const URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/feed_discovery.html" /** Test for Bug 377611 **/ add_task(function* () { // Open a new tab. gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(URL); registerCleanupFunction(() => gBrowser.removeCurrentTab()); let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); let discovered = browser.feeds; ok(discovered.length > 0, "some feeds should be discovered"); let feeds = {}; for (let aFeed of discovered) { feeds[aFeed.href] = true; } yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, feeds, function* (contentFeeds) { for (let aLink of content.document.getElementsByTagName("link")) { // ignore real stylesheets, and anything without an href property if (aLink.type != "text/css" && aLink.href) { if (/bogus/i.test(aLink.title)) { ok(!contentFeeds[aLink.href], "don't discover " + aLink.href); } else { ok(contentFeeds[aLink.href], "should discover " + aLink.href); } } } }); })