aAnchor"/>
          if (aAnchor) {
            // We need to find the edge of the anchor, relative to the main panel.
            // Then we need to add half the width of the anchor. This is the target
            // that we need to transition to.
            let anchorRect = aAnchor.getBoundingClientRect();
            let mainViewRect = this._mainViewContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
            let center = aAnchor.clientWidth / 2;
            let direction = aAnchor.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aAnchor, null).direction;
            let edge;
            if (direction == "ltr") {
              edge = anchorRect.left - mainViewRect.left;
            } else {
              edge = mainViewRect.right - anchorRect.right;

            // If the anchor is an element on the far end of the mainView we
            // don't want to shift the mainView too far, we would reveal empty
            // space otherwise.
            let cstyle = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null);
            let exitSubViewGutterWidth =
            let maxShift = mainViewRect.width - parseInt(exitSubViewGutterWidth);
            let target = Math.min(maxShift, edge + center);

            let neg = direction == "ltr" ? "-" : "";
            this._mainViewContainer.style.transform = `translateX(${neg}${target}px)`;
            aAnchor.setAttribute("panel-multiview-anchor", true);
          } else {
            this._mainViewContainer.style.transform = "";
            if (this.anchorElement)
          this.anchorElement = aAnchor;

      <method name="handleEvent">
        <parameter name="aEvent"/>
          if (aEvent.type.startsWith("popup") && aEvent.target != this._panel) {
            // Shouldn't act on e.g. context menus being shown from within the panel.
          switch (aEvent.type) {
            case "click":
              if (aEvent.originalTarget == this._clickCapturer) {
            case "overflow":
              if (aEvent.target.localName == "vbox") {
                // Resize the right view on the next tick.
                if (this.showingSubView) {
                  setTimeout(this._syncContainerWithSubView.bind(this), 0);
                } else if (!this.transitioning) {
                  setTimeout(this._syncContainerWithMainView.bind(this), 0);
            case "popupshowing":
              this.setAttribute("panelopen", "true");
              // Bug 941196 - The panel can get taller when opening a subview. Disabling
              // autoPositioning means that the panel won't jump around if an opened
              // subview causes the panel to exceed the dimensions of the screen in the
              // direction that the panel originally opened in. This property resets
              // every time the popup closes, which is why we have to set it each time.
              this._panel.autoPosition = false;

              this._mainViewObserver.observe(this._mainView, {
                attributes: true,
                characterData: true,
                childList: true,
                subtree: true

            case "popupshown":
            case "popuphidden":

      <method name="_shouldSetPosition">
          return this.getAttribute("nosubviews") == "true";

      <method name="_shouldSetHeight">
          return this.getAttribute("nosubviews") != "true";

      <method name="_setMaxHeight">
          if (!this._shouldSetHeight())

          // Ignore the mutation that'll fire when we set the height of
          // the main view.
          this.ignoreMutations = true;
          this._mainView.style.height =
            this.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px";
          this.ignoreMutations = false;
      <method name="_adjustContainerHeight">
          if (!this.ignoreMutations && !this.showingSubView && !this._transitioning) {
            let height;
            if (this.showingSubViewAsMainView) {
              height = this._heightOfSubview(this._mainView);
            } else {
              height = this._mainView.scrollHeight;
            this._viewContainer.style.height = height + "px";
      <method name="_syncContainerWithSubView">
          // Check that this panel is still alive:
          if (!this._panel || !this._panel.parentNode) {

          if (!this.ignoreMutations && this.showingSubView) {
            let newHeight = this._heightOfSubview(this._currentSubView, this._subViews);
            this._viewContainer.style.height = newHeight + "px";
      <method name="_syncContainerWithMainView">
          // Check that this panel is still alive:
          if (!this._panel || !this._panel.parentNode) {

          if (this._shouldSetPosition()) {

          if (this._shouldSetHeight()) {

      <!-- Call this when the height of one of your views (the main view or a
           subview) changes and you want the heights of the multiview and panel
           to be the same as the view's height.
           If the caller can give a hint of the expected height change with the
           optional aExpectedChange parameter, it prevents flicker. -->
      <method name="setHeightToFit">
        <parameter name="aExpectedChange"/>
          // Set the max-height to zero, wait until the height is actually
          // updated, and then remove it.  If it's not removed, weird things can
          // happen, like widgets in the panel won't respond to clicks even
          // though they're visible.
          let count = 5;
          let height = getComputedStyle(this).height;
          if (aExpectedChange)
            this.style.maxHeight = (parseInt(height) + aExpectedChange) + "px";
            this.style.maxHeight = "0";
          let interval = setInterval(() => {
            if (height != getComputedStyle(this).height || --count == 0) {
          }, 0);

      <method name="_heightOfSubview">
        <parameter name="aSubview"/>
        <parameter name="aContainerToCheck"/>
          function getFullHeight(element) {
            // XXXgijs: unfortunately, scrollHeight rounds values, and there's no alternative
            // that works with overflow: auto elements. Fortunately for us,
            // we have exactly 1 (potentially) scrolling element in here (the subview body),
            // and rounding 1 value is OK - rounding more than 1 and adding them means we get
            // off-by-1 errors. Now we might be off by a subpixel, but we care less about that.
            // So, use scrollHeight *only* if the element is vertically scrollable.
            let height;
            let elementCS;
            if (element.scrollTopMax) {
              height = element.scrollHeight;
              // Bounding client rects include borders, scrollHeight doesn't:
              elementCS = win.getComputedStyle(element);
              height += parseFloat(elementCS.borderTopWidth) +
            } else {
              height = element.getBoundingClientRect().height;
              if (height > 0) {
                elementCS = win.getComputedStyle(element);
            if (elementCS) {
              // Include margins - but not borders or paddings because they
              // were dealt with above.
              height += parseFloat(elementCS.marginTop) + parseFloat(elementCS.marginBottom);
            return height;
          let win = aSubview.ownerDocument.defaultView;
          let body = aSubview.querySelector(".panel-subview-body");
          let height = getFullHeight(body || aSubview);
          if (body) {
            let header = aSubview.querySelector(".panel-subview-header");
            let footer = aSubview.querySelector(".panel-subview-footer");
            height += (header ? getFullHeight(header) : 0) +
                      (footer ? getFullHeight(footer) : 0);
          if (aContainerToCheck) {
            let containerCS = win.getComputedStyle(aContainerToCheck);
            height += parseFloat(containerCS.paddingTop) + parseFloat(containerCS.paddingBottom);
          return Math.ceil(height);


  <binding id="panelview">
      <property name="panelMultiView" readonly="true">
          if (this.parentNode.localName != "panelmultiview") {
            return document.getBindingParent(this.parentNode);

          return this.parentNode;