/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cu = Components.utils;

Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); /* globals OS */
Cu.import("resource:///modules/MigrationUtils.jsm"); /* globals MigratorPrototype */

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Downloads",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PropertyListUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FormHistory",

function Bookmarks(aBookmarksFile) {
  this._file = aBookmarksFile;
Bookmarks.prototype = {
  type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.BOOKMARKS,

  migrate: function B_migrate(aCallback) {
    return Task.spawn(function* () {
      let dict = yield new Promise(resolve =>
        PropertyListUtils.read(this._file, resolve)
      if (!dict)
        throw new Error("Could not read Bookmarks.plist");
      let children = dict.get("Children");
      if (!children)
        throw new Error("Invalid Bookmarks.plist format");

      let collection = dict.get("Title") == "com.apple.ReadingList" ?
      yield this._migrateCollection(children, collection);
    }.bind(this)).then(() => aCallback(true),
                        e => { Cu.reportError(e); aCallback(false) });

  // Bookmarks collections in Safari.  Constants for migrateCollection.
  ROOT_COLLECTION:         0,
  MENU_COLLECTION:         1,

   * Recursively migrate a Safari collection of bookmarks.
   * @param aEntries
   *        the collection's children
   * @param aCollection
   *        one of the values above.
  _migrateCollection: Task.async(function* (aEntries, aCollection) {
    // A collection of bookmarks in Safari resembles places roots.  In the
    // property list files (Bookmarks.plist, ReadingList.plist) they are
    // stored as regular bookmarks folders, and thus can only be distinguished
    // from by their names and places in the hierarchy.

    let entriesFiltered = [];
    if (aCollection == this.ROOT_COLLECTION) {
      for (let entry of aEntries) {
        let type = entry.get("WebBookmarkType");
        if (type == "WebBookmarkTypeList" && entry.has("Children")) {
          let title = entry.get("Title");
          let children = entry.get("Children");
          if (title == "BookmarksBar")
            yield this._migrateCollection(children, this.TOOLBAR_COLLECTION);
          else if (title == "BookmarksMenu")
            yield this._migrateCollection(children, this.MENU_COLLECTION);
          else if (title == "com.apple.ReadingList")
            yield this._migrateCollection(children, this.READING_LIST_COLLECTION);
          else if (entry.get("ShouldOmitFromUI") !== true)
        else if (type == "WebBookmarkTypeLeaf") {
    else {
      entriesFiltered = aEntries;

    if (entriesFiltered.length == 0)

    let folderGuid = -1;
    switch (aCollection) {
      case this.ROOT_COLLECTION: {
        // In Safari, it is possible (though quite cumbersome) to move
        // bookmarks to the bookmarks root, which is the parent folder of
        // all bookmarks "collections".  That is somewhat in parallel with
        // both the places root and the unfiled-bookmarks root.
        // Because the former is only an implementation detail in our UI,
        // the unfiled root seems to be the best choice.
        folderGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid;
      case this.MENU_COLLECTION: {
        folderGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid;
        if (!MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration) {
          folderGuid =
            yield MigrationUtils.createImportedBookmarksFolder("Safari", folderGuid);
      case this.TOOLBAR_COLLECTION: {
        folderGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid;
        if (!MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration) {
          folderGuid =
            yield MigrationUtils.createImportedBookmarksFolder("Safari", folderGuid);
      case this.READING_LIST_COLLECTION: {
        // Reading list items are imported as regular bookmarks.
        // They are imported under their own folder, created either under the
        // bookmarks menu (in the case of startup migration).
        folderGuid = (yield MigrationUtils.insertBookmarkWrapper({
          parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
          type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
          title: MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString("importedSafariReadingList"),
        throw new Error("Unexpected value for aCollection!");
    if (folderGuid == -1)
      throw new Error("Invalid folder GUID");

    yield this._migrateEntries(entriesFiltered, folderGuid);

