<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!ENTITY tracking.label "Tracking"> #ifdef MOZ_SAFE_BROWSING <!ENTITY trackingProtectionHeader.label "Use Tracking Protection"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionAlways.label "Always"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionAlways.accesskey "y"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionPrivate.label "Only in private windows"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionPrivate.accesskey "l"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionNever.label "Never"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionNever.accesskey "n"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionLearnMore.label "Learn more"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionExceptions.label "Exceptions…"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionExceptions.accesskey "x"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionPBM5.label "Use Tracking Protection in Private Windows"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionPBM5.accesskey "v"> <!ENTITY trackingProtectionPBMLearnMore.label "Learn more"> <!ENTITY changeBlockList.label "Change Block List"> <!ENTITY changeBlockList.accesskey "C"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (doNotTrack.pre.label): include a trailing space as needed --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (doNotTrack.post.label): include a starting space as needed --> <!ENTITY doNotTrack.pre.label "You can also "> <!ENTITY doNotTrack.settings.label "manage your Do Not Track settings"> <!ENTITY doNotTrack.post.label "."> #else <!ENTITY doNotTrack.label "Send a signal that you don’t want to be tracked"> <!ENTITY doNotTrack.accesskey "T"> <!ENTITY doNotTrackLearnMore.label "Learn More"> #endif <!ENTITY history.label "History"> <!ENTITY locationBar.label "Location Bar"> <!ENTITY locbar.suggest.label "When using the location bar, suggest:"> <!ENTITY locbar.history.label "History"> <!ENTITY locbar.history.accesskey "H"> <!ENTITY locbar.bookmarks.label "Bookmarks"> <!ENTITY locbar.bookmarks.accesskey "k"> <!ENTITY locbar.openpage.label "Open tabs"> <!ENTITY locbar.openpage.accesskey "O"> <!ENTITY locbar.searches.label "Related searches from the default search engine"> <!ENTITY locbar.searches.accesskey "d"> <!ENTITY suggestionSettings.label "Change preferences for search engine suggestions…"> <!ENTITY suggestionSettings.accesskey "g"> <!ENTITY acceptCookies.label "Allow sites to store cookies and site data"> <!ENTITY acceptCookies.accesskey "A"> <!ENTITY acceptThirdParty.pre.label "Accept third-party cookies and site data:"> <!ENTITY acceptThirdParty.pre.accesskey "y"> <!ENTITY acceptThirdParty.always.label "Always"> <!ENTITY acceptThirdParty.never.label "Never"> <!ENTITY acceptThirdParty.visited.label "From visited"> <!ENTITY keepUntil.label "Keep until:"> <!ENTITY keepUntil.accesskey "u"> <!ENTITY expire.label "they expire"> <!ENTITY close.label "I close &brandShortName;"> <!ENTITY cookieExceptions.label "Exceptions…"> <!ENTITY cookieExceptions.accesskey "E"> <!ENTITY showCookies.label "Show Cookies…"> <!ENTITY showCookies.accesskey "S"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.pre.label "&brandShortName; will:"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.pre.accesskey "w"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.remember.label "Remember history"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.dontremember.label "Never remember history"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.custom.label "Use custom settings for history"> <!ENTITY historyHeader.post.label ""> <!ENTITY rememberDescription.label "&brandShortName; will remember your browsing, download, form and search history, and keep cookies and site data from websites you visit."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (rememberActions.pre.label): include a trailing space as needed --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (rememberActions.middle.label): include a starting and trailing space as needed --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (rememberActions.post.label): include a starting space as needed --> <!ENTITY rememberActions.pre.label "You may want to "> <!ENTITY rememberActions.clearHistory.label "clear your recent history"> <!ENTITY rememberActions.middle.label ", or "> <!ENTITY rememberActions.removeCookies.label "remove individual cookies"> <!ENTITY rememberActions.post.label "."> <!ENTITY dontrememberDescription.label "&brandShortName; will use the same settings as private browsing, and will not remember any history as you browse the Web."> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (dontrememberActions.pre.label): include a trailing space as needed --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (dontrememberActions.post.label): include a starting space as needed --> <!ENTITY dontrememberActions.pre.label "You may also want to "> <!ENTITY dontrememberActions.clearHistory.label "clear all current history"> <!ENTITY dontrememberActions.post.label "."> <!ENTITY privateBrowsingPermanent2.label "Always use private browsing mode"> <!ENTITY privateBrowsingPermanent2.accesskey "p"> <!ENTITY rememberHistory2.label "Remember my browsing and download history"> <!ENTITY rememberHistory2.accesskey "b"> <!ENTITY rememberSearchForm.label "Remember search and form history"> <!ENTITY rememberSearchForm.accesskey "f"> <!ENTITY clearOnClose.label "Clear history when &brandShortName; closes"> <!ENTITY clearOnClose.accesskey "r"> <!ENTITY clearOnCloseSettings.label "Settings…"> <!ENTITY clearOnCloseSettings.accesskey "t">