/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * LogShake is a module which listens for log requests sent by Gaia. In * response to a sufficiently large acceleration (a shake), it will save log * files to an arbitrary directory which it will then return on a * 'capture-logs-success' event with detail.logFilenames representing each log * file's name and detail.logPaths representing the patch to each log file or * the path to the archive. * If an error occurs it will instead produce a 'capture-logs-error' event. * We send a capture-logs-start events to notify the system app and the user, * since dumping can be a bit long sometimes. */ /* enable Mozilla javascript extensions and global strictness declaration, * disable valid this checking */ /* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */ /* jshint -W097 */ /* jshint -W040 */ /* global Services, Components, dump, LogCapture, LogParser, OS, Promise, volumeService, XPCOMUtils, SystemAppProxy */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); // Constants for creating zip file taken from toolkit/webapps/tests/head.js const PR_RDWR = 0x04; const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08; const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LogCapture", "resource://gre/modules/LogCapture.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LogParser", "resource://gre/modules/LogParser.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SystemAppProxy", "resource://gre/modules/SystemAppProxy.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "powerManagerService", "@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1", "nsIPowerManagerService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "volumeService", "@mozilla.org/telephony/volume-service;1", "nsIVolumeService"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LogShake"]; function debug(msg) { dump("LogShake.jsm: "+msg+"\n"); } /** * An empirically determined amount of acceleration corresponding to a * shake. */ const EXCITEMENT_THRESHOLD = 500; /** * The maximum fraction to update the excitement value per frame. This * corresponds to requiring shaking for approximately 10 motion events (1.6 * seconds) */ const EXCITEMENT_FILTER_ALPHA = 0.2; const DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT = "devicemotion"; const SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT = "screenchange"; const CAPTURE_LOGS_CONTENT_EVENT = "requestSystemLogs"; const CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT = "capture-logs-start"; const CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT = "capture-logs-error"; const CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT = "capture-logs-success"; var LogShake = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]), /** * If LogShake is in QA Mode, which bundles all files into a compressed archive */ qaModeEnabled: false, /** * If LogShake is listening for device motion events. Required due to lag * between HAL layer of device motion events and listening for device motion * events. */ deviceMotionEnabled: false, /** * We only listen to motion events when the screen is enabled, keep track * of its state. */ screenEnabled: true, /** * Flag monitoring if the preference to enable shake to capture is * enabled in gaia. */ listenToDeviceMotion: true, /** * If a capture has been requested and is waiting for reads/parsing. Used for * debouncing. */ captureRequested: false, /** * The current excitement (movement) level */ excitement: 0, /** * Map of files which have log-type information to their parsers */ LOGS_WITH_PARSERS: { "/dev/log/main": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray, "/dev/log/system": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray, "/dev/log/radio": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray, "/dev/log/events": LogParser.prettyPrintLogArray, "/proc/cmdline": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/last_kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/meminfo": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/uptime": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/version": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/vmallocinfo": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/proc/vmstat": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/system/b2g/application.ini": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/cache/recovery/last_install": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/cache/recovery/last_kmsg": LogParser.prettyPrintArray, "/cache/recovery/last_log": LogParser.prettyPrintArray }, /** * Start existing, observing motion events if the screen is turned on. */ init: function() { // TODO: no way of querying screen state from power manager // this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: { // screenEnabled: powerManagerService.screenEnabled // }}); // However, the screen is always on when we are being enabled because it is // either due to the phone starting up or a user enabling us directly. this.handleScreenChangeEvent({ detail: { screenEnabled: true }}); // Reset excitement to clear residual motion this.excitement = 0; SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(CAPTURE_LOGS_CONTENT_EVENT, this, false); SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); }, /** * Handle an arbitrary event, passing it along to the proper function */ handleEvent: function(event) { switch (event.type) { case DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT: