/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // This test needs to be split up. See bug 1258717. requestLongerTimeout(4); ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AboutHomeUtils", "resource:///modules/AboutHome.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants", "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); const TEST_CONTENT_HELPER = "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/" + "content/test/general/aboutHome_content_script.js"; var gRightsVersion = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.rights.version"); registerCleanupFunction(function() { // Ensure we don't pollute prefs for next tests. Services.prefs.clearUserPref("network.cookies.cookieBehavior"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.rights.override"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.rights." + gRightsVersion + ".shown"); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check that clearing cookies does not clear storage"); yield withSnippetsMap( () => { Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIObserverService) .notifyObservers(null, "cookie-changed", "cleared"); }, function* () { isnot(content.gSnippetsMap.get("snippets-last-update"), null, "snippets-last-update should have a value"); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check default snippets are shown"); yield withSnippetsMap(null, function* () { let doc = content.document; let snippetsElt = doc.getElementById("snippets"); ok(snippetsElt, "Found snippets element") is(snippetsElt.getElementsByTagName("span").length, 1, "A default snippet is present."); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check default snippets are shown if snippets are invalid xml"); yield withSnippetsMap( // This must set some incorrect xhtml code. snippetsMap => snippetsMap.set("snippets", "
"), function* () { let doc = content.document; let snippetsElt = doc.getElementById("snippets"); ok(snippetsElt, "Found snippets element"); is(snippetsElt.getElementsByTagName("span").length, 1, "A default snippet is present."); content.gSnippetsMap.delete("snippets"); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check that performing a search fires a search event and records to Telemetry."); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { let currEngine = Services.search.currentEngine; let engine = yield promiseNewEngine("searchSuggestionEngine.xml"); // Make this actually work in healthreport by giving it an ID: Object.defineProperty(engine.wrappedJSObject, "identifier", { value: "org.mozilla.testsearchsuggestions" }); let p = promiseContentSearchChange(browser, engine.name); Services.search.currentEngine = engine; yield p; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { expectedName: engine.name }, function* (args) { let engineName = content.wrappedJSObject.gContentSearchController.defaultEngine.name; is(engineName, args.expectedName, "Engine name in DOM should match engine we just added"); }); let numSearchesBefore = 0; // Get the current number of recorded searches. let histogramKey = engine.identifier + ".abouthome"; try { let hs = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS").snapshot(); if (histogramKey in hs) { numSearchesBefore = hs[histogramKey].sum; } } catch (ex) { // No searches performed yet, not a problem, |numSearchesBefore| is 0. } let searchStr = "a search"; let expectedURL = Services.search.currentEngine .getSubmission(searchStr, null, "homepage").uri.spec; let promise = waitForDocLoadAndStopIt(expectedURL, browser); // Perform a search to increase the SEARCH_COUNT histogram. yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { searchStr }, function* (args) { let doc = content.document; info("Perform a search."); doc.getElementById("searchText").value = args.searchStr; doc.getElementById("searchSubmit").click(); }); yield promise; // Make sure the SEARCH_COUNTS histogram has the right key and count. let hs = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS").snapshot(); Assert.ok(histogramKey in hs, "histogram with key should be recorded"); Assert.equal(hs[histogramKey].sum, numSearchesBefore + 1, "histogram sum should be incremented"); Services.search.currentEngine = currEngine; try { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } catch (ex) {} }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check snippets map is cleared if cached version is old"); yield withSnippetsMap( snippetsMap => { snippetsMap.set("snippets", "test"); snippetsMap.set("snippets-cached-version", 0); }, function* () { let snippetsMap = content.gSnippetsMap; ok(!snippetsMap.has("snippets"), "snippets have been properly cleared"); ok(!snippetsMap.has("snippets-cached-version"), "cached-version has been properly cleared"); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check cached snippets are shown if cached version is current"); yield withSnippetsMap( snippetsMap => snippetsMap.set("snippets", "test"), function* (args) { let doc = content.document; let snippetsMap = content.gSnippetsMap let snippetsElt = doc.getElementById("snippets"); ok(snippetsElt, "Found snippets element"); is(snippetsElt.innerHTML, "test", "Cached snippet is present."); is(snippetsMap.get("snippets"), "test", "snippets still cached"); is(snippetsMap.get("snippets-cached-version"), args.expectedVersion, "cached-version