/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); // From addon-kit const windowUtils = require("sdk/deprecated/window-utils"); const app = require("sdk/system/xul-app"); const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core"); const { modelFor } = require("sdk/model/core"); const { getTabId, isTab } = require("sdk/tabs/utils"); const { defer } = require("sdk/lang/functional"); exports["test behavior on close"] = function(assert, done) { tabs.open({ url: "about:mozilla", onReady: function(tab) { assert.equal(tab.url, "about:mozilla", "Tab has the expected url"); // if another test ends before closing a tab then index != 1 here assert.ok(tab.index >= 1, "Tab has the expected index, a value greater than 0"); tab.close(function () { assert.equal(tab.url, undefined, "After being closed, tab attributes are undefined (url)"); assert.equal(tab.index, undefined, "After being closed, tab attributes are undefined (index)"); if (app.is("Firefox")) { // Ensure that we can call destroy multiple times without throwing; // Fennec doesn't use this internal utility tab.destroy(); tab.destroy(); } done(); }); } }); }; exports["test viewFor(tab)"] = (assert, done) => { // Note we defer handlers as length collection is updated after // handler is invoked, so if test is finished before counnts are // updated wrong length will show up in followup tests. tabs.once("open", defer(tab => { const view = viewFor(tab); assert.ok(view, "view is returned"); assert.equal(getTabId(view), tab.id, "tab has a same id"); tab.close(defer(done)); })); tabs.open({ url: "about:mozilla" }); }; exports["test modelFor(xulTab)"] = (assert, done) => { tabs.open({ url: "about:mozilla", onReady: tab => { const view = viewFor(tab); assert.ok(view, "view is returned"); assert.ok(isTab(view), "view is underlaying tab"); assert.equal(getTabId(view), tab.id, "tab has a same id"); assert.equal(modelFor(view), tab, "modelFor(view) is SDK tab"); tab.close(defer(done)); } }); }; exports["test tab.readyState"] = (assert, done) => { tabs.open({ url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,test_readyState", onOpen: (tab) => { assert.notEqual(["uninitialized", "loading"].indexOf(tab.readyState), -1, "tab is either uninitialized or loading when onOpen"); }, onReady: (tab) => { assert.notEqual(["interactive", "complete"].indexOf(tab.readyState), -1, "tab is either interactive or complete when onReady"); }, onLoad: (tab) => { assert.equal(tab.readyState, "complete", "tab is complete onLoad"); tab.close(defer(done)); } }); } // require("sdk/test").run(exports);