# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

nv_timeout=Timed Out
openFile=Open File

droponhometitle=Set Home Page
droponhomemsg=Do you want this document to be your new home page?

# context menu strings

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine,
# %2$S is the selection string.
contextMenuSearch=Search %1$S for "%2$S"

# bookmark dialog strings

bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Folder Name]

xpinstallPromptWarning=%S prevented this site (%S) from asking you to install software on your computer.

xpinstallPromptWarningOrigin=This add-on could not be downloaded because its origin could not be verified.
# Accessibility Note:
# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
# See http://www.mozilla.org/access/keyboard/accesskey for details
xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Software installation has been disabled by your system administrator.
xpinstallDisabledMessage=Software installation is currently disabled. Click Enable and try again.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloading, addonDownloadCancelled, addonDownloadRestart):
# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
# http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# Also see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=570012 for mockups
addonDownloading=Add-on downloading;Add-ons downloading
addonDownloadCancelled=Add-on download cancelled.;Add-on downloads cancelled.
addonDownloadRestart=Restart Download;Restart Downloads

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsInstalled, addonsInstalledNeedsRestart):
# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
# http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# #1 first add-on's name, #2 number of add-ons, #3 application name
addonsInstalled=#1 has been installed successfully.;#2 add-ons have been installed successfully.
addonsInstalledNeedsRestart=#1 will be installed after you restart #3.;#2 add-ons will be installed after you restart #3.
addonInstallRestartButton=Restart Now

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonError-1, addonError-2, addonError-3, addonError-4):
# #1 is the add-on name, #2 is the host name, #3 is the application name
# #4 is the application version
addonError-1=The add-on could not be downloaded because of a connection failure on #2.
addonError-2=The add-on from #2 could not be installed because it does not match the add-on #3 expected.
addonError-3=The add-on downloaded from #2 could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.
addonError-4=#1 could not be installed because #3 cannot modify the needed file.
addonError-5=The add-on downloaded from #2 could not be installed because #3 does not support WebExtensions.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonLocalError-1, addonLocalError-2, addonLocalError-3, addonLocalError-4, addonErrorIncompatible, addonErrorBlocklisted):
# #1 is the add-on name, #3 is the application name, #4 is the application version
addonLocalError-1=This add-on could not be installed because of a filesystem error.
addonLocalError-2=This add-on could not be installed because it does not match the add-on #3 expected.
addonLocalError-3=This add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.
addonLocalError-4=#1 could not be installed because #3 cannot modify the needed file.
addonLocalError-5=This add-on could not be installed because #3 does not support WebExtensions.
addonErrorIncompatible=#1 could not be installed because it is not compatible with #3 #4.
addonErrorBlocklisted=#1 could not be installed because it has a high risk of causing stability or security problems.
addonErrorJetSDK=#1 could not be installed because it is a Jetpack/SDK extension which are not supported in #3 #4.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeInstallRequest.message): %S will be replaced with
# the host name of the site.
lwthemeInstallRequest.message=This site (%S) attempted to install a theme.

lwthemePostInstallNotification.message=A new theme has been installed.
lwthemePostInstallNotification.manageButton=Manage Themes…

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeNeedsRestart.message):
# %S will be replaced with the new theme name.
lwthemeNeedsRestart.message=%S will be installed after you restart.
lwthemeNeedsRestart.button=Restart Now

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popupWarning.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of pop-ups blocked.
popupWarning.message=#1 prevented this site from opening a pop-up window.;#1 prevented this site from opening #2 pop-up windows.
popupAllow=Allow pop-ups for %S
popupBlock=Block pop-ups for %S
popupWarningDontShowFromMessage=Don't show this message when pop-ups are blocked
popupWarningDontShowFromLocationbar=Don't show info bar when pop-ups are blocked
popupShowPopupPrefix=Show '%S'

crashedpluginsMessage.title=The %S plugin has crashed.
crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Reload page
crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Submit a crash report
crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Learn More…