if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) { return; } this.handleDeviceMotionEvent(event); break; case SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT: this.handleScreenChangeEvent(event); break; case CAPTURE_LOGS_CONTENT_EVENT: this.startCapture(); break; } }, /** * Handle an observation from Services.obs */ observe: function(subject, topic) { if (topic === "xpcom-shutdown") { this.uninit(); } }, enableQAMode: function() { debug("Enabling QA Mode"); this.qaModeEnabled = true; }, disableQAMode: function() { debug("Disabling QA Mode"); this.qaModeEnabled = false; }, enableDeviceMotionListener: function() { this.listenToDeviceMotion = true; this.startDeviceMotionListener(); }, disableDeviceMotionListener: function() { this.listenToDeviceMotion = false; this.stopDeviceMotionListener(); }, startDeviceMotionListener: function() { if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled && this.listenToDeviceMotion && this.screenEnabled) { SystemAppProxy.addEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false); this.deviceMotionEnabled = true; } }, stopDeviceMotionListener: function() { SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(DEVICE_MOTION_EVENT, this, false); this.deviceMotionEnabled = false; }, /** * Handle a motion event, keeping track of "excitement", the magnitude * of the device"s acceleration. */ handleDeviceMotionEvent: function(event) { // There is a lag between disabling the event listener and event arrival // ceasing. if (!this.deviceMotionEnabled) { return; } let acc = event.accelerationIncludingGravity; // Updates excitement by a factor of at most alpha, ignoring sudden device // motion. See bug #1101994 for more information. let newExcitement = acc.x * acc.x + acc.y * acc.y + acc.z * acc.z; this.excitement += (newExcitement - this.excitement) * EXCITEMENT_FILTER_ALPHA; if (this.excitement > EXCITEMENT_THRESHOLD) { this.startCapture(); } }, startCapture: function() { if (this.captureRequested) { return; } this.captureRequested = true; SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_START_EVENT, {}); this.captureLogs().then(logResults => { // On resolution send the success event to the requester SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_SUCCESS_EVENT, { logPaths: logResults.logPaths, logFilenames: logResults.logFilenames }); this.captureRequested = false; }, error => { // On an error send the error event SystemAppProxy._sendCustomEvent(CAPTURE_LOGS_ERROR_EVENT, {error: error}); this.captureRequested = false; }); }, handleScreenChangeEvent: function(event) { this.screenEnabled = event.detail.screenEnabled; if (this.screenEnabled) { this.startDeviceMotionListener(); } else { this.stopDeviceMotionListener(); } }, /** * Captures and saves the current device logs, returning a promise that will * resolve to an array of log filenames. */ captureLogs: function() { return this.readLogs().then(logArrays => { return this.saveLogs(logArrays); }); }, /** * Read in all log files, returning their formatted contents * @return {Promise<Array>} */ readLogs: function() { let logArrays = {}; let readPromises = []; try { logArrays["properties"] = LogParser.prettyPrintPropertiesArray(LogCapture.readProperties()); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Unable to get device properties: " + ex); } // Let Gecko perfom the dump to a file, and just collect it let readAboutMemoryPromise = new Promise(resolve => { // Wrap the readAboutMemory promise to make it infallible LogCapture.readAboutMemory().then(aboutMemory => { let file = OS.Path.basename(aboutMemory); let logArray; try { logArray = LogCapture.readLogFile(aboutMemory); if (!logArray) { debug("LogCapture.readLogFile() returned nothing for about:memory"); } // We need to remove the dumped file, now that we have it in memory OS.File.remove(aboutMemory); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Unable to handle about:memory dump: " + ex); } logArrays[file] = LogParser.prettyPrintArray(logArray); resolve(); }, ex => { Cu.reportError("Unable to get about:memory dump: " + ex); resolve(); }); }); readPromises.push(readAboutMemoryPromise); // Wrap the promise to make it infallible let readScreenshotPromise = new Promise(resolve => { LogCapture.getScreenshot().then(screenshot => { logArrays["screenshot.png"] = screenshot; resolve(); }, ex => { Cu.reportError("Unable to get screenshot dump: " + ex); resolve(); }); }); readPromises.push(readScreenshotPromise); for (let loc in this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS) { let logArray; try { logArray = LogCapture.readLogFile(loc); if (!logArray) { debug("LogCapture.readLogFile() returned nothing for: " + loc); continue; } } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Unable to LogCapture.readLogFile('" + loc + "'): " + ex); continue; } try { logArrays[loc] = this.LOGS_WITH_PARSERS[loc](logArray); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError("Unable to parse content of '" + loc + "': " + ex); continue; } } // Because the promises we depend upon can't fail this means that the // blocking log reads will always be honored. return Promise.all(readPromises).then(() => { return logArrays; }); }, /** * Save the formatted arrays of log files to an sdcard if available */ saveLogs: function(logArrays) { if (!logArrays || Object.keys(logArrays).length === 0) { return Promise.reject("Zero logs saved"); } if (this.qaModeEnabled) { return makeBaseLogsDirectory().then(writeLogArchive(logArrays), rejectFunction("Error making base log directory")); } else { return makeBaseLogsDirectory().then(makeLogsDirectory, rejectFunction("Error making base log directory")) .then(writeLogFiles(logArrays), rejectFunction("Error creating log directory")); } }, /** * Stop logshake, removing all listeners */ uninit: function() { this.stopDeviceMotionListener(); SystemAppProxy.removeEventListener(SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENT, this, false); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); } }; function getLogFilename(logLocation) { // sanitize the log location let logName = logLocation.replace(/\//g, "-"); if (logName[0] === "-") { logName = logName.substring(1); } // If no extension is provided, default to forcing .log let extension = ".log"; let logLocationExt = logLocation.split("."); if (logLocationExt.length > 1) { // otherwise, just append nothing extension = ""; } return logName + extension; } function getSdcardPrefix() { return volumeService.getVolumeByName("sdcard").mountPoint; } function getLogDirectoryRoot() { return "logs"; } function getLogIdentifier() { let d = new Date(); d = new Date(d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); let timestamp = d.toISOString().slice(0, -5).replace(/[:T]/g, "-"); return timestamp; } function rejectFunction(message) { return function(err) { debug(message + ": " + err); return Promise.reject(err); }; } function makeBaseLogsDirectory() { let sdcardPrefix; try { sdcardPrefix = getSdcardPrefix(); } catch(e) { // Handles missing sdcard return Promise.reject(e); } let dirNameRoot = getLogDirectoryRoot(); let logsRoot = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, dirNameRoot); debug("Creating base log directory at root " + sdcardPrefix); return OS.File.makeDir(logsRoot, {from: sdcardPrefix}).then( function() { return { sdcardPrefix: sdcardPrefix, basePrefix: dirNameRoot }; } ); } function makeLogsDirectory({sdcardPrefix, basePrefix}) { let dirName = getLogIdentifier(); let logsRoot = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, basePrefix); let logsDir = OS.Path.join(logsRoot, dirName); debug("Creating base log directory at root " + sdcardPrefix); debug("Final created directory will be " + logsDir); return OS.File.makeDir(logsDir, {ignoreExisting: false}).then( function() { debug("Created: " + logsDir); return { logPrefix: OS.Path.join(basePrefix, dirName), sdcardPrefix: sdcardPrefix }; }, rejectFunction("Error at OS.File.makeDir for " + logsDir) ); } function getFile(filename) { let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); file.initWithPath(filename); return file; } /** * Make a zip file * @param {String} absoluteZipFilename - Fully qualified desired location of the zip file * @param {Map<String, Uint8Array>} logArrays - Map from log location to log data * @return {Array<String>} Paths of entries in the archive */ function makeZipFile(absoluteZipFilename, logArrays) { let logFilenames = []; let zipWriter = Cc["@mozilla.org/zipwriter;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipWriter); let zipFile = getFile(absoluteZipFilename); zipWriter.open(zipFile, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE); for (let logLocation in logArrays) { let logArray = logArrays[logLocation]; let logFilename = getLogFilename(logLocation); logFilenames.push(logFilename); debug("Adding " + logFilename + " to the zip"); let logArrayStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/arraybuffer-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIArrayBufferInputStream); // Set data to be copied, default offset to 0 because it is not present on // ArrayBuffer objects logArrayStream.setData(logArray.buffer, logArray.byteOffset || 0, logArray.byteLength); zipWriter.addEntryStream(logFilename, Date.now(), Ci.nsIZipWriter.COMPRESSION_DEFAULT, logArrayStream, false); } zipWriter.close(); return logFilenames; } function writeLogArchive(logArrays) { return function({sdcardPrefix, basePrefix}) { // Now the directory is guaranteed to exist, save the logs into their // archive file let zipFilename = getLogIdentifier() + "-logs.zip"; let zipPath = OS.Path.join(basePrefix, zipFilename); let zipPrefix = OS.Path.dirname(zipPath); let absoluteZipPath = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, zipPath); debug("Creating zip file at " + zipPath); let logFilenames = []; try { logFilenames = makeZipFile(absoluteZipPath, logArrays); } catch(e) { return Promise.reject(e); } debug("Zip file created"); return { logFilenames: logFilenames, logPaths: [zipPath], compressed: true }; }; } function writeLogFiles(logArrays) { return function({sdcardPrefix, logPrefix}) { // Now the directory is guaranteed to exist, save the logs let logFilenames = []; let logPaths = []; let saveRequests = []; for (let logLocation in logArrays) { debug("Requesting save of " + logLocation); let logArray = logArrays[logLocation]; let logFilename = getLogFilename(logLocation); // The local pathrepresents the relative path within the SD card, not the // absolute path because Gaia will refer to it using the DeviceStorage // API let localPath = OS.Path.join(logPrefix, logFilename); logFilenames.push(logFilename); logPaths.push(localPath); let absolutePath = OS.Path.join(sdcardPrefix, localPath); let saveRequest = OS.File.writeAtomic(absolutePath, logArray); saveRequests.push(saveRequest); } return Promise.all(saveRequests).then( function() { return { logFilenames: logFilenames, logPaths: logPaths, compressed: false }; }, rejectFunction("Error at some save request") ); }; } LogShake.init(); this.LogShake = LogShake;