function testExpected(expected, msg) { is(document.getElementById("context-openlinkincurrent").hidden, expected, msg); } function testLinkExpected(expected, msg) { is(gContextMenu.linkURL, expected, msg); } add_task(function *() { const url = "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,Test For Non-Hyperlinked url selection"; yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, url); yield SimpleTest.promiseFocus(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindowAsCPOW); // Initial setup of the content area. yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { }, function* (arg) { let doc = content.document; let range = doc.createRange(); let selection = content.getSelection(); let mainDiv = doc.createElement("div"); let div = doc.createElement("div"); let div2 = doc.createElement("div"); let span1 = doc.createElement("span"); let span2 = doc.createElement("span"); let span3 = doc.createElement("span"); let span4 = doc.createElement("span"); let p1 = doc.createElement("p"); let p2 = doc.createElement("p"); span1.textContent = "http://index."; span2.textContent = ""; span3.textContent = " - Test"; span4.innerHTML = ""; p1.textContent = ""; p2.textContent = " -"; div.appendChild(span1); div.appendChild(span2); div.appendChild(span3); div.appendChild(span4); div.appendChild(p1); div.appendChild(p2); let p3 = doc.createElement("p"); p3.textContent = ""; div2.appendChild(p3); mainDiv.appendChild(div); mainDiv.appendChild(div2); doc.body.appendChild(mainDiv); function setSelection(el1, el2, index1, index2) { while (el1.nodeType != el1.TEXT_NODE) el1 = el1.firstChild; while (el2.nodeType != el1.TEXT_NODE) el2 = el2.firstChild; selection.removeAllRanges(); range.setStart(el1, index1); range.setEnd(el2, index2); selection.addRange(range); return range; } // Each of these tests creates a selection and returns a range within it. content.tests = [ () => setSelection(span1.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 0, 11), () => setSelection(span1.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 7, 11), () => setSelection(span1.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 8, 11), () => setSelection(span2.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 0, 11), () => setSelection(span2.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 11, 23), () => setSelection(span2.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 0, 10), () => setSelection(span2.firstChild, span3.firstChild, 12, 7), () => setSelection(span2.firstChild, span2.firstChild, 12, 19), () => setSelection(p1.firstChild, p1.firstChild, 0, 15), () => setSelection(p1.firstChild, p1.firstChild, 16, 31), () => setSelection(p2.firstChild, p2.firstChild, 0, 14), () => { selection.selectAllChildren(div2); return selection.getRangeAt(0); }, () => { selection.selectAllChildren(span4); return selection.getRangeAt(0); }, () => { mainDiv.innerHTML = "("; return setSelection(mainDiv, mainDiv, 1, 13); }, () => setSelection(mainDiv, mainDiv, 1, 14) ]; }); let checks = [ () => testExpected(false, "The link context menu should show for"), () => testExpected(false, "The link context menu should show for"), () => testExpected(true, "The link context menu should not show for"), () => { testExpected(false, "The link context menu should show for"); testLinkExpected("", "url for selection should not prepend www"); }, () => testExpected(false, "The link context menu should show for"), () => testExpected(true, "Link options should not show for selection that's not at a word boundary"), () => testExpected(true, "Link options should not show for selection that has whitespace"), () => testExpected(true, "Link options should not show unless a url is selected"), () => testExpected(true, "Link options should not show for mailto: links"), () => { testExpected(false, "Link options should show for"); testLinkExpected("", " should be preceeded with http://"); }, () => testExpected(false, "Link options should show for "), () => testExpected(false, "Link options should show for triple-click selections"), () => testLinkExpected("", "Linkified text should open the correct link"), () => { testExpected(false, "Link options should show for"); testLinkExpected("", "Linkified text should open the correct link"); }, () => testExpected(true, "Link options should not show for ''") ]; let contentAreaContextMenu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu"); for (let testid = 0; testid < checks.length; testid++) { let menuPosition = yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { testid: testid }, function* (arg) { let range = content.tests[arg.testid](); // Get the range of the selection and determine its coordinates. These // coordinates will be returned to the parent process and the context menu // will be opened at that location. let rangeRect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); return [rangeRect.x + 3, rangeRect.y + 3]; }); let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contentAreaContextMenu, "popupshown"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtPoint(menuPosition[0], menuPosition[1], { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }, gBrowser.selectedBrowser); yield popupShownPromise; checks[testid](); let popupHiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(contentAreaContextMenu, "popuphidden"); contentAreaContextMenu.hidePopup(); yield popupHiddenPromise; } gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); });