# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#### Security

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: phishBefore uses %S to represent the name of the provider
#                    whose privacy policy must be accepted (for enabling
#                    check-every-page-as-I-load-it phishing protection).
phishBeforeText=Selecting this option will send the address of web pages you are viewing to %S. To continue, please review and accept the following terms of service.

#### Fonts

labelDefaultFont=Default (%S)

veryLargeMinimumFontTitle=Large minimum font size
veryLargeMinimumFontWarning=You have selected a very large minimum font size (more than 24 pixels). This may make it difficult or impossible to use some important configuration pages like this one.
acceptVeryLargeMinimumFont=Keep my changes anyway

#### Permissions Manager

trackingprotectionpermissionstext=You have disabled Tracking Protection on these sites.
trackingprotectionpermissionstitle=Exceptions - Tracking Protection
cookiepermissionstext=You can specify which websites are always or never allowed to use cookies. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block, Allow for Session, or Allow.
cookiepermissionstitle=Exceptions - Cookies
addonspermissionstext=You can specify which websites are allowed to install add-ons. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
addons_permissions_title=Allowed Sites - Add-ons Installation
popuppermissionstext=You can specify which websites are allowed to open pop-up windows. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
popuppermissionstitle=Allowed Sites - Pop-ups
notificationspermissionstext4=Control which websites are always or never allowed to send you notifications. If you remove a site, it will need to request permission again.
notificationspermissionstitle=Notification Permissions
invalidURI=Please enter a valid hostname
invalidURITitle=Invalid Hostname Entered
savedLoginsExceptions_title=Exceptions - Saved Logins
savedLoginsExceptions_desc=Logins for the following sites will not be saved:

#### Block List Manager

blockliststext=You can choose which list Firefox will use to block Web elements that may track your browsing activity.
blockliststitle=Block Lists
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozNameTemplate): This template constructs the name of the
# block list in the block lists dialog. It combines the list name and
# description.
#   e.g. mozNameTemplate : "Standard (Recommended). This list does a pretty good job."
#   %1$S = list name (fooName), %2$S = list descriptive text (fooDesc)
mozNameTemplate=%1$S %2$S
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mozstdName, etc.): These labels appear in the tracking
# protection block lists dialog, mozNameTemplate is used to create the final
# string. Note that in the future these two strings (name, desc) could be
# displayed on two different lines.
mozstdName=Disconnect.me basic protection (Recommended).
mozstdDesc=Allows some trackers so websites function properly.
mozfullName=Disconnect.me strict protection.
mozfullDesc=Blocks known trackers. Some sites may not function properly.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blocklistChangeRequiresRestart): %S = brandShortName
blocklistChangeRequiresRestart=%S must restart to change block lists.

#### Master Password

pw_change2empty_in_fips_mode=You are currently in FIPS mode. FIPS requires a non-empty Master Password.
pw_change_failed_title=Password Change Failed

#### Fonts

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations with
#   and without the region.
#   e.g. languageRegionCodeFormat : "French/Canada  [fr-ca]" languageCodeFormat : "French  [fr]"
#   %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name, %3$S = language-region code
languageRegionCodeFormat=%1$S/%2$S  [%3$S]
#   %1$S = language name, %2$S = language-region code
languageCodeFormat=%1$S  [%2$S]

#### Downloads

chooseDownloadFolderTitle=Choose Download Folder:

#### Applications

fileEnding=%S file
saveFile=Save File

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (useApp, useDefault): %S = Application name
useApp=Use %S
useDefault=Use %S (default)

useOtherApp=Use other…
fpTitleChooseApp=Select Helper Application
manageApp=Application Details…
webFeed=Web Feed
videoPodcastFeed=Video Podcast
alwaysAsk=Always ask
portableDocumentFormat=Portable Document Format (PDF)

# %1$S = plugin name (for example "QuickTime Plugin-in 7.2")
# %2$S = brandShortName from brand.properties (for example "Minefield")
usePluginIn=Use %S (in %S)

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (previewInApp, addLiveBookmarksInApp): %S = brandShortName
previewInApp=Preview in %S
addLiveBookmarksInApp=Add Live Bookmarks in %S

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDescriptionWithType):
# %1$S = type description (for example "Portable Document Format")
# %2$S = type (for example "application/pdf")
typeDescriptionWithType=%S (%S)

#### Cookie Viewer

forSecureOnly=Encrypted connections only
forAnyConnection=Any type of connection
expireAtEndOfSession=At end of session
canAccessFirstParty=Allow first party only
canSession=Allow for Session
noCookieSelected=<no cookie selected>
cookiesAll=The following cookies are stored on your computer:
cookiesFiltered=The following cookies match your search:

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeAllCookies, removeAllShownCookies):
# removeAllCookies and removeAllShownCookies are both used on the same one button,
# never displayed together and can share the same accesskey.
# When only partial cookies are shown as a result of keyword search,
# removeAllShownCookies is displayed as button label.
# removeAllCookies is displayed when no keyword search and all cookies are shown.
removeAllCookies.label=Remove All
removeAllShownCookies.label=Remove All Shown

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeSelectedCookies):
# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
# http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# If you need to display the number of selected elements in your language,
# you can use #1 in your localization as a placeholder for the number.
# For example this is the English string with numbers:
# removeSelectedCookied=Remove #1 Selected;Remove #1 Selected
removeSelectedCookies.label=Remove Selected;Remove Selected


#### Offline apps
offlineAppRemoveTitle=Remove offline website data
offlineAppRemovePrompt=After removing this data, %S will not be available offline. Are you sure you want to remove this offline website?
offlineAppRemoveConfirm=Remove offline data

# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the
# offline application
#   e.g. offlineAppUsage : "50.23 MB"
#   %1$S = size (in bytes or megabytes, ...)
#   %2$S = unit of measure (bytes, KB, MB, ...)
offlineAppUsage=%1$S %2$S

offlinepermissionstext=The following websites are not allowed to store data for offline use:
offlinepermissionstitle=Offline Data

#LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the web content cache.
#   e.g., "Your web content cache is currently using 200 MB"
#   %1$S = size
#   %2$S = unit (MB, KB, etc.)
actualDiskCacheSize=Your web content cache is currently using %1$S %2$S of disk space
actualDiskCacheSizeCalculated=Calculating web content cache size…

#LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the application cache.
#   e.g., "Your application cache is currently using 200 MB"
#   %1$S = size
#   %2$S = unit (MB, KB, etc.)
actualAppCacheSize=Your application cache is currently using %1$S %2$S of disk space

syncUnlink.title=Do you want to unlink your device?
syncUnlink.label=This device will no longer be associated with your Sync account. All of your personal data, both on this device and in your Sync account, will remain intact.

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (featureEnableRequiresRestart, featureDisableRequiresRestart, restartTitle): %S = brandShortName
featureEnableRequiresRestart=%S must restart to enable this feature.
featureDisableRequiresRestart=%S must restart to disable this feature.
shouldRestartTitle=Restart %S
okToRestartButton=Restart %S now

restartNow=Restart Now
restartLater=Restart Later

disableContainersAlertTitle=Close All Container Tabs?

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disableContainersMsg): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# #S is the number of container tabs
disableContainersMsg=If you disable Container Tabs now, #S container tab will be closed. Are you sure you want to disable Container Tabs?;If you disable Container Tabs now, #S container tabs will be closed. Are you sure you want to disable Container Tabs?

# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disableContainersOkButton): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
# #S is the number of container tabs
disableContainersOkButton=Close #S Container Tab;Close #S Container Tabs

disableContainersButton2=Keep enabled