is correct"); ok(snippetsMap.has("snippets-last-update"), "last-update still exists"); }, { expectedVersion: AboutHomeUtils.snippetsVersion }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check if the 'Know Your Rights' default snippet is shown when " + "'browser.rights.override' pref is set and that its link works"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.rights.override", false); ok(AboutHomeUtils.showKnowYourRights, "AboutHomeUtils.showKnowYourRights should be TRUE"); yield withSnippetsMap(null, function* () { let doc = content.document; let snippetsElt = doc.getElementById("snippets"); ok(snippetsElt, "Found snippets element"); let linkEl = snippetsElt.querySelector("a"); is(linkEl.href, "about:rights", "Snippet link is present."); }, null, function* () { let loadPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, false, "about:rights"); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("a[href='about:rights']", { button: 0 }, gBrowser.selectedBrowser); yield loadPromise; is(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:rights", "about:rights should have opened."); }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.rights.override"); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check if the 'Know Your Rights' default snippet is NOT shown when " + "'browser.rights.override' pref is NOT set"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.rights.override", true); let rightsData = AboutHomeUtils.knowYourRightsData; ok(!rightsData, "AboutHomeUtils.knowYourRightsData should be FALSE"); yield withSnippetsMap(null, function*() { let doc = content.document; let snippetsElt = doc.getElementById("snippets"); ok(snippetsElt, "Found snippets element"); ok(snippetsElt.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href != "about:rights", "Snippet link should not point to about:rights."); }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.rights.override"); }); add_task(function* () { info("Check POST search engine support"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { return new Promise(resolve => { let searchObserver = Task.async(function* search_observer(subject, topic, data) { let currEngine = Services.search.defaultEngine; let engine = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine); info("Observer: " + data + " for " + engine.name); if (data != "engine-added") return; if (engine.name != "POST Search") return; Services.obs.removeObserver(searchObserver, "browser-search-engine-modified"); // Ready to execute the tests! let needle = "Search for something awesome."; let p = promiseContentSearchChange(browser, engine.name); Services.search.defaultEngine = engine; yield p; let promise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { needle }, function* (args) { let doc = content.document; doc.getElementById("searchText").value = args.needle; doc.getElementById("searchSubmit").click(); }); yield promise; // When the search results load, check them for correctness. yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { needle }, function* (args) { let loadedText = content.document.body.textContent; ok(loadedText, "search page loaded"); is(loadedText, "searchterms=" + escape(args.needle.replace(/\s/g, "+")), "Search text should arrive correctly"); }); Services.search.defaultEngine = currEngine; try { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } catch (ex) {} resolve(); }); Services.obs.addObserver(searchObserver, "browser-search-engine-modified", false); Services.search.addEngine("http://test:80/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/POSTSearchEngine.xml", null, null, false); }); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Make sure that a page can't imitate about:home"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { let promise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); browser.loadURI("https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/test_bug959531.html"); yield promise; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let button = content.document.getElementById("settings"); ok(button, "Found settings button in test page"); button.click(); }); yield new Promise(resolve => { // It may take a few turns of the event loop before the window // is displayed, so we wait. function check(n) { let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("Browser:Preferences"); ok(!win, "Preferences window not showing"); if (win) { win.close(); } if (n > 0) { executeSoon(() => check(n-1)); } else { resolve(); } } check(5); }); }); }); add_task(function* () { // See browser_contentSearchUI.js for comprehensive content search UI tests. info("Search suggestion smoke test"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { // Add a test engine that provides suggestions and switch to it. let currEngine = Services.search.currentEngine; let engine = yield promiseNewEngine("searchSuggestionEngine.xml"); let p = promiseContentSearchChange(browser, engine.name); Services.search.currentEngine = engine; yield p; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { // Avoid intermittent failures. content.wrappedJSObject.gContentSearchController.remoteTimeout = 5000; // Type an X in the search input. let input = content.document.getElementById("searchText"); input.focus(); }); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("x", {}, browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { // Wait for the search suggestions to become visible. let table = content.document.getElementById("searchSuggestionTable"); let input = content.document.getElementById("searchText"); yield new Promise(resolve => { let observer = new content.MutationObserver(() => { if (input.getAttribute("aria-expanded") == "true") { observer.disconnect(); ok(!table.hidden, "Search suggestion table unhidden"); resolve(); } }); observer.observe(input, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["aria-expanded"], }); }); }); // Empty the search input, causing the suggestions to be hidden. yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("a", { accelKey: true }, browser); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let table = content.document.getElementById("searchSuggestionTable"); yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => table.hidden, "Search suggestion table hidden"); }); Services.search.currentEngine = currEngine; try { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } catch (ex) { } }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Clicking suggestion list while composing"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { // Add a test engine that provides suggestions and switch to it. let currEngine = Services.search.currentEngine; let engine = yield promiseNewEngine("searchSuggestionEngine.xml"); let p = promiseContentSearchChange(browser, engine.name); Services.search.currentEngine = engine; yield p; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { // Start composition and type "x" let input = content.document.getElementById("searchText"); input.focus(); }); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeComposition({ type: "compositionstart", data: "" }, browser); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeCompositionChange({ composition: { string: "x", clauses: [ { length: 1, attr: Ci.nsITextInputProcessor.ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE } ] }, caret: { start: 1, length: 0 } }, browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let searchController = content.wrappedJSObject.gContentSearchController; // Wait for the search suggestions to become visible. let table = searchController._suggestionsList; let input = content.document.getElementById("searchText"); yield new Promise(resolve => { let observer = new content.MutationObserver(() => { if (input.getAttribute("aria-expanded") == "true") { observer.disconnect(); ok(!table.hidden, "Search suggestion table unhidden"); resolve(); } }); observer.observe(input, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["aria-expanded"], }); }); let row = table.children[1]; row.setAttribute("id", "TEMPID"); // ContentSearchUIController looks at the current selectedIndex when // performing a search. Synthesizing the mouse event on the suggestion // doesn't actually mouseover the suggestion and trigger it to be flagged // as selected, so we manually select it first. searchController.selectedIndex = 1; }); // Click the second suggestion. let expectedURL = Services.search.currentEngine .getSubmission("xbar", null, "homepage").uri.spec; let loadPromise = waitForDocLoadAndStopIt(expectedURL); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#TEMPID", { button: 0 }, browser); yield loadPromise; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let input = content.document.getElementById("searchText"); ok(input.value == "x", "Input value did not change"); let row = content.document.getElementById("TEMPID"); if (row) { row.removeAttribute("id"); } }); Services.search.currentEngine = currEngine; try { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } catch (ex) { } }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Pressing any key should focus the search box in the page, and send the key to it"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#brandLogo", {}, browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let doc = content.document; isnot(doc.getElementById("searchText"), doc.activeElement, "Search input should not be the active element."); }); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, browser); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let doc = content.document; let searchInput = doc.getElementById("searchText"); yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => doc.activeElement === searchInput, "Search input should be the active element."); is(searchInput.value, "a", "Search input should be 'a'."); }); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Cmd+k should focus the search box in the toolbar when it's present"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#brandLogo", {}, browser); let doc = window.document; let searchInput = doc.getElementById("searchbar").textbox.inputField; isnot(searchInput, doc.activeElement, "Search bar should not be the active element."