/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ia2AccessibleRelation.h" #include "Relation.h" #include "nsID.h" #include "AccessibleRelation_i.c" using namespace mozilla::a11y; ia2AccessibleRelation::ia2AccessibleRelation(RelationType aType, Relation* aRel) : mType(aType) { Accessible* target = nullptr; while ((target = aRel->Next())) mTargets.AppendElement(target); } // IUnknown IMPL_IUNKNOWN_QUERY_HEAD(ia2AccessibleRelation) IMPL_IUNKNOWN_QUERY_IFACE(IAccessibleRelation) IMPL_IUNKNOWN_QUERY_IFACE(IUnknown) IMPL_IUNKNOWN_QUERY_TAIL // IAccessibleRelation STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleRelation::get_relationType(BSTR* aRelationType) { if (!aRelationType) return E_INVALIDARG; *aRelationType = nullptr; #define RELATIONTYPE(geckoType, geckoTypeName, atkType, msaaType, ia2Type) \ case RelationType::geckoType: \ *aRelationType = ::SysAllocString(ia2Type); \ break; switch (mType) { #include "RelationTypeMap.h" } return *aRelationType ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleRelation::get_localizedRelationType(BSTR *aLocalizedRelationType) { if (!aLocalizedRelationType) return E_INVALIDARG; *aLocalizedRelationType = nullptr; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleRelation::get_nTargets(long *aNTargets) { if (!aNTargets) return E_INVALIDARG; *aNTargets = mTargets.Length(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleRelation::get_target(long aTargetIndex, IUnknown **aTarget) { if (aTargetIndex < 0 || (uint32_t)aTargetIndex >= mTargets.Length() || !aTarget) return E_INVALIDARG; AccessibleWrap* target = static_cast<AccessibleWrap*>(mTargets[aTargetIndex].get()); *aTarget = static_cast<IAccessible*>(target); (*aTarget)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleRelation::get_targets(long aMaxTargets, IUnknown **aTargets, long *aNTargets) { if (!aNTargets || !aTargets) return E_INVALIDARG; *aNTargets = 0; long maxTargets = mTargets.Length(); if (maxTargets > aMaxTargets) maxTargets = aMaxTargets; for (long idx = 0; idx < maxTargets; idx++) get_target(idx, aTargets + idx); *aNTargets = maxTargets; return S_OK; }