<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!ENTITY permissionsManager.title "Permissions Manager"> <!ENTITY sites.search "Search Sites"> <!ENTITY sites.allSites "All Sites"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (permissions.header.start, permissions.header.end): These strings surround the host name of the site to make the header for the permissions page. example: "Permissions for mozilla.org" --> <!ENTITY header.site.start "Permissions for"> <!ENTITY header.site.end ""> <!ENTITY header.defaults "Default Permissions for All Sites"> <!ENTITY permissions.sitesReload "Reload list of sites"> <!ENTITY permissions.forgetSite "Forget About This Site"> <!ENTITY permission.default "Use Default"> <!ENTITY permission.alwaysAsk "Always Ask"> <!ENTITY permission.allow "Allow"> <!ENTITY permission.allowForSession "Allow for Session"> <!ENTITY permission.allowFirstPartyOnly "Allow First Party Only"> <!ENTITY permission.block "Block"> <!ENTITY password.label "Store Passwords"> <!ENTITY password.manage "Manage Passwords…"> <!ENTITY image.label "Load Images"> <!ENTITY cookie.label "Set Cookies"> <!ENTITY cookie.remove "Remove Cookies"> <!ENTITY cookie.manage "Manage Cookies…"> <!ENTITY cookie.removeAll "Remove All Cookies"> <!ENTITY desktop-notification.label "Show Notifications"> <!ENTITY install.label "Install Extensions or Themes"> <!ENTITY geo.label "Share Location"> <!ENTITY plugins.label "Plugins"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexedDB.label): This is describing indexedDB storage using the same language used for the permIndexedDB string in browser/pageInfo.dtd --> <!ENTITY indexedDB.label "Maintain Offline Storage"> <!ENTITY popup.label "Open Pop-up Windows"> <!ENTITY fullscreen.label "Fullscreen"> <!ENTITY pointerLock.label "Hide the Mouse Pointer"> <!ENTITY focusSearch.key "f">