#ifdef 0
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


 * This class represents a site that is contained in a cell and can be pinned,
 * moved around or deleted.
function Site(aNode, aLink) {
  this._node = aNode;
  this._node._newtabSite = this;

  this._link = aLink;


Site.prototype = {
   * The site's DOM node.
  get node() { return this._node; },

   * The site's link.
  get link() { return this._link; },

   * The url of the site's link.
  get url() { return this.link.url; },

   * The title of the site's link.
  get title() { return this.link.title || this.link.url; },

   * The site's parent cell.
  get cell() {
    let parentNode = this.node.parentNode;
    return parentNode && parentNode._newtabCell;

   * Pins the site on its current or a given index.
   * @param aIndex The pinned index (optional).
   * @return true if link changed type after pin
  pin: function Site_pin(aIndex) {
    if (typeof aIndex == "undefined")
      aIndex = this.cell.index;

    let changed = gPinnedLinks.pin(this._link, aIndex);
    if (changed) {
      // render site again
    return changed;

   * Unpins the site and calls the given callback when done.
  unpin: function Site_unpin() {
    if (this.isPinned()) {

   * Checks whether this site is pinned.
   * @return Whether this site is pinned.
  isPinned: function Site_isPinned() {
    return gPinnedLinks.isPinned(this._link);

   * Blocks the site (removes it from the grid) and calls the given callback
   * when done.
  block: function Site_block() {
    if (!gBlockedLinks.isBlocked(this._link)) {

   * Gets the DOM node specified by the given query selector.
   * @param aSelector The query selector.
   * @return The DOM node we found.
  _querySelector: function Site_querySelector(aSelector) {
    return this.node.querySelector(aSelector);

   * Updates attributes for all nodes which status depends on this site being
   * pinned or unpinned.
   * @param aPinned Whether this site is now pinned or unpinned.
  _updateAttributes: function (aPinned) {
    let control = this._querySelector(".newtab-control-pin");

    if (aPinned) {
      this.node.setAttribute("pinned", true);
      control.setAttribute("title", newTabString("unpin"));
    } else {
      control.setAttribute("title", newTabString("pin"));

  _newTabString: function(str, substrArr) {
    let regExp = /%[0-9]\$S/g;
    let matches;
    while ((matches = regExp.exec(str))) {
      let match = matches[0];
      let index = match.charAt(1); // Get the digit in the regExp.
      str = str.replace(match, substrArr[index - 1]);
    return str;

  _getSuggestedTileExplanation: function() {
    let targetedName = `<strong> ${this.link.targetedName} </strong>`;
    let targetedSite = `<strong> ${this.link.targetedSite} </strong>`;
    if (this.link.explanation) {
      return this._newTabString(this.link.explanation, [targetedName, targetedSite]);
    return newTabString("suggested.button", [targetedName]);

   * Checks for and modifies link at campaign end time
  _checkLinkEndTime: function Site_checkLinkEndTime() {
    if (this.link.endTime && this.link.endTime < Date.now()) {
       let oldUrl = this.url;
       // chop off the path part from url
       this.link.url = Services.io.newURI(this.url, null, null).resolve("/");
       // clear supplied images - this triggers thumbnail download for new url
       delete this.link.imageURI;
       delete this.link.enhancedImageURI;
       // remove endTime to avoid further time checks
       delete this.link.endTime;
       // clear enhanced-content image that may still exist in preloaded page
       this._querySelector(".enhanced-content").style.backgroundImage = "";
       gPinnedLinks.replace(oldUrl, this.link);

   * Renders the site's data (fills the HTML fragment).
  _render: function Site_render() {
    // first check for end time, as it may modify the link
    // setup display variables
    let url = this.url;
    let title = this.link.type == "history" ? this.link.baseDomain :
    let tooltip = (this.title == url ? this.title : this.title + "\n" + url);

    let link = this._querySelector(".newtab-link");
    link.setAttribute("title", tooltip);
    link.setAttribute("href", url);
    this.node.setAttribute("type", this.link.type);

    let titleNode = this._querySelector(".newtab-title");
    titleNode.textContent = title;
    if (this.link.titleBgColor) {
      titleNode.style.backgroundColor = this.link.titleBgColor;

    if (this.isPinned())
    // Capture the page if the thumbnail is missing, which will cause page.js
    // to be notified and call our refreshThumbnail() method.
    // but still display whatever thumbnail might be available now.