  // migrate the given array of safari bookmarks to the given places
  // folder.
  _migrateEntries: Task.async(function* (entries, parentGuid) {
    for (let entry of entries) {
      let type = entry.get("WebBookmarkType");
      if (type == "WebBookmarkTypeList" && entry.has("Children")) {
        let title = entry.get("Title");
        let newFolderGuid = (yield MigrationUtils.insertBookmarkWrapper({
          parentGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, title

        // Empty folders may not have a children array.
        if (entry.has("Children"))
          yield this._migrateEntries(entry.get("Children"), newFolderGuid, false);
      else if (type == "WebBookmarkTypeLeaf" && entry.has("URLString")) {
        let title;
        if (entry.has("URIDictionary"))
          title = entry.get("URIDictionary").get("title");

        try {
          yield MigrationUtils.insertBookmarkWrapper({
            parentGuid, url: entry.get("URLString"), title
        } catch (ex) {
          Cu.reportError("Invalid Safari bookmark: " + ex);

function History(aHistoryFile) {
  this._file = aHistoryFile;
History.prototype = {
  type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.HISTORY,

  // Helper method for converting the visit date property to a PRTime value.
  // The visit date is stored as a string, so it's not read as a Date
  // object by PropertyListUtils.
  _parseCocoaDate: function H___parseCocoaDate(aCocoaDateStr) {
    let asDouble = parseFloat(aCocoaDateStr);
    if (!isNaN(asDouble)) {
      // reference date of NSDate.
      let date = new Date("1 January 2001, GMT");
      date.setMilliseconds(asDouble * 1000);
      return date * 1000;
    return 0;

  migrate: function H_migrate(aCallback) {
    PropertyListUtils.read(this._file, function migrateHistory(aDict) {
      try {
        if (!aDict)
          throw new Error("Could not read history property list");
        if (!aDict.has("WebHistoryDates"))
          throw new Error("Unexpected history-property list format");

        // Safari's History file contains only top-level urls.  It does not
        // distinguish between typed urls and linked urls.
        let transType = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITION_LINK;

        let places = [];
        let entries = aDict.get("WebHistoryDates");
        for (let entry of entries) {
          if (entry.has("lastVisitedDate")) {
            let visitDate = this._parseCocoaDate(entry.get("lastVisitedDate"));
            try {
              places.push({ uri: NetUtil.newURI(entry.get("")),
                            title: entry.get("title"),
                            visits: [{ transitionType: transType,
                                       visitDate: visitDate }] });
            catch (ex) {
              // Safari's History file may contain malformed URIs which
              // will be ignored.
        if (places.length > 0) {
          MigrationUtils.insertVisitsWrapper(places, {
            _success: false,
            handleResult: function() {
              // Importing any entry is considered a successful import.
              this._success = true;
            handleError: function() {},
            handleCompletion: function() {
        else {
      catch (ex) {

 * Safari's preferences property list is independently used for three purposes:
 * (a) importation of preferences
 * (b) importation of search strings
 * (c) retrieving the home page.
 * So, rather than reading it three times, it's cached and managed here.
function MainPreferencesPropertyList(aPreferencesFile) {
  this._file = aPreferencesFile;
  this._callbacks = [];
MainPreferencesPropertyList.prototype = {
   * @see PropertyListUtils.read
  read: function MPPL_read(aCallback) {
    if ("_dict" in this) {

    let alreadyReading = this._callbacks.length > 0;
    if (!alreadyReading) {
      PropertyListUtils.read(this._file, function readPrefs(aDict) {
        this._dict = aDict;
        for (let callback of this._callbacks) {
          try {
          catch (ex) {

