/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * THE PLACES VIEW IMPLEMENTED IN THIS FILE HAS A VERY PARTICULAR USE CASE. * IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED NOT TO EXTEND IT FOR ANY OTHER USE CASES OR RELY * ON IT AS AN API. */ var Cu = Components.utils; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cc = Components.classes; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/DownloadsCommon.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "RecentWindow", "resource:///modules/RecentWindow.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FileUtils", "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); const nsIDM = Ci.nsIDownloadManager; const DESTINATION_FILE_URI_ANNO = "downloads/destinationFileURI"; const DOWNLOAD_META_DATA_ANNO = "downloads/metaData"; const DOWNLOAD_VIEW_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = ["cmd_delete", "cmd_copy", "cmd_paste", "cmd_selectAll", "downloadsCmd_pauseResume", "downloadsCmd_cancel", "downloadsCmd_open", "downloadsCmd_show", "downloadsCmd_retry", "downloadsCmd_openReferrer", "downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"]; /** * A download element shell is responsible for handling the commands and the * displayed data for a single download view element. The download element * could represent either a past download (for which we get data from places) or * a "session" download (using a data-item object. See DownloadsCommon.jsm), or both. * * Once initialized with either a data item or a places node, the created richlistitem * can be accessed through the |element| getter, and can then be inserted/removed from * a richlistbox. * * The shell doesn't take care of inserting the item, or removing it when it's no longer * valid. That's the caller (a DownloadsPlacesView object) responsibility. * * The caller is also responsible for "passing over" notifications. The * DownloadsPlacesView object implements onDataItemStateChanged and * onDataItemChanged of the DownloadsView pseudo interface, and registers as a * Places result observer. * * @param [optional] aDataItem * The data item of a the session download. Required if aPlacesNode is not set * @param [optional] aPlacesNode * The places node for a past download. Required if aDataItem is not set. * @param [optional] aPlacesMetaData * Object containing metadata from Places annotations values. * This is required when a Places node is provided on construction. */ function DownloadElementShell(aDataItem, aPlacesNode, aPlacesMetaData) { this._element = document.createElement("richlistitem"); this._element._shell = this; this._element.classList.add("download"); this._element.classList.add("download-state"); if (aDataItem) { this.dataItem = aDataItem; } if (aPlacesNode) { this.placesMetaData = aPlacesMetaData; this.placesNode = aPlacesNode; } } DownloadElementShell.prototype = { // The richlistitem for the download get element() this._element, /** * Manages the "active" state of the shell. By default all the shells * without a dataItem are inactive, thus their UI is not updated. They must * be activated when entering the visible area. Session downloads are * always active since they always have a dataItem. */ ensureActive: function DES_ensureActive() { if (!this._active) { this._active = true; this._element.setAttribute("active", true); this._updateUI(); } }, get active() !!this._active, // The data item for the download _dataItem: null, get dataItem() this._dataItem, set dataItem(aValue) { if (this._dataItem != aValue) { if (!aValue && !this._placesNode) throw new Error("Should always have either a dataItem or a placesNode"); this._dataItem = aValue; if (!this.active) this.ensureActive(); else this._updateUI(); } return aValue; }, _placesNode: null, get placesNode() this._placesNode, set placesNode(aValue) { if (this._placesNode != aValue) { if (!aValue && !this._dataItem) throw new Error("Should always have either a dataItem or a placesNode"); this._placesNode = aValue; // We don't need to update the UI if we had a data item, because // the places information isn't used in this case. if (!this._dataItem && this.active) this._updateUI(); } return aValue; }, // The download uri (as a string) get downloadURI() { if (this._dataItem) return this._dataItem.uri; if (this._placesNode) return this._placesNode.uri; throw new Error("Unexpected download element state"); }, get _downloadURIObj() { if (!("__downloadURIObj" in this)) this.__downloadURIObj = NetUtil.newURI(this.downloadURI); return this.__downloadURIObj; }, _getIcon: function DES__getIcon() { let metaData = this.getDownloadMetaData(); if ("filePath" in metaData) return "moz-icon://" + metaData.filePath + "?size=32"; if (this._placesNode) { return "moz-icon://.unknown?size=32"; } // Assert unreachable. if (this._dataItem) throw new Error("Session-download items should always have a target file uri"); throw new Error("Unexpected download element state"); }, _fetchTargetFileInfo: function DES__fetchTargetFileInfo(aUpdateMetaDataAndStatusUI = false) { if (this._targetFileInfoFetched) throw new Error("_fetchTargetFileInfo should not be called if the information was already fetched"); if (!this.active) throw new Error("Trying to _fetchTargetFileInfo on an inactive download shell"); let path = this.getDownloadMetaData().filePath; // In previous version, the target file annotations were not set, // so we cannot tell where is the file. if (path === undefined) { this._targetFileInfoFetched = true; this._targetFileExists = false; if (aUpdateMetaDataAndStatusUI) { this._metaData = null; this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); } // Here we don't need to update the download commands, // as the state is unknown as it was. return; } OS.File.stat(path).then( function onSuccess(fileInfo) { this._targetFileInfoFetched = true; this._targetFileExists = true; this._targetFileSize = fileInfo.size; if (aUpdateMetaDataAndStatusUI) { this._metaData = null; this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); } if (this._element.selected) goUpdateDownloadCommands(); }.bind(this), function onFailure(reason) { if (reason instanceof OS.File.Error && reason.becauseNoSuchFile) { this._targetFileInfoFetched = true; this._targetFileExists = false; } else { Cu.reportError("Could not fetch info for target file (reason: " + reason + ")"); } if (aUpdateMetaDataAndStatusUI) { this._metaData = null; this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); } if (this._element.selected) goUpdateDownloadCommands(); }.bind(this) ); }, /** * Retrieve the meta data object for the download. The