<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.notPrivate "You are currently not in a private window."> <!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.openPrivateWindow.label "Open a Private Window"> <!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.openPrivateWindow.accesskey "P"> <!ENTITY privateBrowsing.title "Private Browsing"> <!ENTITY privateBrowsing.title.tracking "Private Browsing with Tracking Protection"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.notsaved.before "When you browse in a Private Window, &brandShortName; "> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.notsaved.emphasize "does not save"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.notsaved.after ":"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.visited "visited pages"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.searches "searches"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.cookies "cookies"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.temporaryFiles "temporary files"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.saved.before "&brandShortName; "> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.saved.emphasize "will save"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.saved.after2 " your:"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.downloads "downloads"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.info.bookmarks "bookmarks"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.note.before "Private Browsing "> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.note.emphasize "doesn’t make you anonymous"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.note.after " on the Internet. Your employer or Internet service provider can still know what page you visit."> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.learnMore2 "Learn more about"> <!ENTITY aboutPrivateBrowsing.learnMore2.title "Private Browsing"> <!ENTITY trackingProtection.title "Tracking Protection"> <!ENTITY trackingProtection.description2 "Some websites use trackers that can monitor your activity across the Internet. With Tracking Protection &brandShortName; will block many trackers that can collect information about your browsing behavior."> <!ENTITY trackingProtection.startTour1 "See how it works">