/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";


 * PermissionUI is responsible for exposing both a prototype
 * PermissionPrompt that can be used by arbitrary browser
 * components and add-ons, but also hosts the implementations of
 * built-in permission prompts.
 * If you're developing a feature that requires web content to ask
 * for special permissions from the user, this module is for you.
 * Suppose a system add-on wants to add a new prompt for a new request
 * for getting more low-level access to the user's sound card, and the
 * permission request is coming up from content by way of the
 * nsContentPermissionHelper. The system add-on could then do the following:
 * Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Integration.jsm");
 * Cu.import("resource:///modules/PermissionUI.jsm");
 * const SoundCardIntegration = (base) => ({
 *   __proto__: base,
 *   createPermissionPrompt(type, request) {
 *     if (type != "sound-api") {
 *       return super.createPermissionPrompt(...arguments);
 *     }
 *     return {
 *       __proto__: PermissionUI.PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype,
 *       get permissionKey() {
 *         return "sound-permission";
 *       }
 *       // etc - see the documentation for PermissionPrompt for
 *       // a better idea of what things one can and should override.
 *     }
 *   },
 * });
 * // Add-on startup:
 * Integration.contentPermission.register(SoundCardIntegration);
 * // ...
 * // Add-on shutdown:
 * Integration.contentPermission.unregister(SoundCardIntegration);
 * Note that PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype must be used as the
 * prototype, since the prompt is wrapping an nsIContentPermissionRequest,
 * and going through nsIContentPermissionPrompt.
 * It is, however, possible to take advantage of PermissionPrompt without
 * having to go through nsIContentPermissionPrompt or with a
 * nsIContentPermissionRequest. The PermissionPromptPrototype can be
 * imported, subclassed, and have prompt() called directly, without
 * the caller having called into createPermissionPrompt.
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;


XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils",

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gBrandBundle", function() {
  return Services.strings

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gBrowserBundle", function() {
  return Services.strings

this.PermissionUI = {};

 * PermissionPromptPrototype should be subclassed by callers that
 * want to display prompts to the user. See each method and property
 * below for guidance on what to override.
 * Note that if you're creating a prompt for an
 * nsIContentPermissionRequest, you'll want to subclass
 * PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype instead.
this.PermissionPromptPrototype = {
   * Returns the associated <xul:browser> for the request. This should
   * work for the e10s and non-e10s case.
   * Subclasses must override this.
   * @return {<xul:browser>}
  get browser() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.");

   * Returns the nsIPrincipal associated with the request.
   * Subclasses must override this.
   * @return {nsIPrincipal}
  get principal() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.");

   * If the nsIPermissionManager is being queried and written
   * to for this permission request, set this to the key to be
   * used. If this is undefined, user permissions will not be
   * read from or written to.
   * Note that if a permission is set, in any follow-up
   * prompting within the expiry window of that permission,
   * the prompt will be skipped and the allow or deny choice
   * will be selected automatically.
  get permissionKey() {
    return undefined;

   * These are the options that will be passed to the
   * PopupNotification when it is shown. See the documentation
   * for PopupNotification for more details.
   * Note that prompt() will automatically set displayURI to
   * be the URI of the requesting pricipal, unless the displayURI is exactly
   * set to false.
  get popupOptions() {
    return {};

   * PopupNotification requires a unique ID to open the notification.
   * You must return a unique ID string here, for which PopupNotification
   * will then create a <xul:popupnotification> node with the ID
   * "<notificationID>-notification".
   * If there's a custom <xul:popupnotification> you're hoping to show,
   * then you need to make sure its ID has the "-notification" suffix,
   * and then return the prefix here.
   * See PopupNotification.jsm for more details.
   * @return {string}
   *         The unique ID that will be used to as the
   *         "<unique ID>-notification" ID for the <xul:popupnotification>
   *         to use or create.
  get notificationID() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.");

   * The ID of the element to anchor the PopupNotification to.
   * @return {string}
  get anchorID() {
    return "default-notification-icon";

   * The message to show the user in the PopupNotification. This
   * is usually a string describing the permission that is being
   * requested.
   * Subclasses must override this.
   * @return {string}
  get message() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.");

   * This will be called if the request is to be cancelled.
   * Subclasses only need to override this if they provide a
   * permissionKey.
  cancel() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.")

