/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'stability': 'deprecated' }; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const events = require('../system/events'); const { getInnerId, getOuterId, windows, isDocumentLoaded, isBrowser, getMostRecentBrowserWindow, getToplevelWindow, getMostRecentWindow } = require('../window/utils'); const { deprecateFunction } = require('../util/deprecate'); const { ignoreWindow } = require('sdk/private-browsing/utils'); const { isPrivateBrowsingSupported } = require('../self'); const windowWatcher = Cc['@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1']. getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher); const appShellService = Cc['@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1']. getService(Ci.nsIAppShellService); // Bug 834961: ignore private windows when they are not supported function getWindows() { return windows(null, { includePrivate: isPrivateBrowsingSupported }); } /** * An iterator for XUL windows currently in the application. * * @return A generator that yields XUL windows exposing the * nsIDOMWindow interface. */ function windowIterator() { // Bug 752631: We only pass already loaded window in order to avoid // breaking XUL windows DOM. DOM is broken when some JS code try // to access DOM during "uninitialized" state of the related document. let list = getWindows().filter(isDocumentLoaded); for (let i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { yield list[i]; } }; exports.windowIterator = windowIterator; /** * An iterator for browser windows currently open in the application. * @returns {Function} * A generator that yields browser windows exposing the `nsIDOMWindow` * interface. */ function browserWindowIterator() { for (let window of windowIterator()) { if (isBrowser(window)) yield window; } } exports.browserWindowIterator = browserWindowIterator; function WindowTracker(delegate) { if (!(this instanceof WindowTracker)) { return new WindowTracker(delegate); } this._delegate = delegate; for (let window of getWindows()) this._regWindow(window); windowWatcher.registerNotification(this); this._onToplevelWindowReady = this._onToplevelWindowReady.bind(this); events.on('toplevel-window-ready', this._onToplevelWindowReady); require('../system/unload').ensure(this); return this; }; WindowTracker.prototype = { _regLoadingWindow: function _regLoadingWindow(window) { // Bug 834961: ignore private windows when they are not supported if (ignoreWindow(window)) return; window.addEventListener('load', this, true); }, _unregLoadingWindow: function _unregLoadingWindow(window) { // This may have no effect if we ignored the window in _regLoadingWindow(). window.removeEventListener('load', this, true); }, _regWindow: function _regWindow(window) { // Bug 834961: ignore private windows when they are not supported if (ignoreWindow(window)) return; if (window.document.readyState == 'complete') { this._unregLoadingWindow(window); this._delegate.onTrack(window); } else this._regLoadingWindow(window); }, _unregWindow: function _unregWindow(window) { if (window.document.readyState == 'complete') { if (this._delegate.onUntrack) this._delegate.onUntrack(window); } else { this._unregLoadingWindow(window); } }, unload: function unload() { windowWatcher.unregisterNotification(this); events.off('toplevel-window-ready', this._onToplevelWindowReady); for (let window of getWindows()) this._unregWindow(window); }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(event) { try { if (event.type == 'load' && event.target) { var window = event.target.defaultView; if (window) this._regWindow(getToplevelWindow(window)); } } catch(e) { console.exception(e); } }, _onToplevelWindowReady: function _onToplevelWindowReady({subject}) { let window = getToplevelWindow(subject); // ignore private windows if they are not supported if (ignoreWindow(window)) return; this._regWindow(window); }, observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { try { var window = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow); // ignore private windows if they are not supported if (ignoreWindow(window)) return; if (topic == 'domwindowclosed') this._unregWindow(window); } catch(e) { console.exception(e); } } }; exports.WindowTracker = WindowTracker; Object.defineProperties(exports, { activeWindow: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return getMostRecentWindow(null); }, set: function(window) { try { window.focus(); } catch (e) {} } }, activeBrowserWindow: { enumerable: true, get: getMostRecentBrowserWindow } }); /** * Returns the ID of the window's current inner window. */ exports.getInnerId = deprecateFunction(getInnerId, 'require("window-utils").getInnerId is deprecated, ' + 'please use require("sdk/window/utils").getInnerId instead' ); exports.getOuterId = deprecateFunction(getOuterId, 'require("window-utils").getOuterId is deprecated, ' + 'please use require("sdk/window/utils").getOuterId instead' ); exports.isBrowser = deprecateFunction(isBrowser, 'require("window-utils").isBrowser is deprecated, ' + 'please use require("sdk/window/utils").isBrowser instead' ); exports.hiddenWindow = appShellService.hiddenDOMWindow;