## Plugin doorhanger strings
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateNew.message): Used for newly-installed
# plugins which are not known to be unsafe. %1$S is the plugin name and %2$S
# is the site domain.
pluginActivateNew.message=Allow %2$S to run "%1$S"?
pluginActivateMultiple.message=Allow %S to run plugins?
pluginActivate.learnMore=Learn More…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateOutdated.message, pluginActivateOutdated.label):
# These strings are used when an unsafe plugin has an update available.
# %1$S is the plugin name, %2$S is the domain, and %3$S is brandShortName.
pluginActivateOutdated.message=%3$S has prevented the outdated plugin "%1$S" from running on %2$S.
pluginActivateOutdated.label=Outdated plugin
pluginActivate.updateLabel=Update now…
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateVulnerable.message, pluginActivateVulnerable.label):
# These strings are used when an unsafe plugin has no update available.
# %1$S is the plugin name, %2$S is the domain, and %3$S is brandShortName.
pluginActivateVulnerable.message=%3$S has prevented the unsafe plugin "%1$S" from running on %2$S.
pluginActivateVulnerable.label=Vulnerable plugin!
pluginActivate.riskLabel=What's the risk?
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateBlocked.message): %1$S is the plugin name, %2$S is brandShortName
pluginActivateBlocked.message=%2$S has blocked "%1$S" for your protection.
pluginActivateBlocked.label=Blocked for your protection
pluginActivateDisabled.message="%S" is disabled.
pluginActivateDisabled.manage=Manage plugins…
pluginEnabled.message="%S" is enabled on %S.
pluginEnabledOutdated.message=Outdated plugin "%S" is enabled on %S.
pluginEnabledVulnerable.message=Insecure plugin "%S" is enabled on %S.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateNow.label, pluginActivateAlways.label, pluginBlockNow.label): These should be the same as the matching strings in browser.dtd
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateNow.label): This button will enable the
# plugin in the current session for an short time (about an hour), auto-renewed
# if the site keeps using the plugin.
pluginActivateNow.label=Allow Now
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluginActivateAlways.label): This button will enable the
# plugin for a long while (90 days), auto-renewed if the site keeps using the
# plugin.
pluginActivateAlways.label=Allow and Remember
pluginBlockNow.label=Block Plugin
pluginContinue.label=Continue Allowing

# in-page UI
PluginClickToActivate=Activate %S.
PluginVulnerableUpdatable=This plugin is vulnerable and should be updated.
PluginVulnerableNoUpdate=This plugin has security vulnerabilities.

# Sanitize
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeDialog2.everything.title): When "Time range to
# clear" is set to "Everything", the Clear Recent History dialog's title is
# changed to this.  See UI mockup and comment 11 at bug 480169 -->
sanitizeDialog2.everything.title=Clear All History
sanitizeButtonOK=Clear Now
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeButtonClearing): The label for the default
# button between the user clicking it and the window closing.  Indicates the
# items are being cleared.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeEverythingWarning2): Warning that appears when
# "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear Recent History dialog,
# provided that the user has not modified the default set of history items to clear.
sanitizeEverythingWarning2=All history will be cleared.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeSelectedWarning): Warning that appears when
# "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear Recent History dialog,
# provided that the user has modified the default set of history items to clear.
sanitizeSelectedWarning=All selected items will be cleared.

# Check for Updates in the About Dialog - button labels and accesskeys
# LOCALIZATION NOTE - all of the following update buttons labels will only be
# displayed one at a time. So, if a button is displayed nothing else will
# be displayed alongside of the button. The button when displayed is located
# directly under the Firefox version in the about dialog (see bug 596813 for
# screenshots).
update.checkInsideButton.label=Check for Updates
update.resumeButton.label=Resume Downloading %S…
update.openUpdateUI.applyButton.label=Update available! Apply Update…
update.restart.updateButton.label=Restart to Update
update.openUpdateUI.upgradeButton.label=Update available! Upgrade Now…
update.restart.upgradeButton.label=Upgrade Now

