/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; module.metadata = { "stability": "unstable" }; const { exit, version, stdout, stderr, platform, architecture } = require("../system"); /** * Supported */ exports.stdout = stdout; exports.stderr = stderr; exports.version = version; exports.versions = {}; exports.config = {}; exports.arch = architecture; exports.platform = platform; exports.exit = exit; /** * Partial support */ // An alias to `setTimeout(fn, 0)`, which isn't the same as node's `nextTick`, // but atleast ensures it'll occur asynchronously exports.nextTick = (callback) => setTimeout(callback, 0); /** * Unsupported */ exports.maxTickDepth = 1000; exports.pid = 0; exports.title = ""; exports.stdin = {}; exports.argv = []; exports.execPath = ""; exports.execArgv = []; exports.abort = function () {}; exports.chdir = function () {}; exports.cwd = function () {}; exports.env = {}; exports.getgid = function () {}; exports.setgid = function () {}; exports.getuid = function () {}; exports.setuid = function () {}; exports.getgroups = function () {}; exports.setgroups = function () {}; exports.initgroups = function () {}; exports.kill = function () {}; exports.memoryUsage = function () {}; exports.umask = function () {}; exports.uptime = function () {}; exports.hrtime = function () {};