   * Called when the site's tab becomes visible for the first time.
   * Since the newtab may be preloaded long before it's displayed,
   * check for changed conditions and re-render if needed
  onFirstVisible: function Site_onFirstVisible() {
    if (this.link.endTime && this.link.endTime < Date.now()) {
      // site needs to change landing url and background image
    else {

   * Captures the site's thumbnail in the background, but only if there's no
   * existing thumbnail and the page allows background captures.
  captureIfMissing: function Site_captureIfMissing() {
    if (!document.hidden && !this.link.imageURI) {

   * Refreshes the thumbnail for the site.
  refreshThumbnail: function Site_refreshThumbnail() {
    let link = this.link;

    let thumbnail = this._querySelector(".newtab-thumbnail.thumbnail");
    if (link.bgColor) {
      thumbnail.style.backgroundColor = link.bgColor;
    let uri = link.imageURI || PageThumbs.getThumbnailURL(this.url);
    thumbnail.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + uri + '")';

        link.type == "history" &&
        link.baseDomain) {
      let placeholder = this._querySelector(".newtab-thumbnail.placeholder");
      let charCodeSum = 0;
      for (let c of link.baseDomain) {
        charCodeSum += c.charCodeAt(0);
      const COLORS = 16;
      let hue = Math.round((charCodeSum % COLORS) / COLORS * 360);
      placeholder.style.backgroundColor = "hsl(" + hue + ",80%,40%)";
      placeholder.textContent = link.baseDomain.substr(0,1).toUpperCase();

  _ignoreHoverEvents: function(element) {
    element.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
      this.cell.node.setAttribute("ignorehover", "true");
    element.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {

   * Adds event handlers for the site and its buttons.
  _addEventHandlers: function Site_addEventHandlers() {
    // Register drag-and-drop event handlers.
    this._node.addEventListener("dragstart", this, false);
    this._node.addEventListener("dragend", this, false);
    this._node.addEventListener("mouseover", this, false);

   * Speculatively opens a connection to the current site.
  _speculativeConnect: function Site_speculativeConnect() {
    let sc = Services.io.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISpeculativeConnect);
    let uri = Services.io.newURI(this.url, null, null);
    try {
      // This can throw for certain internal URLs, when they wind up in
      // about:newtab. Be sure not to propagate the error.
      sc.speculativeConnect(uri, null);
    } catch (e) {}

   * Record interaction with site using telemetry.
  _recordSiteClicked: function Site_recordSiteClicked(aIndex) {
    if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("browser.newtabpage.rows") ||
        Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("browser.newtabpage.columns") ||
        aIndex > 8) {
      // We only want to get indices for the default configuration, everything
      // else goes in the same bucket.
      aIndex = 9;

  _toggleLegalText: function(buttonClass, explanationTextClass) {
    let button = this._querySelector(buttonClass);
    if (button.hasAttribute("active")) {
      let explain = this._querySelector(explanationTextClass);


   * Handles site click events.
  onClick: function Site_onClick(aEvent) {
    let action;
    let pinned = this.isPinned();
    let tileIndex = this.cell.index;
    let {button, target} = aEvent;

    // Handle tile/thumbnail link click
    if (target.classList.contains("newtab-link") ||
        target.parentElement.classList.contains("newtab-link")) {
      // Record for primary and middle clicks
      if (button == 0 || button == 1) {
        action = "click";
    // Only handle primary clicks for the remaining targets
    else if (button == 0) {
      if (target.classList.contains("newtab-control-block")) {
        action = "block";
      else if (pinned && target.classList.contains("newtab-control-pin")) {
        action = "unpin";
      else if (!pinned && target.classList.contains("newtab-control-pin")) {
        if (this.pin()) {
          // suggested link has changed - update rest of the pages
        action = "pin";

   * Handles all site events.
  handleEvent: function Site_handleEvent(aEvent) {
    switch (aEvent.type) {
      case "mouseover":
        this._node.removeEventListener("mouseover", this, false);
      case "dragstart":
        gDrag.start(this, aEvent);
      case "dragend":
        gDrag.end(this, aEvent);