/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Test for Bug 1297539 * Test that the content event "pasteTransferable" * (mozilla::EventMessage::eContentCommandPasteTransferable) * is handled correctly for plain text and html in the remote case. * * Original test test_bug525389.html for command content event * "pasteTransferable" runs only in the content process. * This doesn't test the remote case. * */ "use strict"; function getLoadContext() { return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext); } function getTransferableFromClipboard(asHTML) { let trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); trans.init(getLoadContext()); if (asHTML) { trans.addDataFlavor("text/html"); } else { trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); } let clip = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboard); clip.getData(trans, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); return trans; } function* cutCurrentSelection(elementQueryString, property, browser) { // Cut the current selection. yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("x", {accelKey: true}, browser); // The editor should be empty after cut. yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, [elementQueryString, property], function* ([contentElementQueryString, contentProperty]) { let element = content.document.querySelector(contentElementQueryString); is(element[contentProperty], "", `${contentElementQueryString} should be empty after cut (superkey + x)`); }); } // Test that you are able to pasteTransferable for plain text // which is handled by TextEditor::PasteTransferable to paste into the editor. add_task(function* test_paste_transferable_plain_text() { let testPage = 'data:text/html,' + ''; yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(testPage, function* (browser) { // Select all the content in your editor element. yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouse("#textarea", 0, 0, {}, browser); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {accelKey: true}, browser); yield* cutCurrentSelection("#textarea", "value", browser); let trans = getTransferableFromClipboard(false); let DOMWindowUtils = EventUtils._getDOMWindowUtils(window); DOMWindowUtils.sendContentCommandEvent("pasteTransferable", trans); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let textArea = content.document.querySelector('#textarea'); is(textArea.value, "Write something here", "Send content command pasteTransferable successful"); }); }); }); // Test that you are able to pasteTransferable for html // which is handled by HTMLEditor::PasteTransferable to paste into the editor. // // On Linux, // BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {accelKey: true}, browser); // doesn't seem to trigger for contenteditable which is why we use // Selection to select the contenteditable contents. add_task(function* test_paste_transferable_html() { let testPage = 'data:text/html,' + '