const tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); const webExtension = require('sdk/webextension'); exports.testEmbeddedWebExtensionModuleInitializedException = function (assert) { let actualErr; assert.throws( () => webExtension.initFromBootstrapAddonParam({webExtension: null}), /'sdk\/webextension' module has been already initialized/, "Got the expected exception if the module is initialized twice" ); }; exports.testEmbeddedWebExtensionBackgroungPage = function* (assert) { try { const api = yield webExtension.startup(); assert.ok(api, `webextension waitForStartup promise successfully resolved`); const apiSecondStartup = yield webExtension.startup(); assert.equal(api, apiSecondStartup, "Got the same API object from the second startup call"); const {browser} = api; let messageListener; let waitForBackgroundPageMessage = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let numExpectedMessage = 2; messageListener = (msg, sender, sendReply) => { numExpectedMessage -= 1; if (numExpectedMessage == 1) { assert.equal(msg, "bg->sdk message", "Got the expected message from the background page"); sendReply("sdk reply"); } else if (numExpectedMessage == 0) { assert.equal(msg, "sdk reply", "The background page received the expected reply message"); resolve(); } else { console.error("Unexpected message received", {msg,sender, numExpectedMessage}); assert.ok(false, `unexpected message received`); reject(); } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(messageListener); }); let portListener; let waitForBackgroundPagePort = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { portListener = (port) => { let numExpectedMessages = 2; port.onMessage.addListener((msg) => { numExpectedMessages -= 1; if (numExpectedMessages == 1) { // Check that the legacy context has been able to receive the first port message // and reply with a port message to the background page. assert.equal(msg, "bg->sdk port message", "Got the expected port message from the background page"); port.postMessage("sdk->bg port message"); } else if (numExpectedMessages == 0) { // Check that the background page has received the above port message. assert.equal(msg, "bg received sdk->bg port message", "The background page received the expected port message"); } }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { assert.equal(numExpectedMessages, 0, "Got the expected number of port messages"); resolve(); }); }; browser.runtime.onConnect.addListener(portListener); }); yield Promise.all([ waitForBackgroundPageMessage, waitForBackgroundPagePort, ]).then(() => { browser.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(messageListener); browser.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(portListener); }); } catch (err) {`Unexpected webextension startup exception: ${err} - ${err.stack}`); } }; exports.testEmbeddedWebExtensionContentScript = function* (assert, done) { try { const {browser} = yield webExtension.startup(); assert.ok(browser, `webextension startup promise resolved successfully to the API object`); let messageListener; let waitForContentScriptMessage = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let numExpectedMessage = 2; messageListener = (msg, sender, sendReply) => { numExpectedMessage -= 1; if (numExpectedMessage == 1) { assert.equal(msg, "content script->sdk message", "Got the expected message from the content script"); sendReply("sdk reply"); } else if (numExpectedMessage == 0) { assert.equal(msg, "sdk reply", "The content script received the expected reply message"); resolve(); } else { console.error("Unexpected message received", {msg,sender, numExpectedMessage}); assert.ok(false, `unexpected message received`); reject(); } }; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(messageListener); }); let portListener; let waitForContentScriptPort = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { portListener = (port) => { let numExpectedMessages = 2; port.onMessage.addListener((msg) => { numExpectedMessages -= 1; if (numExpectedMessages == 1) { assert.equal(msg, "content script->sdk port message", "Got the expected message from the content script port"); port.postMessage("sdk->content script port message"); } else if (numExpectedMessages == 0) { assert.equal(msg, "content script received sdk->content script port message", "The content script received the expected port message"); } }); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { assert.equal(numExpectedMessages, 0, "Got the epected number of port messages"); resolve(); }); }; browser.runtime.onConnect.addListener(portListener); }); let url = ""; var openedTab; tabs.once('open', function onOpen(tab) { openedTab = tab; });; yield Promise.all([ waitForContentScriptMessage, waitForContentScriptPort, ]).then(() => { browser.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(messageListener); browser.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(portListener); openedTab.close(); }); } catch (err) {`Unexpected webextension startup exception: ${err} - ${err.stack}`); } }; require("sdk/test/runner").runTestsFromModule(module);