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<!ENTITY window.title                     "Exceptions - Translation">
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<!ENTITY noTranslationForLanguages.label  "Translation will not be offered for the following languages:">
<!ENTITY treehead.languageName.label      "Languages">
<!ENTITY removeLanguage.label             "Remove Language">
<!ENTITY removeLanguage.accesskey         "R">
<!ENTITY removeAllLanguages.label         "Remove All Languages">
<!ENTITY removeAllLanguages.accesskey     "e">

<!ENTITY noTranslationForSites.label      "Translation will not be offered for the following sites:">
<!ENTITY treehead.siteName.label          "Sites">
<!ENTITY removeSite.label                 "Remove Site">
<!ENTITY removeSite.accesskey             "S">
<!ENTITY removeAllSites.label             "Remove All Sites">
<!ENTITY removeAllSites.accesskey         "i">

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