  // Workaround for nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.sourceHomePageURL until
  // it's replaced with an async method.
  _readSync: function MPPL__readSync() {
    if ("_dict" in this)
      return this._dict;

    let inputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].
    inputStream.init(this._file, -1, -1, 0);
    let binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].
    let bytes = binaryStream.readByteArray(inputStream.available());
    this._dict = PropertyListUtils._readFromArrayBufferSync(
      new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer);
    return this._dict;

function Preferences(aMainPreferencesPropertyListInstance) {
  this._mainPreferencesPropertyList = aMainPreferencesPropertyListInstance;
Preferences.prototype = {
  type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.SETTINGS,

  migrate: function MPR_migrate(aCallback) {
    this._mainPreferencesPropertyList.read(aDict => {
      Task.spawn(function* () {
        if (!aDict)
          throw new Error("Could not read preferences file");

        this._dict = aDict;

        let invert = webkitVal => !webkitVal;
        this._set("AutoFillPasswords", "signon.rememberSignons");
        this._set("OpenNewTabsInFront", "browser.tabs.loadInBackground", invert);
                   "dom.disable_open_during_load", invert);

        // layout.spellcheckDefault is a boolean stored as a number.
                  "layout.spellcheckDefault", Number);

        // Auto-load images
        // Firefox has an elaborate set of Image preferences. The correlation is:
        // Mode:                            Safari    Firefox
        // Blocked                          FALSE     2
        // Allowed                          TRUE      1
        // Allowed, originating site only   --        3
        this._set("WebKitDisplayImagesKey", "permissions.default.image",
                  webkitVal => webkitVal ? 1 : 2);

        yield this._migrateDownloadsFolder();
      }.bind(this)).then(() => aCallback(true), ex => {

   * Attempts to migrates a preference from Safari.  Returns whether the preference
   * has been migrated.
   * @param aSafariKey
   *        The dictionary key for the preference of Safari.
   * @param aMozPref
   *        The gecko/firefox preference to which aSafariKey should be migrated
   * @param [optional] aConvertFunction(aSafariValue)
   *        a function that converts the safari-preference value to the
   *        appropriate value for aMozPref.  If it's not passed, then the
   *        Safari value is set as is.
   *        If aConvertFunction returns undefined, then aMozPref is not set
   *        at all.
   * @return whether or not aMozPref was set.
  _set: function MPR_set(aSafariKey, aMozPref, aConvertFunction) {
    if (this._dict.has(aSafariKey)) {
      let safariVal = this._dict.get(aSafariKey);
      let mozVal = aConvertFunction !== undefined ?
                   aConvertFunction(safariVal) : safariVal;
      switch (typeof mozVal) {
        case "string":
          Services.prefs.setCharPref(aMozPref, mozVal);
        case "number":
          Services.prefs.setIntPref(aMozPref, mozVal);
        case "boolean":
          Services.prefs.setBoolPref(aMozPref, mozVal);
        case "undefined":
          return false;
          throw new Error("Unexpected value type: " + (typeof mozVal));
    return true;

  // Fonts settings are quite problematic for migration, for a couple of
  // reasons:
  // (a) Every font preference in Gecko is set for a particular language.
  //     In Safari, each font preference applies to all languages.
  // (b) The current underlying implementation of nsIFontEnumerator cannot
  //     really tell you anything about a font: no matter what language or type
  //     you try to enumerate with EnumerateFonts, you get an array of all
  //     fonts in the systems (This also breaks our fonts dialog).
  // (c) In Gecko, each langauge has a distinct serif and sans-serif font
  //     preference.  Safari has only one default font setting.  It seems that
  //     it checks if it's a serif or sans serif font, and when a site
  //     explicitly asks to use serif/sans-serif font, it uses the default font
  //     only if it applies to this type.
  // (d) The solution of guessing the lang-group out of the default charset (as
  //     done in the old Safari migrator) can only work when:
  //     (1) The default charset preference is set.
  //     (2) It's not a unicode charset.
  // For now, we use the language implied by the system locale as the
  // lang-group. The only exception is minimal font size, which is an
  // accessibility preference in Safari (under the Advanced tab). If it is set,
  // we set it for all languages.
  // As for the font type of the default font (serif/sans-serif), the default
  // type for the given language is used (set in font.default.LANGGROUP).
  _migrateFontSettings: function MPR__migrateFontSettings() {
    // If "Never use font sizes smaller than [ ] is set", migrate it for all
    // languages.
    if (this._dict.has("WebKitMinimumFontSize")) {
      let minimumSize = this._dict.get("WebKitMinimumFontSize");
      if (typeof minimumSize == "number") {
        let prefs = Services.prefs.getChildList("font.minimum-size");
        for (let pref of prefs) {
          Services.prefs.setIntPref(pref, minimumSize);
      else {
        Cu.reportError("WebKitMinimumFontSize was set to an invalid value: " +