   * This will be called if the request is to be allowed.
   * Subclasses only need to override this if they provide a
   * permissionKey.
  allow() {
    throw new Error("Not implemented.");

   * The actions that will be displayed in the PopupNotification
   * via a dropdown menu. The first item in this array will be
   * the default selection. Each action is an Object with the
   * following properties:
   *  label (string):
   *    The label that will be displayed for this choice.
   *  accessKey (string):
   *    The access key character that will be used for this choice.
   *  action (Ci.nsIPermissionManager action, optional)
   *    The nsIPermissionManager action that will be associated with
   *    this choice. For example, Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION.
   *    If omitted, the nsIPermissionManager will not be written to
   *    when this choice is chosen.
   *  expireType (Ci.nsIPermissionManager expiration policy, optional)
   *    The nsIPermissionManager expiration policy that will be associated
   *    with this choice. For example, Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION.
   *    If action is not set, expireType will be ignored.
   *  callback (function, optional)
   *    A callback function that will fire if the user makes this choice.
  get promptActions() {
    return [];

   * If the prompt will be shown to the user, this callback will
   * be called just before. Subclasses may want to override this
   * in order to, for example, bump a counter Telemetry probe for
   * how often a particular permission request is seen.
  onBeforeShow() {},

   * Will determine if a prompt should be shown to the user, and if so,
   * will show it.
   * If a permissionKey is defined prompt() might automatically
   * allow or cancel itself based on the user's current
   * permission settings without displaying the prompt.
   * If the <xul:browser> that the request is associated with
   * does not belong to a browser window with the PopupNotifications
   * global set, the prompt request is ignored.
  prompt() {
    let chromeWin = this.browser.ownerGlobal;
    if (!chromeWin.PopupNotifications) {

    // We ignore requests from non-nsIStandardURLs
    let requestingURI = this.principal.URI;
    if (!(requestingURI instanceof Ci.nsIStandardURL)) {

    if (this.permissionKey) {
      // If we're reading and setting permissions, then we need
      // to check to see if we already have a permission setting
      // for this particular principal.
      let result =

      if (result == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION) {

      if (result == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION) {

    // Transform the PermissionPrompt actions into PopupNotification actions.
    let popupNotificationActions = [];
    for (let promptAction of this.promptActions) {
      // Don't offer action in PB mode if the action remembers permission
      // for more than a session.
      if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(chromeWin) &&
          promptAction.expireType != Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION &&
          promptAction.action) {

      let action = {
        label: promptAction.label,
        accessKey: promptAction.accessKey,
        callback: () => {
          if (promptAction.callback) {

          if (this.permissionKey) {
            // Remember permissions.
            if (promptAction.action) {

            // Grant permission if action is null or ALLOW_ACTION.
            if (!promptAction.action ||
                promptAction.action == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION) {
            } else {
      if (promptAction.dismiss) {
        action.dismiss = promptAction.dismiss


    let mainAction = popupNotificationActions.length ?
                     popupNotificationActions[0] : null;
    let secondaryActions = popupNotificationActions.splice(1);

    let options = this.popupOptions;

    if (!options.hasOwnProperty('displayURI') || options.displayURI) {
      options.displayURI = this.principal.URI;


PermissionUI.PermissionPromptPrototype = PermissionPromptPrototype;