following fields * may be set. * * - state - any download state defined in nsIDownloadManager. If this field * is not set, the download state is unknown. * - endTime: the end time of the download. * - filePath: the downloaded file path on the file system, when it * was downloaded. The file may not exist. This is set for session * downloads that have a local file set, and for history downloads done * after the landing of bug 591289. * - fileName: the downloaded file name on the file system. Set if filePath * is set. * - displayName: the user-facing label for the download. This is always * set. If available, it's set to the downloaded file name. If not, this * means the download does not have Places metadata because it is very old, * and in this rare case the download uri is used. * - fileSize (only set for downloads which completed successfully): * the downloaded file size. For downloads done after the landing of * bug 826991, this value is "static" - that is, it does not necessarily * mean that the file is in place and has this size. */ getDownloadMetaData: function DES_getDownloadMetaData() { if (!this._metaData) { if (this._dataItem) { let s = DownloadsCommon.strings; let referrer = this._dataItem.referrer || this._dataItem.uri; let [displayHost, fullHost] = DownloadUtils.getURIHost(referrer); this._metaData = { state: this._dataItem.state, endTime: this._dataItem.endTime, fileName: this._dataItem.target, displayName: this._dataItem.target, extendedDisplayName: s.statusSeparator(this._dataItem.target, displayHost), extendedDisplayNameTip: s.statusSeparator(this._dataItem.target, fullHost) }; if (this._dataItem.done) this._metaData.fileSize = this._dataItem.maxBytes; if (this._dataItem.localFile) this._metaData.filePath = this._dataItem.localFile.path; } else { try { this._metaData = JSON.parse(this.placesMetaData.jsonDetails); } catch(ex) { this._metaData = { }; if (this._targetFileInfoFetched && this._targetFileExists) { // For very old downloads without metadata, we assume that a zero // byte file is a placeholder, and allow the download to restart. this._metaData.state = this._targetFileSize > 0 ? nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED : nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED; this._metaData.fileSize = this._targetFileSize; } // This is actually the start-time, but it's the best we can get. this._metaData.endTime = this._placesNode.time / 1000; } try { let targetFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=file"] .getService(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler) .getFileFromURLSpec(this.placesMetaData .targetFileURISpec); this._metaData.filePath = targetFile.path; this._metaData.fileName = targetFile.leafName; this._metaData.displayName = targetFile.leafName; } catch(ex) { this._metaData.displayName = this.downloadURI; } } } return this._metaData; }, // The status text for the download _getStatusText: function DES__getStatusText() { let s = DownloadsCommon.strings; if (this._dataItem && this._dataItem.inProgress) { if (this._dataItem.paused) { let transfer = DownloadUtils.getTransferTotal(this._dataItem.currBytes, this._dataItem.maxBytes); // We use the same XUL label to display both the state and the amount // transferred, for example "Paused - 1.1 MB". return s.statusSeparatorBeforeNumber(s.statePaused, transfer); } if (this._dataItem.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING) { let [status, newEstimatedSecondsLeft] = DownloadUtils.getDownloadStatus(this.dataItem.currBytes, this.dataItem.maxBytes, this.dataItem.speed, this._lastEstimatedSecondsLeft || Infinity); this._lastEstimatedSecondsLeft = newEstimatedSecondsLeft; return status; } if (this._dataItem.starting) { return s.stateStarting; } if (this._dataItem.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING) { return s.stateScanning; } throw new Error("_getStatusText called with a bogus download state"); } // This is a not-in-progress or history download. let stateLabel = ""; let state = this.getDownloadMetaData().state; switch (state) { case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED: stateLabel = s.stateFailed; break; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED: stateLabel = s.stateCanceled; break; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_PARENTAL: stateLabel = s.stateBlockedParentalControls; break; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_POLICY: stateLabel = s.stateBlockedPolicy; break; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY: stateLabel = s.stateDirty; break; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED:{ // For completed downloads, show the file size (e.g. "1.5 MB") let metaData = this.getDownloadMetaData(); if ("fileSize" in metaData) { let [size, unit] = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(metaData.fileSize); stateLabel = s.sizeWithUnits(size, unit); break; } // Fallback to default unknown state. } default: stateLabel = s.sizeUnknown; break; } // TODO (bug 829201): history downloads should get the referrer from Places. let referrer = this._dataItem && this._dataItem.referrer || this.downloadURI; let [displayHost, fullHost] = DownloadUtils.getURIHost(referrer); let date = new Date(this.getDownloadMetaData().endTime); let [displayDate, fullDate] = DownloadUtils.getReadableDates(date); // We use the same XUL label to display the state, the host name, and the // end time. let firstPart = s.statusSeparator(stateLabel, displayHost); return s.statusSeparator(firstPart, displayDate); }, // The progressmeter element for the download get _progressElement() { if (!("__progressElement" in this)) { this.__progressElement = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this._element, "anonid", "progressmeter"); } return this.__progressElement; }, // Updates the download state attribute (and by that hide/unhide the // appropriate buttons and context menu items), the status text label, // and the progress meter. _updateDownloadStatusUI: function DES__updateDownloadStatusUI() { if (!this.active) throw new Error("_updateDownloadStatusUI called for an inactive item."); let state = this.getDownloadMetaData().state; if (state !