    // In theory, the lang group could be "x-unicode". This will result
    // in setting the fonts for "Other Languages".
    let lang = this._getLocaleLangGroup();

    let anySet = false;
    let fontType = Services.prefs.getCharPref("font.default." + lang);
    anySet |= this._set("WebKitFixedFont", "font.name.monospace." + lang);
    anySet |= this._set("WebKitDefaultFixedFontSize", "font.size.fixed." + lang);
    anySet |= this._set("WebKitStandardFont",
                        "font.name." + fontType + "." + lang);
    anySet |= this._set("WebKitDefaultFontSize", "font.size.variable." + lang);

    // If we set font settings for a particular language, we'll also set the
    // fonts dialog to open with the fonts settings for that langauge.
    if (anySet)
      Services.prefs.setCharPref("font.language.group", lang);

  // Get the language group for the system locale.
  _getLocaleLangGroup: function MPR__getLocaleLangGroup() {
    let locale = Services.locale.getLocaleComponentForUserAgent();

    // See nsLanguageAtomService::GetLanguageGroup
    let localeLangGroup = "x-unicode";
    let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
    try {
      localeLangGroup = bundle.GetStringFromName(locale);
    catch (ex) {
      let hyphenAt = locale.indexOf("-");
      if (hyphenAt != -1) {
        try {
          localeLangGroup = bundle.GetStringFromName(locale.substr(0, hyphenAt));
        catch (ex2) { }
    return localeLangGroup;

  _migrateDownloadsFolder: Task.async(function* () {
    if (!this._dict.has("DownloadsPath"))

    let downloadsFolder = FileUtils.File(this._dict.get("DownloadsPath"));

    // If the download folder is set to the Desktop or to ~/Downloads, set the
    // folderList pref appropriately so that "Desktop"/Downloads is shown with
    // pretty name in the preferences dialog.
    let folderListVal = 2;
    if (downloadsFolder.equals(FileUtils.getDir("Desk", []))) {
      folderListVal = 0;
    else {
      let systemDownloadsPath = yield Downloads.getSystemDownloadsDirectory();
      let systemDownloadsFolder = FileUtils.File(systemDownloadsPath);
      if (downloadsFolder.equals(systemDownloadsFolder))
        folderListVal = 1;
    Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.folderList", folderListVal);
    Services.prefs.setComplexValue("browser.download.dir", Ci.nsILocalFile,

function SearchStrings(aMainPreferencesPropertyListInstance) {
  this._mainPreferencesPropertyList = aMainPreferencesPropertyListInstance;
SearchStrings.prototype = {
  type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.OTHERDATA,

  migrate: function SS_migrate(aCallback) {
      function migrateSearchStrings(aDict) {
        if (!aDict)
          throw new Error("Could not get preferences dictionary");

        if (aDict.has("RecentSearchStrings")) {
          let recentSearchStrings = aDict.get("RecentSearchStrings");
          if (recentSearchStrings && recentSearchStrings.length > 0) {
            let changes = recentSearchStrings.map((searchString) => (
                           {op: "add",
                            fieldname: "searchbar-history",
                            value: searchString}));
      }.bind(this), aCallback));