# RSS Pretty Print
feedShowFeedNew=Subscribe to '%S'…

menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Open All in Tabs

# History menu
menuRestoreAllTabs.label=Restore All Tabs
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (menuRestoreAllWindows, menuUndoCloseWindowLabel, menuUndoCloseWindowSingleTabLabel):
# see bug 394759
menuRestoreAllWindows.label=Restore All Windows
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (menuUndoCloseWindowLabel): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# #1 Window Title, #2 Number of tabs
menuUndoCloseWindowLabel=#1 (and #2 other tab);#1 (and #2 other tabs)

# Unified Back-/Forward Popup
tabHistory.current=Stay on this page
tabHistory.goBack=Go back to this page
tabHistory.goForward=Go forward to this page

# URL Bar
urlbar.placeholder=Search or enter address
urlbar.placeholderURLOnly=Enter address
pasteAndGo.label=Paste & Go

# Block autorefresh
refreshBlocked.refreshLabel=%S prevented this page from automatically reloading.
refreshBlocked.redirectLabel=%S prevented this page from automatically redirecting to another page.

# Star button
starButtonOn.tooltip=Edit this bookmark
starButtonOff.tooltip=Bookmark this page

# Offline web applications
offlineApps.available=This website (%S) is asking to store data on your computer for offline use.
offlineApps.never=Never for This Site
offlineApps.notNow=Not Now

offlineApps.usage=This website (%S) is now storing more than %SMB of data on your computer for offline use.
offlineApps.manageUsage=Show settings

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indexedDB.usage): %1$S is the website host name
# %2$S a number of megabytes.
indexedDB.usage=This website (%1$S) is attempting to store more than %2$S MB of data on your computer for offline use.

identity.identified.verifier=Verified by: %S
identity.identified.verified_by_you=You have added a security exception for this site.
identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S

identity.encrypted=Your connection to this website is encrypted to prevent eavesdropping.
identity.unencrypted=Your connection to this website is not encrypted.
identity.mixed_content=Your connection to this site is only partially encrypted, and does not prevent eavesdropping.

identity.unknown.tooltip=This website does not supply identity information.


# Edit Bookmark UI
editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedTitle=Page Bookmarked
editBookmarkPanel.pageBookmarkedDescription=%S will always remember this page for you.
editBookmarkPanel.bookmarkedRemovedTitle=Bookmark Removed
editBookmarkPanel.editBookmarkTitle=Edit This Bookmark

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# Replacement for #1 is the number of bookmarks to be removed.
# If this causes problems with localization you can also do "Remove Bookmarks (#1)"
# instead of "Remove #1 Bookmarks".
editBookmark.removeBookmarks.label=Remove Bookmark;Remove #1 Bookmarks

# Post Update Notifications
# LOCALIZATION NOTE %S will be replaced by the short name of the application.
puNotifyText=%S has been updated
puAlertTitle=%S Updated
puAlertText=Click here for details

# Geolocation UI

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocation.shareLocation geolocation.alwaysShareLocation geolocation.neverShareLocation):
#If you're having trouble with the word Share, please use Allow and Block in your language.
geolocation.shareLocation=Share Location
geolocation.alwaysShareLocation=Always Share Location
geolocation.neverShareLocation=Never Share Location
geolocation.shareWithSite=Would you like to share your location with %S?
geolocation.shareWithFile=Would you like to share your location with the file %S?

webNotifications.showForSession=Show for this session
webNotifications.alwaysShow=Always Show Notifications
webNotifications.neverShow=Always Block Notifications
webNotifications.showFromSite=Would you like to show notifications from %S?

# Pointer lock UI

pointerLock.allow2=Hide pointer
pointerLock.alwaysAllow=Always allow hiding
pointerLock.neverAllow=Never allow hiding
pointerLock.title2=Would you like to allow the pointer to be hidden on %S?
pointerLock.autoLock.title2=%S will hide the pointer.

# Phishing/Malware Notification Bar.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notAForgery, notAnAttack)
# The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so
# it's okay for them to have the same access key
safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Get me out of here!
safebrowsing.reportedWebForgery=Reported Web Forgery!
safebrowsing.notAForgeryButton.label=This isn't a web forgery…
safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=Reported Attack Site!
safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=This isn't an attack site…

# Ctrl-Tab
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctrlTab.showAll.label): #1 represents the number
# of tabs in the current browser window. It will always be 2 at least.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
ctrlTab.showAll.label=;Show all #1 tabs

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title
# Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field.
addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Search %S

extensions.{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}.description=The default theme.