== undefined) this._element.setAttribute("state", state); this._element.setAttribute("status", this._getStatusText()); // For past-downloads, we're done. For session-downloads, we may also need // to update the progress-meter. if (!this._dataItem) return; // Copied from updateProgress in downloads.js. if (this._dataItem.starting) { // Before the download starts, the progress meter has its initial value. this._element.setAttribute("progressmode", "normal"); this._element.setAttribute("progress", "0"); } else if (this._dataItem.state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING || this._dataItem.percentComplete == -1) { // We might not know the progress of a running download, and we don't know // the remaining time during the malware scanning phase. this._element.setAttribute("progressmode", "undetermined"); } else { // This is a running download of which we know the progress. this._element.setAttribute("progressmode", "normal"); this._element.setAttribute("progress", this._dataItem.percentComplete); } // Dispatch the ValueChange event for accessibility, if possible. if (this._progressElement) { let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("ValueChange", true, true); this._progressElement.dispatchEvent(event); } }, _updateUI: function DES__updateUI() { if (!this.active) throw new Error("Trying to _updateUI on an inactive download shell"); this._metaData = null; this._targetFileInfoFetched = false; let metaData = this.getDownloadMetaData(); this._element.setAttribute("displayName", metaData.displayName); if ("extendedDisplayName" in metaData) this._element.setAttribute("extendedDisplayName", metaData.extendedDisplayName); if ("extendedDisplayNameTip" in metaData) this._element.setAttribute("extendedDisplayNameTip", metaData.extendedDisplayNameTip); this._element.setAttribute("image", this._getIcon()); // For history downloads done in past releases, the downloads/metaData // annotation is not set, and therefore we cannot tell the download // state without the target file information. if (this._dataItem || this.getDownloadMetaData().state !== undefined) this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); else this._fetchTargetFileInfo(true); }, onStateChanged(aOldState) { let metaData = this.getDownloadMetaData(); metaData.state = this.dataItem.state; if (aOldState != nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED && aOldState != metaData.state) { // See comment in DVI_onStateChange in downloads.js (the panel-view) this._element.setAttribute("image", this._getIcon() + "&state=normal"); metaData.fileSize = this._dataItem.maxBytes; if (this._targetFileInfoFetched) { this._targetFileInfoFetched = false; this._fetchTargetFileInfo(); } } this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); if (this._element.selected) goUpdateDownloadCommands(); else goUpdateCommand("downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"); }, onChanged() { this._updateDownloadStatusUI(); }, /* nsIController */ isCommandEnabled: function DES_isCommandEnabled(aCommand) { // The only valid command for inactive elements is cmd_delete. if (!this.active && aCommand != "cmd_delete") return false; switch (aCommand) { case "downloadsCmd_open": { // We cannot open a session download file unless it's done ("openable"). // If it's finished, we need to make sure the file was not removed, // as we do for past downloads. if (this._dataItem && !this._dataItem.openable) return false; if (this._targetFileInfoFetched) return this._targetFileExists; // If the target file information is not yet fetched, // temporarily assume that the file is in place. return this.getDownloadMetaData().state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED; } case "downloadsCmd_show": { // TODO: Bug 827010 - Handle part-file asynchronously. if (this._dataItem && this._dataItem.partFile && this._dataItem.partFile.exists()) return true; if (this._targetFileInfoFetched) return this._targetFileExists; // If the target file information is not yet fetched, // temporarily assume that the file is in place. return this.getDownloadMetaData().state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED; } case "downloadsCmd_pauseResume": return this._dataItem && this._dataItem.inProgress && this._dataItem.resumable; case "downloadsCmd_retry": // An history download can always be retried. return !this._dataItem || this._dataItem.canRetry; case "downloadsCmd_openReferrer": return this._dataItem && !!this._dataItem.referrer; case "cmd_delete": // The behavior in this case is somewhat unexpected, so we disallow that. if (this._placesNode && this._dataItem && this._dataItem.inProgress) return false; return true; case "downloadsCmd_cancel": return this._dataItem != null; } return false; }, _retryAsHistoryDownload: function DES__retryAsHistoryDownload() { // In future we may try to download into the same original target uri, when // we have it. Though that requires verifying the path is still valid and // may surprise the user if he wants to be requested every time. let browserWin = RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let initiatingDoc = browserWin ? browserWin.document : document; DownloadURL(this.downloadURI, this.getDownloadMetaData().fileName, initiatingDoc); }, /* nsIController */ doCommand: function DES_doCommand(aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case "downloadsCmd_open": { let file = this._dataItem ? this.dataItem.localFile : new FileUtils.File(this.getDownloadMetaData().filePath); DownloadsCommon.openDownloadedFile(file, null, window); break; } case "downloadsCmd_show": { if (this._dataItem) { this._dataItem.showLocalFile(); } else { let file = new FileUtils.File(this.getDownloadMetaData().filePath); DownloadsCommon.showDownloadedFile(file); } break; } case "downloadsCmd_openReferrer": { openURL(this._dataItem.referrer); break; } case "downloadsCmd_cancel": { this._dataItem.cancel(); break; } case "cmd_delete": { if (this._dataItem) Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL) .then(list => list.remove(this._dataItem._download)) .then(() => this._dataItem._download.finalize(true)) .catch(Cu.reportError); if (this._placesNode) PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePage(this._downloadURIObj); break; } case "downloadsCmd_retry": { if (this._dataItem) this._dataItem.retry(); else this._retryAsHistoryDownload(); break; } case "downloadsCmd_pauseResume": { this._dataItem.togglePauseResume(); break; } } }, // Returns whether or not the download handled by this shell should // show up in the search results for the given term. Both the display // name for the download and the url are searched. matchesSearchTerm: function DES_matchesSearchTerm(aTerm) { if (!aTerm) return true; aTerm = aTerm.toLowerCase(); return this.getDownloadMetaData().displayName.toLowerCase().includes(aTerm) || this.downloadURI.toLowerCase().includes(aTerm); }, // Handles return keypress on the element (the keypress listener is // set in the DownloadsPlacesView object). doDefaultCommand: function DES_doDefaultCommand() { function getDefaultCommandForState(aState) { switch (aState) { case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED: return "downloadsCmd_open"; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED: return "downloadsCmd_pauseResume"; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED: case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED: return "downloadsCmd_cancel"; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED: case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED: return "downloadsCmd_retry"; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING: return "downloadsCmd_show"; case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_PARENTAL: case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY: case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_POLICY: return "downloadsCmd_openReferrer"; } return ""; } let command = getDefaultCommandForState(this.getDownloadMetaData().state); if (command && this.isCommandEnabled(command)) this.doCommand(command); }, /** * At the first time an item is selected, we don't yet have * the target file information. Thus the call to goUpdateDownloadCommands * in DPV_onSelect would result in best-guess enabled/disabled result. * That way we let the user perform command immediately. However, once * we have the target file information, we can update the commands * appropriately (_fetchTargetFileInfo() calls goUpdateDownloadCommands). */ onSelect: function DES_onSelect() { if (!this.active) return; if (!this._targetFileInfoFetched) this._fetchTargetFileInfo(); } }; /** * A Downloads Places View is a places view designed to show a places query * for history downloads alongside the current "session"-downloads. * * As we don't use the places controller, some methods implemented by other * places views are not implemented by this view. * * A richlistitem in this view can represent either a past download or a session * download, or both. Session downloads are shown first in the view, and as long * as they exist they "collapses" their history "counterpart" (So we don't show two * items for every download). */ function DownloadsPlacesView(aRichListBox, aActive = true) { this._richlistbox = aRichListBox; this._richlistbox._placesView = this; window.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, this); // Map download URLs to download element shells regardless of their type this._downloadElementsShellsForURI = new Map(); // Map download data items to their element shells. this._viewItemsForDataItems = new WeakMap(); // Points to the last session download element. We keep track of this // in order to keep all session downloads above past downloads. this._lastSessionDownloadElement = null; this._searchTerm = ""; this._active = aActive; // Register as a downloads view. The places data will be initialized by // the places setter. this._initiallySelectedElement = null; this._downloadsData = DownloadsCommon.getData(window.opener || window); this._downloadsData.addView(this); // Get the Download button out of the attention state since we're about to // view all downloads. DownloadsCommon.getIndicatorData(window).attention = false; // Make sure to unregister the view if the window is closed. window.addEventListener("unload", function() { window.controllers.removeController(this); this._downloadsData.removeView(this); this.result = null; }.bind(this), true); // Resizing the window may change items visibility. window.addEventListener("resize", function() { this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); }.bind(this), true); } DownloadsPlacesView.prototype = { get associatedElement() this._richlistbox, get active() this._active, set active(val) { this._active = val; if (this._active) this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); return this._active; }, /** * Map containing a metadata object for each download source URI found in * Places annotations, or null if this cache must be rebuilt. */ _cachedPlacesMetaData: null, /** * This method exists in order to optimize the first load of the Downloads * View, when Places annotations for history downloads must be read. In fact, * annotations are stored in a single table, and reading all of them at once * is much more efficient than an individual query. * * When this metod is first called, after the Places result container has been * invalidated, it reads the annotations for all the history downloads. * * At this point, as metadata for the various elements is requested by the * view, it is pulled from the cache and returned as an object. * * This works efficiently because the metadata is requested only for newly * created element shells that contain a history download but don't have a * matching session download, and at most one such element shell is created * for each source URI. * * @param url * URI string of the Places node for which metadata is requested. * * @return Object of the form { targetFileURISpec, jsonDetails }. * Any of the properties may be missing from the object. */ _getCachedPlacesMetaDataFor(url) { if (!this._cachedPlacesMetaData) { this._cachedPlacesMetaData = new Map(); // Use the destination file annotation to build the initial Map of items. for (let result of PlacesUtils.annotations.getAnnotationsWithName( DESTINATION_FILE_URI_ANNO)) { this._cachedPlacesMetaData.set(result.uri.spec, { targetFileURISpec: result.annotationValue, }); } // Add the string with the JSON details from the metadata annotation. for (let result of PlacesUtils.annotations.getAnnotationsWithName( DOWNLOAD_META_DATA_ANNO)) { let metadata = this._cachedPlacesMetaData.get(result.uri.spec); // The destination file annotation is expected to be present for all // the downloads with the metadata annotation. If this is not the case, // we simply ignore the item, as if it has no JSON details at all. if (metadata) { metadata.jsonDetails = result.annotationValue; } } } let metadata = this._cachedPlacesMetaData.get(url); this._cachedPlacesMetaData.delete(url); // In the rare case where a history download is added again, but there is no // corresponding session download, read the metadata from the database. This // could potentially cause an inefficient database access for very old // downloads with no metadata to begin with, but these should have been // already deleted from history on a recent browser profile. return metadata || this._getPlacesMetaDataFor(url); }, /** * Read the latest version of the Places metadata for the given URI. * * @param url * URI string of the Places node for which metadata is requested. * * @return