# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os.path import shutil import zipfile from StringIO import StringIO import simplejson as json import unittest import cuddlefish from cuddlefish import packaging, manifest def up(path, generations=1): for i in range(generations): path = os.path.dirname(path) return path ROOT = up(os.path.abspath(__file__), 4) def get_linker_files_dir(name): return os.path.join(up(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "linker-files", name) class Basic(unittest.TestCase): def get_pkg(self, name): d = get_linker_files_dir(name) return packaging.get_config_in_dir(d) def test_deps(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("one") pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, ["one"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["one"]) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "one"]) def test_manifest(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("one") pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "one"]) # target_cfg.dependencies is not provided, so we'll search through # all known packages (everything in 'deps'). m = manifest.build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) m = m.get_harness_options_manifest(False) def assertReqIs(modname, reqname, path): reqs = m["one/%s" % modname]["requirements"] self.failUnlessEqual(reqs[reqname], path) assertReqIs("main", "sdk/panel", "sdk/panel") assertReqIs("main", "two.js", "one/two") assertReqIs("main", "./two", "one/two") assertReqIs("main", "sdk/tabs.js", "sdk/tabs") assertReqIs("main", "./subdir/three", "one/subdir/three") assertReqIs("two", "main", "one/main") assertReqIs("subdir/three", "../main", "one/main") target_cfg.dependencies = [] try: # this should now work, as we ignore missing modules by default m = manifest.build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) m = m.get_harness_options_manifest(False) assertReqIs("main", "sdk/panel", "sdk/panel") # note that with "addon-sdk" dependency present, # "sdk/tabs.js" mapped to "sdk/tabs", but without, # we just get the default (identity) mapping assertReqIs("main", "sdk/tabs.js", "sdk/tabs.js") except Exception, e: self.fail("Must not throw from build_manifest() if modules are missing") # now, because .dependencies *is* provided, we won't search 'deps', # and stop_on_missing is True, we'll get a link error self.assertRaises(manifest.ModuleNotFoundError, manifest.build_manifest, target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False, abort_on_missing=True) def test_main_in_deps(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("three") package_path = [get_linker_files_dir("three-deps")] pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg, packagepath=package_path) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "three"]) m = manifest.build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) m = m.get_harness_options_manifest(False) def assertReqIs(modname, reqname, path): reqs = m["three/%s" % modname]["requirements"] self.failUnlessEqual(reqs[reqname], path) assertReqIs("main", "three-a", "three-a/main") assertReqIs("main", "three-b", "three-b/main") assertReqIs("main", "three-c", "three-c/main") def test_relative_main_in_top(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("five") package_path = [] pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg, packagepath=package_path) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "five"]) # all we care about is that this next call doesn't raise an exception m = manifest.build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) m = m.get_harness_options_manifest(False) reqs = m["five/main"]["requirements"] self.failUnlessEqual(reqs, {}); def test_unreachable_relative_main_in_top(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("six") package_path = [] pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg, packagepath=package_path) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "six"]) self.assertRaises(manifest.UnreachablePrefixError, manifest.build_manifest, target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) def test_unreachable_in_deps(self): target_cfg = self.get_pkg("four") package_path = [get_linker_files_dir("four-deps")] pkg_cfg = packaging.build_config(ROOT, target_cfg, packagepath=package_path) deps = packaging.get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, [target_cfg.name, "addon-sdk"]) self.failUnlessEqual(deps, ["addon-sdk", "four"]) self.assertRaises(manifest.UnreachablePrefixError, manifest.build_manifest, target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests=False) class Contents(unittest.TestCase): def run_in_subdir(self, dirname, f, *args, **kwargs): top = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(".test_tmp",self.id(),dirname)) if os.path.isdir(basedir): assert basedir.startswith(top) shutil.rmtree(basedir) os.makedirs(basedir) try: os.chdir(basedir) return f(basedir, *args, **kwargs) finally: os.chdir(top) def assertIn(self, what, inside_what): self.failUnless(what in inside_what, inside_what) def test_jetpackID(self): # this uses "id": "jid7", to which a @jetpack should be appended seven = get_linker_files_dir("seven") def _test(basedir): stdout = StringIO() shutil.copytree(seven, "seven") os.chdir("seven") try: # regrettably, run() always finishes with sys.exit() cuddlefish.run(["xpi", "--no-strip-xpi"], stdout=stdout) except SystemExit, e: self.failUnlessEqual(e.args[0], 0) zf = zipfile.ZipFile("seven.xpi", "r") hopts = json.loads(zf.read("harness-options.json")) self.failUnlessEqual(hopts["jetpackID"], "jid7@jetpack") self.run_in_subdir("x", _test) def test_jetpackID_suffix(self): # this uses "id": "jid1@jetpack", so no suffix should be appended one = get_linker_files_dir("one") def _test(basedir): stdout = StringIO() shutil.copytree(one, "one") os.chdir("one") try: # regrettably, run() always finishes with sys.exit() cuddlefish.run(["xpi", "--no-strip-xpi"], stdout=stdout) except SystemExit, e: self.failUnlessEqual(e.args[0], 0) zf = zipfile.ZipFile("one.xpi", "r") hopts = json.loads(zf.read("harness-options.json")) self.failUnlessEqual(hopts["jetpackID"], "jid1@jetpack") self.run_in_subdir("x", _test) def test_strip_default(self): seven = get_linker_files_dir("seven") # now run 'cfx xpi' in that directory, except put the generated .xpi # elsewhere def _test(basedir): stdout = StringIO() shutil.copytree(seven, "seven") os.chdir("seven") try: # regrettably, run() always finishes with sys.exit() cuddlefish.run(["xpi"], # --strip-xpi is now the default stdout=stdout) except SystemExit, e: self.failUnlessEqual(e.args[0], 0) zf = zipfile.ZipFile("seven.xpi", "r") names = zf.namelist() # problem found in bug 664840 was that an addon # without an explicit tests/ directory would copy all files from # the package into a bogus JID-PKGNAME-tests/ directory, so check # for that testfiles = [fn for fn in names if "seven/tests" in fn] self.failUnlessEqual([], testfiles) # another problem was that data files were being stripped from # the XPI. Note that data/ is only supposed to be included if a # module that actually gets used does a require("self") . self.assertIn("resources/seven/data/text.data", names) self.failIf("seven/lib/unused.js" in names, names) self.run_in_subdir("x", _test) def test_no_strip(self): seven = get_linker_files_dir("seven") def _test(basedir): stdout = StringIO() shutil.copytree(seven, "seven") os.chdir("seven") try: # regrettably, run() always finishes with sys.exit() cuddlefish.run(["xpi", "--no-strip-xpi"], stdout=stdout) except SystemExit, e: self.failUnlessEqual(e.args[0], 0) zf = zipfile.ZipFile("seven.xpi", "r") names = zf.namelist() self.assertIn("resources/addon-sdk/lib/sdk/loader/cuddlefish.js", names) testfiles = [fn for fn in names if "seven/tests" in fn] self.failUnlessEqual([], testfiles) self.assertIn("resources/seven/data/text.data", names) self.failUnless("resources/seven/lib/unused.js" in names, names) self.run_in_subdir("x", _test) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()