# safeModeRestart
safeModeRestartPromptTitle=Restart in Safe Mode
safeModeRestartPromptMessage=Are you sure you want to restart in Safe Mode?

# LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandShortName
# restart
restartPromptMessage=Are you sure you want to restart %S?

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browser.menu.showCharacterEncoding): Set to the string
# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Character
# Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will
# hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Character Encoding"
# menu will always be accessible via the "Web Developer" menu.
# This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows
# up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Character Encoding"
# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncPromoNotification.bookmarks.label): This appears in
# the add bookmark star panel.  %S will be replaced by syncBrandShortName.
# The final space separates this text from the Learn More link.
syncPromoNotification.bookmarks.description=You can access your bookmarks on all your devices with %S.\u0020
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncPromoNotification.passwords.label): This appears in
# the remember password panel.  %S will be replaced by syncBrandShortName.
# The final space separates this text from the Learn More link.
syncPromoNotification.passwords.description=You can access your passwords on all your devices with %S.\u0020
syncPromoNotification.learnMoreLinkText=Learn More
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncPromoNotification.addons.label): This appears in
# the add-on install complete panel when Sync isn't set.
# %S will be replaced by syncBrandShortName.
# The final space separates this text from the Learn More link.
syncPromoNotification.addons.description=You can access your add-ons on all your devices with %S.\u0020
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (syncPromoNotification.addons-sync-disabled.label):
# This appears in the add-on install complete panel when Sync is set
# but addons sync is not. %S will be replaced by syncBrandShortName.
# The final space separates this text from the Learn More link.
syncPromoNotification.addons-sync-disabled.description=You can use your %S account to synchronize add-ons across multiple devices.\u0020

# Mozilla data reporting notification (Telemetry, Firefox Health Report, etc)
dataReportingNotification.message       = %1$S automatically sends some data to %2$S so that we can improve your experience.
dataReportingNotification.button.label  = Choose What I Share
dataReportingNotification.button.accessKey  = C

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreen.entered): displayed when we enter HTML5 fullscreen mode, %S is the domain name of the focused website (e.g. mozilla.com).
fullscreen.entered=%S is now fullscreen.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreen.rememberDecision): displayed when we enter HTML5 fullscreen mode, %S is the domain name of the focused website (e.g. mozilla.com).
fullscreen.rememberDecision=Remember decision for %S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCamera.message, getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message): %S is the website origin (e.g. www.mozilla.org)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareSelectedDevices.label):
# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
# http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# The number of devices can be either one or two.
getUserMedia.shareCamera.message = Would you like to share your camera with %S?
getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message = Would you like to share your microphone with %S?
getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message = Would you like to share your camera and microphone with %S?
getUserMedia.noVideo.label = No Video
getUserMedia.noAudio.label = No Audio
getUserMedia.shareSelectedDevices.label = Share Selected Device;Share Selected Devices
getUserMedia.shareSelectedDevices.accesskey = S
getUserMedia.denyRequest.label = Don't Share
getUserMedia.denyRequest.accesskey = D
getUserMedia.sharingCamera.message2 = You are currently sharing your camera with this page.
getUserMedia.sharingMicrophone.message2 = You are currently sharing your microphone with this page.
getUserMedia.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.message2 = You are currently sharing your camera and microphone with this page.

# Mixed Content Blocker Doorhanger Notification
# LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandShortName
mixedContentBlocked.message = %S has blocked content that isn't secure.
mixedContentBlocked.keepBlockingButton.label = Keep Blocking
mixedContentBlocked.keepBlockingButton.accesskey = B
mixedContentBlocked.unblock.label = Disable Protection on This Page
mixedContentBlocked.unblock.accesskey = D

# LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandShortName
slowStartup.message = %S seems slow… to… start.
slowStartup.helpButton.label = Learn How to Speed It Up
slowStartup.helpButton.accesskey = L
slowStartup.disableNotificationButton.label = Don't Tell Me Again
slowStartup.disableNotificationButton.accesskey = A