Object of the form { targetFileURISpec, jsonDetails }. * Any of the properties may be missing from the object. */ _getPlacesMetaDataFor(url) { let metadata = {}; try { let uri = NetUtil.newURI(url); metadata = { targetFileURISpec: PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation( uri, DESTINATION_FILE_URI_ANNO), }; metadata.jsonDetails = PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation( uri, DOWNLOAD_META_DATA_ANNO); } catch (ex) {} return metadata; }, /** * Given a data item for a session download, or a places node for a past * download, updates the view as necessary. * 1. If the given data is a places node, we check whether there are any * elements for the same download url. If there are, then we just reset * their places node. Otherwise we add a new download element. * 2. If the given data is a data item, we first check if there's a history * download in the list that is not associated with a data item. If we * found one, we use it for the data item as well and reposition it * alongside the other session downloads. If we don't, then we go ahead * and create a new element for the download. * * @param aDataItem * The data item of a session download. Set to null for history * downloads data. * @param [optional] aPlacesNode * The places node for a history download. Required if there's no data * item. * @param [optional] aNewest * @see onDataItemAdded. Ignored for history downloads. * @param [optional] aDocumentFragment * To speed up the appending of multiple elements to the end of the * list which are coming in a single batch (i.e. invalidateContainer), * a document fragment may be passed to which the new elements would * be appended. It's the caller's job to ensure the fragment is merged * to the richlistbox at the end. */ _addDownloadData: function DPV_addDownloadData(aDataItem, aPlacesNode, aNewest = false, aDocumentFragment = null) { let downloadURI = aPlacesNode ? aPlacesNode.uri : aDataItem.uri; let shellsForURI = this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.get(downloadURI); if (!shellsForURI) { shellsForURI = new Set(); this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.set(downloadURI, shellsForURI); } let newOrUpdatedShell = null; // Trivial: if there are no shells for this download URI, we always // need to create one. let shouldCreateShell = shellsForURI.size == 0; // However, if we do have shells for this download uri, there are // few options: // 1) There's only one shell and it's for a history download (it has // no data item). In this case, we update this shell and move it // if necessary // 2) There are multiple shells, indicating multiple downloads for // the same download uri are running. In this case we create // another shell for the download (so we have one shell for each data // item). // // Note: If a cancelled session download is already in the list, and the // download is retired, onDataItemAdded is called again for the same // data item. Thus, we also check that we make sure we don't have a view item // already. if (!shouldCreateShell && aDataItem && !this._viewItemsForDataItems.has(aDataItem)) { // If there's a past-download-only shell for this download-uri with no // associated data item, use it for the new data item. Otherwise, go ahead // and create another shell. shouldCreateShell = true; for (let shell of shellsForURI) { if (!shell.dataItem) { shouldCreateShell = false; shell.dataItem = aDataItem; newOrUpdatedShell = shell; this._viewItemsForDataItems.set(aDataItem, shell); break; } } } if (shouldCreateShell) { // If we are adding a new history download here, it means there is no // associated session download, thus we must read the Places metadata, // because it will not be obscured by the session download. let metaData = aPlacesNode ? this._getCachedPlacesMetaDataFor(aPlacesNode.uri) : null; let shell = new DownloadElementShell(aDataItem, aPlacesNode, metaData); newOrUpdatedShell = shell; shellsForURI.add(shell); if (aDataItem) this._viewItemsForDataItems.set(aDataItem, shell); } else if (aPlacesNode) { // We are updating information for a history download for which we have // at least one download element shell already. There are two cases: // 1) There are one or more download element shells for this source URI, // each with an associated session download. We update the Places node // because we may need it later, but we don't need to read the Places // metadata until the last session download is removed. // 2) Occasionally, we may receive a duplicate notification for a history // download with no associated session download. We have exactly one // download element shell in this case, but the metdata cannot have // changed, just the reference to the Places node object is different. // So, we update all the node references and keep the metadata intact. for (let shell of shellsForURI) { if (shell.placesNode != aPlacesNode) shell.placesNode = aPlacesNode; } } if (newOrUpdatedShell) { if (aNewest) { this._richlistbox.insertBefore(newOrUpdatedShell.element, this._richlistbox.firstChild); if (!this._lastSessionDownloadElement) { this._lastSessionDownloadElement = newOrUpdatedShell.element; } // Some operations like retrying an history download move an element to // the top of the richlistbox, along with other session downloads. // More generally, if a new download is added, should be made visible. this._richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible(newOrUpdatedShell.element); } else if (aDataItem) { let before = this._lastSessionDownloadElement ? this._lastSessionDownloadElement.nextSibling : this._richlistbox.firstChild; this._richlistbox.insertBefore(newOrUpdatedShell.element, before); this._lastSessionDownloadElement = newOrUpdatedShell.element; } else { let appendTo = aDocumentFragment || this._richlistbox; appendTo.appendChild(newOrUpdatedShell.element); } if (this.searchTerm) { newOrUpdatedShell.element.hidden = !newOrUpdatedShell.element._shell.matchesSearchTerm(this.searchTerm); } } // If aDocumentFragment is defined this is a batch change, so it's up to // the caller to append the fragment and activate the visible shells. if (!aDocumentFragment) { this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); goUpdateCommand("downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"); } }, _removeElement: function DPV__removeElement(aElement) { // If the element was selected exclusively, select its next // sibling first, if not, try for previous sibling, if any. if ((aElement.nextSibling || aElement.previousSibling) && this._richlistbox.selectedItems && this._richlistbox.selectedItems.length == 1 && this._richlistbox.selectedItems[0] == aElement) { this._richlistbox.selectItem(aElement.nextSibling || aElement.previousSibling); } if (this._lastSessionDownloadElement == aElement) this._lastSessionDownloadElement = aElement.previousSibling; this._richlistbox.removeItemFromSelection(aElement); this._richlistbox.removeChild(aElement); this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); goUpdateCommand("downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"); }, _removeHistoryDownloadFromView: function DPV__removeHistoryDownloadFromView(aPlacesNode) { let downloadURI = aPlacesNode.uri; let shellsForURI = this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.get(downloadURI); if (shellsForURI) { for (let shell of shellsForURI) { if (shell.dataItem) { shell.placesNode = null; } else { this._removeElement(shell.element); shellsForURI.delete(shell); if (shellsForURI.size == 0) this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.delete(downloadURI); } } } }, _removeSessionDownloadFromView: function DPV__removeSessionDownloadFromView(aDataItem) { let shells = this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.get(aDataItem.uri); if (shells.size == 0) throw new Error("Should have had at leaat one shell for this uri"); let shell = this._viewItemsForDataItems.get(aDataItem); if (!shells.has(shell)) throw new Error("Missing download element shell in shells list for url"); // If there's more than one item for this download uri, we can let the // view item for this this particular data item go away. // If there's only one item for this download uri, we should only // keep it if it is associated with a history download. if (shells.size > 1 || !shell.placesNode) { this._removeElement(shell.element); shells.delete(shell); if (shells.size == 0) this._downloadElementsShellsForURI.delete(aDataItem.uri); } else { // We have one download element shell containing both a session download // and a history download, and we are now removing the session download. // Previously, we did not use the Places metadata because it was obscured // by the session download. Since this is no longer the case, we have to // read the latest metadata before removing the session download. shell.placesMetaData = this._getPlacesMetaDataFor(shell.placesNode.uri); shell.dataItem = null; // Move it below the session-download items; if (this._lastSessionDownloadElement == shell.element) { this._lastSessionDownloadElement = shell.element.previousSibling; } else { let before = this._lastSessionDownloadElement ? this._lastSessionDownloadElement.nextSibling : this._richlistbox.firstChild; this._richlistbox.insertBefore(shell.element, before); } } }, _ensureVisibleElementsAreActive: function DPV__ensureVisibleElementsAreActive() { if (!this.active || this._ensureVisibleTimer || !this._richlistbox.firstChild) return; this._ensureVisibleTimer = setTimeout(function() { delete this._ensureVisibleTimer; if (!this._richlistbox.firstChild) return; let rlbRect = this._richlistbox.getBoundingClientRect(); let winUtils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let nodes = winUtils.nodesFromRect(rlbRect.left, rlbRect.top, 0, rlbRect.width, rlbRect.height, 0, true, false); // nodesFromRect returns nodes in z-index order, and for the same z-index // sorts them in inverted DOM order, thus starting from the one that would // be on top. let firstVisibleNode, lastVisibleNode; for (let node of nodes) { if (node.localName === "richlistitem" && node._shell) { node._shell.ensureActive(); // The first visible node is the last match. firstVisibleNode = node; // While the last visible node is the first match. if (!lastVisibleNode) lastVisibleNode = node; } } // Also activate the first invisible nodes in both boundaries (that is, // above and below the visible area) to ensure proper keyboard navigation // in both directions. let nodeBelowVisibleArea = lastVisibleNode && lastVisibleNode.nextSibling; if (nodeBelowVisibleArea && nodeBelowVisibleArea._shell) nodeBelowVisibleArea._shell.ensureActive(); let nodeABoveVisibleArea = firstVisibleNode && firstVisibleNode.previousSibling; if (nodeABoveVisibleArea && nodeABoveVisibleArea._shell) nodeABoveVisibleArea._shell.ensureActive(); }.bind(this), 10); }, _place: "", get place() this._place, set place(val) { // Don't reload everything if we don't have to. if (this._place == val) { // XXXmano: places.js relies on this behavior (see Bug 822203). this.searchTerm = ""; return val; } this._place = val; let history = PlacesUtils.history; let queries = { }, options = { }; history.queryStringToQueries(val, queries, { }, options); if (!queries.value.length) queries.value = [history.getNewQuery()]; let result = history.executeQueries(queries.value, queries.value.length, options.value); result.addObserver(this, false); return val; }, _result: null, get result() this._result, set result(val) { if (this._result == val) return val; if (this._result) { this._result.removeObserver(this); this._resultNode.containerOpen = false; } if (val) { this._result = val; this._resultNode = val.root; this._resultNode.containerOpen = true; this._ensureInitialSelection(); } else { delete this._resultNode; delete this._result; } return val; }, get selectedNodes() { let placesNodes = []; let selectedElements = this._richlistbox.selectedItems; for (let elt of selectedElements) { if (elt._shell.placesNode) placesNodes.push(elt._shell.placesNode); } return placesNodes; }, get selectedNode() { let selectedNodes = this.selectedNodes; return selectedNodes.length == 1 ? selectedNodes[0] : null; }, get hasSelection() this.selectedNodes.length > 0, containerStateChanged: function DPV_containerStateChanged(aNode, aOldState, aNewState) { this.invalidateContainer(aNode) }, invalidateContainer: function DPV_invalidateContainer(aContainer) { if (aContainer != this._resultNode) throw new Error("Unexpected container node"); if (!aContainer.containerOpen) throw new Error("Root container for the downloads query cannot be closed"); // When the container is invalidated, it means we are about to re-read all // the information about history downloads from the database, discarding the // download element shells, thus we fully rebuild the Places annotation // cache with the latest values. this._cachedPlacesMetaData = null; let suppressOnSelect = this._richlistbox.suppressOnSelect; this._richlistbox.suppressOnSelect = true; try { // Remove the invalidated history downloads from the list and unset the // places node for data downloads. // Loop backwards since _removeHistoryDownloadFromView may removeChild(). for (let i = this._richlistbox.