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("k", { accelKey: true }); yield promiseWaitForCondition(() => doc.activeElement === searchInput); is(searchInput, doc.activeElement, "Search bar should be the active element."); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Sync button should open about:preferences#sync"); yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { let oldOpenPrefs = window.openPreferences; let openPrefsPromise = new Promise(resolve => { window.openPreferences = function (pane, params) { resolve({ pane: pane, params: params }); }; }); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#sync", {}, browser); let result = yield openPrefsPromise; window.openPreferences = oldOpenPrefs; is(result.pane, "paneSync", "openPreferences should be called with paneSync"); is(result.params.urlParams.entrypoint, "abouthome", "openPreferences should be called with abouthome entrypoint"); }); }); add_task(function* () { info("Pressing Space while the Addons button is focused should activate it"); // Skip this test on Mac, because Space doesn't activate the button there. if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { return; } yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:home" }, function* (browser) { info("Waiting for about:addons tab to open..."); let promiseTabOpened = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, "about:addons"); yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () { let addOnsButton = content.document.getElementById("addons"); addOnsButton.focus(); }); yield BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey(" ", {}, browser); let tab = yield promiseTabOpened; is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:addons", "Should have seen the about:addons tab"); yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); }); /** * Cleans up snippets and ensures that by default we don't try to check for * remote snippets since that may cause network bustage or slowness. * * @param aSetupFn * The setup function to be run. * @param testFn * the content task to run * @param testArgs (optional) * the parameters to pass to the content task * @param parentFn (optional) * the function to run in the parent after the content task has completed. * @return {Promise} resolved when the snippets are ready. Gets the snippets map. */ function* withSnippetsMap(setupFn, testFn, testArgs = null, parentFn = null) { let setupFnSource; if (setupFn) { setupFnSource = setupFn.toSource(); } yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:blank" }, function* (browser) { let promiseAfterLocationChange = () => { return ContentTask.spawn(browser, { setupFnSource, version: AboutHomeUtils.snippetsVersion, }, function* (args) { return new Promise(resolve => { let document = content.document; // We're not using Promise-based listeners, because they resolve asynchronously. // The snippets test setup code relies on synchronous behaviour here. document.addEventListener("AboutHomeLoadSnippets", function loadSnippets() { document.removeEventListener("AboutHomeLoadSnippets", loadSnippets); let updateSnippets; if (args.setupFnSource) { updateSnippets = eval(`(() => (${args.setupFnSource}))()`); } content.wrappedJSObject.ensureSnippetsMapThen(snippetsMap => { snippetsMap = Cu.waiveXrays(snippetsMap); info("Got snippets map: " + "{ last-update: " + snippetsMap.get("snippets-last-update") + ", cached-version: " + snippetsMap.get("snippets-cached-version") + " }"); // Don't try to update. snippetsMap.set("snippets-last-update", Date.now()); snippetsMap.set("snippets-cached-version", args.version); // Clear snippets. snippetsMap.delete("snippets"); if (updateSnippets) { updateSnippets(snippetsMap); } // Tack it to the global object content.gSnippetsMap = snippetsMap; resolve(); }); }); }); }); }; // We'd like to listen to the 'AboutHomeLoadSnippets' event on a fresh // document as soon as technically possible, so we use webProgress. let promise = new Promise(resolve => { let wpl = { onLocationChange() { gBrowser.removeProgressListener(wpl); // Phase 2: retrieving the snippets map is the next promise on our agenda. promiseAfterLocationChange().then(resolve); }, onProgressChange() {}, onStatusChange() {}, onSecurityChange() {} }; gBrowser.addProgressListener(wpl); }); // Set the URL to 'about:home' here to allow capturing the 'AboutHomeLoadSnippets' // event. browser.loadURI("about:home"); // Wait for LocationChange. yield promise; yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, testArgs, testFn); if (parentFn) { yield parentFn(); } }); } function promiseContentSearchChange(browser, newEngineName) { return ContentTask.spawn(browser, { newEngineName }, function* (args) { return new Promise(resolve => { content.addEventListener("ContentSearchService", function listener(aEvent) { if (aEvent.detail.type == "CurrentState" && content.wrappedJSObject.gContentSearchController.defaultEngine.name == args.newEngineName) { content.removeEventListener("ContentSearchService", listener); resolve(); } }); }); }); } function promiseNewEngine(basename) { info("Waiting for engine to be added: " + basename); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let url = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + basename; Services.search.addEngine(url, null, "", false, { onSuccess: function (engine) { info("Search engine added: " + basename); registerCleanupFunction(() => { try { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } catch (ex) { /* Can't remove the engine more than once */ } }); resolve(engine); }, onError: function (errCode) { ok(false, "addEngine failed with error code " + errCode); reject(); }, }); }); }