 * A subclass of PermissionPromptPrototype that assumes
 * that this.request is an nsIContentPermissionRequest
 * and fills in some of the required properties on the
 * PermissionPrompt. For callers that are wrapping an
 * nsIContentPermissionRequest, this should be subclassed
 * rather than PermissionPromptPrototype.
this.PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype = {
  __proto__: PermissionPromptPrototype,

  get browser() {
    // In the e10s-case, the <xul:browser> will be at request.element.
    // In the single-process case, we have to use some XPCOM incantations
    // to resolve to the <xul:browser>.
    if (this.request.element) {
      return this.request.element;
    return this.request

  get principal() {
    return this.request.principal;

  cancel() {

  allow() {

PermissionUI.PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype =

 * Creates a PermissionPrompt for a nsIContentPermissionRequest for
 * the GeoLocation API.
 * @param request (nsIContentPermissionRequest)
 *        The request for a permission from content.
function GeolocationPermissionPrompt(request) {
  this.request = request;

GeolocationPermissionPrompt.prototype = {
  __proto__: PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype,

  get permissionKey() {
    return "geo";

  get popupOptions() {
    let pref = "browser.geolocation.warning.infoURL";
    return {
      learnMoreURL: Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(pref),

  get notificationID() {
    return "geolocation";

  get anchorID() {
    return "geo-notification-icon";

  get message() {
    let message;
    if (this.principal.URI.schemeIs("file")) {
      message = gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("geolocation.shareWithFile2");
    } else {
      message = gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("geolocation.shareWithSite2");
    return message;

  get promptActions() {
    // We collect Telemetry data on Geolocation prompts and how users
    // respond to them. The probe keys are a bit verbose, so let's alias them.
    const SHARE_LOCATION =
    const ALWAYS_SHARE =
    const NEVER_SHARE =

    let secHistogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("SECURITY_UI");

    let actions = [{
      label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("geolocation.shareLocation"),
      action: null,
      expireType: null,
      callback: function() {

    if (!this.principal.URI.schemeIs("file")) {
      // Always share location action.
        label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("geolocation.alwaysShareLocation"),
        action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION,
        expireType: null,
        callback: function() {

      // Never share location action.
        label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("geolocation.neverShareLocation"),
        action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION,
        expireType: null,
        callback: function() {

    return actions;

  onBeforeShow() {
    let secHistogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("SECURITY_UI");

PermissionUI.GeolocationPermissionPrompt = GeolocationPermissionPrompt;

 * Creates a PermissionPrompt for a nsIContentPermissionRequest for
 * the Desktop Notification API.
 * @param request (nsIContentPermissionRequest)
 *        The request for a permission from content.
 * @return {PermissionPrompt} (see documentation in header)
function DesktopNotificationPermissionPrompt(request) {
  this.request = request;

DesktopNotificationPermissionPrompt.prototype = {
  __proto__: PermissionPromptForRequestPrototype,

  get permissionKey() {
    return "desktop-notification";

  get popupOptions() {
    let learnMoreURL =
      Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "push";

    // The eventCallback is bound to the Notification that's being
    // shown. We'll stash a reference to this in the closure so that
    // the request can be cancelled.
    let prompt = this;

    let eventCallback = function(type) {
      if (type == "dismissed") {
        // Bug 1259148: Hide the doorhanger icon. Unlike other permission
        // doorhangers, the user can't restore the doorhanger using the icon
        // in the location bar. Instead, the site will be notified that the
        // doorhanger was dismissed.

    return {

  get notificationID() {
    return "web-notifications";

  get anchorID() {
    return "web-notifications-notification-icon";

  get message() {
    return gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("webNotifications.receiveFromSite");

  get promptActions() {
    let promptActions;
    // Only show "allow for session" in PB mode, we don't
    // support "allow for session" in non-PB mode.
    if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(this.browser)) {
      promptActions = [
          label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("webNotifications.receiveForSession"),
          action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION,
          expireType: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.EXPIRE_SESSION,
    } else {
      promptActions = [
          label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("webNotifications.alwaysReceive"),
          action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION,
          expireType: null,
          label: gBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("webNotifications.neverShow"),
          action: Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION,
          expireType: null,

    return promptActions;

PermissionUI.DesktopNotificationPermissionPrompt =