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let element = this._richlistbox.childNodes[i]; if (element._shell.placesNode) this._removeHistoryDownloadFromView(element._shell.placesNode); } } finally { this._richlistbox.suppressOnSelect = suppressOnSelect; } if (aContainer.childCount > 0) { let elementsToAppendFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < aContainer.childCount; i++) { try { this._addDownloadData(null, aContainer.getChild(i), false, elementsToAppendFragment); } catch(ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } } // _addDownloadData may not add new elements if there were already // data items in place. if (elementsToAppendFragment.firstChild) { this._appendDownloadsFragment(elementsToAppendFragment); this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); } } goUpdateDownloadCommands(); }, _appendDownloadsFragment: function DPV__appendDownloadsFragment(aDOMFragment) { // Workaround multiple reflows hang by removing the richlistbox // and adding it back when we're done. // Hack for bug 836283: reset xbl fields to their old values after the // binding is reattached to avoid breaking the selection state let xblFields = new Map(); for (let [key, value] in Iterator(this._richlistbox)) { xblFields.set(key, value); } let parentNode = this._richlistbox.parentNode; let nextSibling = this._richlistbox.nextSibling; parentNode.removeChild(this._richlistbox); this._richlistbox.appendChild(aDOMFragment); parentNode.insertBefore(this._richlistbox, nextSibling); for (let [key, value] of xblFields) { this._richlistbox[key] = value; } }, nodeInserted: function DPV_nodeInserted(aParent, aPlacesNode) { this._addDownloadData(null, aPlacesNode); }, nodeRemoved: function DPV_nodeRemoved(aParent, aPlacesNode, aOldIndex) { this._removeHistoryDownloadFromView(aPlacesNode); }, nodeAnnotationChanged() {}, nodeIconChanged() {}, nodeTitleChanged() {}, nodeKeywordChanged: function() {}, nodeDateAddedChanged: function() {}, nodeLastModifiedChanged: function() {}, nodeHistoryDetailsChanged: function() {}, nodeTagsChanged: function() {}, sortingChanged: function() {}, nodeMoved: function() {}, nodeURIChanged: function() {}, batching: function() {}, get controller() this._richlistbox.controller, get searchTerm() this._searchTerm, set searchTerm(aValue) { if (this._searchTerm != aValue) { for (let element of this._richlistbox.childNodes) { element.hidden = !element._shell.matchesSearchTerm(aValue); } this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); } return this._searchTerm = aValue; }, /** * When the view loads, we want to select the first item. * However, because session downloads, for which the data is loaded * asynchronously, always come first in the list, and because the list * may (or may not) already contain history downloads at that point, it * turns out that by the time we can select the first item, the user may * have already started using the view. * To make things even more complicated, in other cases, the places data * may be loaded after the session downloads data. Thus we cannot rely on * the order in which the data comes in. * We work around this by attempting to select the first element twice, * once after the places data is loaded and once when the session downloads * data is done loading. However, if the selection has changed in-between, * we assume the user has already started using the view and give up. */ _ensureInitialSelection: function DPV__ensureInitialSelection() { // Either they're both null, or the selection has not changed in between. if (this._richlistbox.selectedItem == this._initiallySelectedElement) { let firstDownloadElement = this._richlistbox.firstChild; if (firstDownloadElement != this._initiallySelectedElement) { // We may be called before _ensureVisibleElementsAreActive, // or before the download binding is attached. Therefore, ensure the // first item is activated, and pass the item to the richlistbox // setters only at a point we know for sure the binding is attached. firstDownloadElement._shell.ensureActive(); Services.tm.mainThread.dispatch(function() { this._richlistbox.selectedItem = firstDownloadElement; this._richlistbox.currentItem = firstDownloadElement; this._initiallySelectedElement = firstDownloadElement; }.bind(this), Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); } } }, onDataLoadStarting: function() { }, onDataLoadCompleted: function DPV_onDataLoadCompleted() { this._ensureInitialSelection(); }, onDataItemAdded: function DPV_onDataItemAdded(aDataItem, aNewest) { this._addDownloadData(aDataItem, null, aNewest); }, onDataItemRemoved: function DPV_onDataItemRemoved(aDataItem) { this._removeSessionDownloadFromView(aDataItem); }, // DownloadsView onDataItemStateChanged(aDataItem, aOldState) { this._viewItemsForDataItems.get(aDataItem).onStateChanged(aOldState); }, // DownloadsView onDataItemChanged(aDataItem) { this._viewItemsForDataItems.get(aDataItem).onChanged(); }, supportsCommand: function DPV_supportsCommand(aCommand) { if (DOWNLOAD_VIEW_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.indexOf(aCommand) != -1) { // The clear-downloads command may be performed by the toolbar-button, // which can be focused on OS X. Thus enable this command even if the // richlistbox is not focused. // For other commands, be prudent and disable them unless the richlistview // is focused. It's important to make the decision here rather than in // isCommandEnabled. Otherwise our controller may "steal" commands from // other controls in the window (see goUpdateCommand & // getControllerForCommand). if (document.activeElement == this._richlistbox || aCommand == "downloadsCmd_clearDownloads") { return true; } } return false; }, isCommandEnabled: function DPV_isCommandEnabled(aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case "cmd_copy": return this._richlistbox.selectedItems.length > 0; case "cmd_selectAll": return true; case "cmd_paste": return this._canDownloadClipboardURL(); case "downloadsCmd_clearDownloads": return this._canClearDownloads(); default: return Array.every(this._richlistbox.selectedItems, function(element) { return element._shell.isCommandEnabled(aCommand); }); } }, _canClearDownloads: function DPV__canClearDownloads() { // Downloads can be cleared if there's at least one removable download in // the list (either a history download or a completed session download). // Because history downloads are always removable and are listed after the // session downloads, check from bottom to top. for (let elt = this._richlistbox.lastChild; elt; elt = elt.previousSibling) { if (elt._shell.placesNode || !elt._shell.dataItem.inProgress) return true; } return false; }, _copySelectedDownloadsToClipboard: function DPV__copySelectedDownloadsToClipboard() { let urls = [for (element of this._richlistbox.selectedItems) element._shell.downloadURI]; Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper).copyString(urls.join("\n")); }, _getURLFromClipboardData: function DPV__getURLFromClipboardData() { let trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); trans.init(null); let flavors = ["text/x-moz-url", "text/unicode"]; flavors.forEach(trans.addDataFlavor); Services.clipboard.getData(trans, Services.clipboard.kGlobalClipboard); // Getting the data or creating the nsIURI might fail. try { let data = {}; trans.getAnyTransferData({}, data, {}); let [url, name] = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString) .data.split("\n"); if (url) return [NetUtil.newURI(url, null, null).spec, name]; } catch(ex) { } return ["", ""]; }, _canDownloadClipboardURL: function DPV__canDownloadClipboardURL() { let [url, name] = this._getURLFromClipboardData(); return url != ""; }, _downloadURLFromClipboard: function DPV__downloadURLFromClipboard() { let [url, name] = this._getURLFromClipboardData(); let browserWin = RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let initiatingDoc = browserWin ? browserWin.document : document; DownloadURL(url, name, initiatingDoc); }, doCommand: function DPV_doCommand(aCommand) { // Commands may be invoked with keyboard shortcuts even if disabled. if (!this.isCommandEnabled(aCommand)) { return; } switch (aCommand) { case "cmd_copy": this._copySelectedDownloadsToClipboard(); break; case "cmd_selectAll": this._richlistbox.selectAll(); break; case "cmd_paste": this._downloadURLFromClipboard(); break; case "downloadsCmd_clearDownloads": this._downloadsData.removeFinished(); if (this.result) { Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/download-history;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIDownloadHistory) .removeAllDownloads(); } // There may be no selection or focus change as a result // of these change, and we want the command updated immediately. goUpdateCommand("downloadsCmd_clearDownloads"); break; default: { // Cloning the nodelist into an array to get a frozen list of selected items. // Otherwise, the selectedItems nodelist is live and doCommand may alter the // selection while we are trying to do one particular action, like removing // items from history. let selectedElements = [...this._richlistbox.selectedItems]; for (let element of selectedElements) { element._shell.doCommand(aCommand); } } } }, onEvent: function() { }, onContextMenu: function DPV_onContextMenu(aEvent) { let element = this._richlistbox.selectedItem; if (!element || !element._shell) return false; // Set the state attribute so that only the appropriate items are displayed. let contextMenu = document.getElementById("downloadsContextMenu"); let state = element._shell.getDownloadMetaData().state; if (state !== undefined) contextMenu.setAttribute("state", state); else contextMenu.removeAttribute("state"); if (state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING) { // The resumable property of a download may change at any time, so // ensure we update the related command now. goUpdateCommand("downloadsCmd_pauseResume"); } return true; }, onKeyPress: function DPV_onKeyPress(aEvent) { let selectedElements = this._richlistbox.selectedItems; if (aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) { // In the content tree, opening bookmarks by pressing return is only // supported when a single item is selected. To be consistent, do the // same here. if (selectedElements.length == 1) { let element = selectedElements[0]; if (element._shell) element._shell.doDefaultCommand(); } } else if (aEvent.charCode == " ".charCodeAt(0)) { // Pause/Resume every selected download for (let element of selectedElements) { if (element._shell.isCommandEnabled("downloadsCmd_pauseResume")) element._shell.doCommand("downloadsCmd_pauseResume"); } } }, onDoubleClick: function DPV_onDoubleClick(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 0) return; let selectedElements = this._richlistbox.selectedItems; if (selectedElements.length != 1) return; let element = selectedElements[0]; if (element._shell) element._shell.doDefaultCommand(); }, onScroll: function DPV_onScroll() { this._ensureVisibleElementsAreActive(); }, onSelect: function DPV_onSelect() { goUpdateDownloadCommands(); let selectedElements = this._richlistbox.selectedItems; for (let elt of selectedElements) { if (elt._shell) elt._shell.onSelect(); } }, onDragStart: function DPV_onDragStart(aEvent) { // TODO Bug 831358: Support d&d for multiple selection. // For now, we just drag the first element. let selectedItem = this._richlistbox.selectedItem; if (!selectedItem) return; let metaData = selectedItem._shell.getDownloadMetaData(); if (!("filePath" in metaData)) return; let file = new FileUtils.File(metaData.filePath); if (!file.exists()) return; let dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; dt.mozSetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", file, 0); let url = Services.io.newFileURI(file).spec; dt.setData("text/uri-list", url); dt.setData("text/plain", url); dt.effectAllowed = "copyMove"; dt.addElement(selectedItem); }, onDragOver: function DPV_onDragOver(aEvent) { let types = aEvent.dataTransfer.types; if (types.contains("text/uri-list") || types.contains("text/x-moz-url") || types.contains("text/plain")) { aEvent.preventDefault(); } }, onDrop: function DPV_onDrop(aEvent) { let dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; // If dragged item is from our source, do not try to // redownload already downloaded file. if (dt.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", 0)) return; let links = Services.droppedLinkHandler.dropLinks(aEvent); if (!links.length) return; let browserWin = RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); let initiatingDoc = browserWin ? browserWin.document : document; for (let link of links) { if (link.url.startsWith("about:")) continue; DownloadURL(link.url, link.name, initiatingDoc); } } }; for (let methodName of ["load", "applyFilter", "selectNode", "selectItems"]) { DownloadsPlacesView.prototype[methodName] = function() { throw new Error("|" + methodName + "| is not implemented by the downloads view."); } } function goUpdateDownloadCommands() { for (let command of DOWNLOAD_VIEW_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS) { goUpdateCommand(command); } }