// On OS X, the cookie-accept policy preference is stored in a separate
// property list.
function WebFoundationCookieBehavior(aWebFoundationFile) {
  this._file = aWebFoundationFile;
WebFoundationCookieBehavior.prototype = {
  type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.SETTINGS,

  migrate: function WFPL_migrate(aCallback) {
    PropertyListUtils.read(this._file, MigrationUtils.wrapMigrateFunction(
      function migrateCookieBehavior(aDict) {
        if (!aDict)
          throw new Error("Could not read com.apple.WebFoundation.plist");

        if (aDict.has("NSHTTPAcceptCookies")) {
          // Setting                    Safari          Firefox
          // Always Accept              always          0
          // Accept from Originating    current page    1
          // Never Accept               never           2
          let acceptCookies = aDict.get("NSHTTPAcceptCookies");
          let cookieValue = 0;
          if (acceptCookies == "never") {
            cookieValue = 2;
          } else if (acceptCookies == "current page") {
            cookieValue = 1;
      }.bind(this), aCallback));

function SafariProfileMigrator() {

SafariProfileMigrator.prototype = Object.create(MigratorPrototype);

SafariProfileMigrator.prototype.getResources = function SM_getResources() {
  let profileDir = FileUtils.getDir("ULibDir", ["Safari"], false);
  if (!profileDir.exists())
    return null;

  let resources = [];
  let pushProfileFileResource = function(aFileName, aConstructor) {
    let file = profileDir.clone();
    if (file.exists())
      resources.push(new aConstructor(file));

  pushProfileFileResource("History.plist", History);
  pushProfileFileResource("Bookmarks.plist", Bookmarks);

  // The Reading List feature was introduced at the same time in Windows and
  // Mac versions of Safari.  Not surprisingly, they are stored in the same
  // format in both versions.  Surpsingly, only on Windows there is a
  // separate property list for it.  This code is used on mac too, because
  // Apple may fix this at some point.
  pushProfileFileResource("ReadingList.plist", Bookmarks);

  let prefs = this.mainPreferencesPropertyList;
  if (prefs) {
    resources.push(new Preferences(prefs));
    resources.push(new SearchStrings(prefs));

  let wfFile = FileUtils.getFile("UsrPrfs", ["com.apple.WebFoundation.plist"]);
  if (wfFile.exists())
    resources.push(new WebFoundationCookieBehavior(wfFile));

  return resources;

SafariProfileMigrator.prototype.getLastUsedDate = function SM_getLastUsedDate() {
  let profileDir = FileUtils.getDir("ULibDir", ["Safari"], false);
  let datePromises = ["Bookmarks.plist", "History.plist"].map(file => {
    let path = OS.Path.join(profileDir.path, file);
    return OS.File.stat(path).catch(() => null).then(info => {
      return info ? info.lastModificationDate : 0;
  return Promise.all(datePromises).then(dates => {
    return new Date(Math.max.apply(Math, dates));

Object.defineProperty(SafariProfileMigrator.prototype, "mainPreferencesPropertyList", {
  get: function get_mainPreferencesPropertyList() {
    if (this._mainPreferencesPropertyList === undefined) {
      let file = FileUtils.getDir("UsrPrfs", [], false);
      if (file.exists()) {
        if (file.exists()) {
          this._mainPreferencesPropertyList =
            new MainPreferencesPropertyList(file);
          return this._mainPreferencesPropertyList;
      this._mainPreferencesPropertyList = null;
      return this._mainPreferencesPropertyList;
    return this._mainPreferencesPropertyList;

Object.defineProperty(SafariProfileMigrator.prototype, "sourceHomePageURL", {
  get: function get_sourceHomePageURL() {
    if (this.mainPreferencesPropertyList) {
      let dict = this.mainPreferencesPropertyList._readSync();
      if (dict.has("HomePage"))
        return dict.get("HomePage");
    return "";

SafariProfileMigrator.prototype.classDescription = "Safari Profile Migrator";
SafariProfileMigrator.prototype.contractID = "@mozilla.org/profile/migrator;1?app=browser&type=safari";
SafariProfileMigrator.prototype.classID = Components.ID("{4b609ecf-60b2-4655-9df4-dc149e474da1}");

this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SafariProfileMigrator]);