<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!-- The page shown when not logged in... --> <!ENTITY setupButton.label "Set Up &syncBrand.fullName.label;"> <!ENTITY setupButton.accesskey "S"> <!ENTITY weaveDesc.label "&syncBrand.fullName.label; lets you access your history, bookmarks, passwords and open tabs across all your devices."> <!-- The page shown when logged in... --> <!-- Login error feedback --> <!ENTITY updatePass.label "Update"> <!ENTITY resetPass.label "Reset"> <!-- Manage Account --> <!ENTITY manageAccount.label "Manage Account"> <!ENTITY manageAccount.accesskey "n"> <!ENTITY changePassword2.label "Change Password…"> <!ENTITY myRecoveryKey.label "My Recovery Key"> <!ENTITY resetSync2.label "Reset Sync…"> <!ENTITY pairDevice.label "Pair a Device"> <!ENTITY syncMy.label "Sync My"> <!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.label "Bookmarks"> <!ENTITY engine.bookmarks.accesskey "m"> <!ENTITY engine.tabs.label "Tabs"> <!ENTITY engine.tabs.accesskey "T"> <!ENTITY engine.history.label "History"> <!ENTITY engine.history.accesskey "r"> <!ENTITY engine.passwords.label "Passwords"> <!ENTITY engine.passwords.accesskey "P"> <!ENTITY engine.prefs.label "Preferences"> <!ENTITY engine.prefs.accesskey "S"> <!ENTITY engine.addons.label "Add-ons"> <!ENTITY engine.addons.accesskey "A"> <!-- Device Settings --> <!ENTITY syncDeviceName.label "Device Name:"> <!ENTITY fxaSyncDeviceName.label "Device Name"> <!ENTITY changeSyncDeviceName.label "Change Device Name…"> <!ENTITY changeSyncDeviceName.accesskey "h"> <!ENTITY cancelChangeSyncDeviceName.label "Cancel"> <!ENTITY cancelChangeSyncDeviceName.accesskey "n"> <!ENTITY saveChangeSyncDeviceName.label "Save"> <!ENTITY saveChangeSyncDeviceName.accesskey "v"> <!ENTITY unlinkDevice.label "Unlink This Device"> <!-- Footer stuff --> <!ENTITY prefs.tosLink.label "Terms of Service"> <!ENTITY prefs.ppLink.label "Privacy Policy"> <!-- Firefox Accounts stuff --> <!ENTITY fxaPrivacyNotice.link.label "Privacy Notice"> <!ENTITY determiningAcctStatus.label "Determining your account status…"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (signedInUnverified.beforename.label, signedInUnverified.aftername.label): these two string are used respectively before and after the account email address. Localizers can use one of them, or both, to better adapt this sentence to their language. --> <!ENTITY signedInUnverified.beforename.label ""> <!ENTITY signedInUnverified.aftername.label "is not verified."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (signedInLoginFailure.beforename.label, signedInLoginFailure.aftername.label): these two string are used respectively before and after the account email address. Localizers can use one of them, or both, to better adapt this sentence to their language. --> <!ENTITY signedInLoginFailure.beforename.label "Please sign in to reconnect"> <!ENTITY signedInLoginFailure.aftername.label ""> <!ENTITY notSignedIn.label "You are not signed in."> <!ENTITY signIn.label "Sign in"> <!ENTITY signIn.accesskey "g"> <!ENTITY profilePicture.tooltip "Change profile picture"> <!ENTITY verifiedManage.label "Manage Account"> <!ENTITY verifiedManage.accesskey "o"> <!ENTITY disconnect.label "Disconnect…"> <!ENTITY disconnect.accesskey "D"> <!ENTITY verify.label "Verify Email"> <!ENTITY verify.accesskey "V"> <!ENTITY forget.label "Forget this Email"> <!ENTITY forget.accesskey "F"> <!ENTITY welcome.description "Access your tabs, bookmarks, passwords and more wherever you use &brandShortName;."> <!ENTITY welcome.signIn.label "Sign In"> <!ENTITY welcome.createAccount.label "Create Account"> <!ENTITY welcome.useOldSync.label "Using an older version of Sync?"> <!ENTITY signedOut.caption "Take your Web with you"> <!ENTITY signedOut.description "Synchronize your bookmarks, history, tabs, passwords, add-ons, and preferences across all your devices."> <!ENTITY signedOut.accountBox.title "Connect with a &syncBrand.fxAccount.label;"> <!ENTITY signedOut.accountBox.create "Create Account"> <!ENTITY signedOut.accountBox.create.accesskey "C"> <!ENTITY signedOut.accountBox.signin "Sign In"> <!ENTITY signedOut.accountBox.signin.accesskey "I"> <!ENTITY signedIn.engines.label "Sync across all devices"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mobilePromo3.*): the following strings will be used to create a single sentence with active links. The resulting sentence in English is: "Download Firefox for Android or iOS to sync with your mobile device." --> <!ENTITY mobilePromo3.start "Download Firefox for "> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mobilePromo3.androidLink): This is a link title that links to https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/android/ --> <!ENTITY mobilePromo3.androidLink "Android"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mobilePromo3.iOSBefore): This is text displayed between mobilePromo3.androidLink and mobilePromo3.iosLink --> <!ENTITY mobilePromo3.iOSBefore " or "> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (mobilePromo3.iOSLink): This is a link title that links to https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/ios/ --> <!ENTITY mobilePromo3.iOSLink "iOS"> <!ENTITY mobilePromo3.end " to sync with your mobile device.">