 * Helper method to start a single XUL tree test.
function loadXULTreeAndDoTest(aDoTestFunc, aTreeID, aTreeView)
  var doTestFunc = aDoTestFunc ? aDoTestFunc : gXULTreeLoadContext.doTestFunc;
  var treeID = aTreeID ? aTreeID : gXULTreeLoadContext.treeID;
  var treeView = aTreeView ? aTreeView : gXULTreeLoadContext.treeView;

  function loadXULTree(aTreeID, aTreeView)
    this.treeNode = getNode(aTreeID);

    this.eventSeq = [
      new invokerChecker(EVENT_REORDER, this.treeNode)

    this.invoke = function loadXULTree_invoke()
      this.treeNode.view = aTreeView;

    this.getID = function loadXULTree_getID()
      return "Load XUL tree " + prettyName(aTreeID);

  gXULTreeLoadContext.queue = new eventQueue();
  gXULTreeLoadContext.queue.push(new loadXULTree(treeID, treeView));
  gXULTreeLoadContext.queue.onFinish = function()
    return DO_NOT_FINISH_TEST;

 * Analogy of addA11yLoadEvent, nice helper to load XUL tree and start the test.
function addA11yXULTreeLoadEvent(aDoTestFunc, aTreeID, aTreeView)
  gXULTreeLoadContext.doTestFunc = aDoTestFunc;
  gXULTreeLoadContext.treeID = aTreeID;
  gXULTreeLoadContext.treeView = aTreeView;


function nsTableTreeView(aRowCount)
  this.__proto__ = new nsTreeView();

  for (var idx = 0; idx < aRowCount; idx++)
    this.mData.push(new treeItem("row" + String(idx) + "_"));

function nsTreeTreeView()
  this.__proto__ = new nsTreeView();

  this.mData = [
    new treeItem("row1"),
    new treeItem("row2_", true, [new treeItem("row2.1_"), new treeItem("row2.2_")]),
    new treeItem("row3_", false, [new treeItem("row3.1_"), new treeItem("row3.2_")]),
    new treeItem("row4")

function nsTreeView()
  this.mTree = null;
  this.mData = [];

nsTreeView.prototype =
  // nsITreeView implementation

  get rowCount()
    return this.getRowCountIntl(this.mData);
  setTree: function setTree(aTree)
    this.mTree = aTree;
  getCellText: function getCellText(aRow, aCol)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aRow);
    if (aCol.id in data.colsText)
      return data.colsText[aCol.id];

    return data.text + aCol.id;
  getCellValue: function getCellValue(aRow, aCol)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aRow);
    return data.value;
  getRowProperties: function getRowProperties(aIndex) { return ""; },
  getCellProperties: function getCellProperties(aIndex, aCol)
    if (!aCol.cycler)
      return "";

    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aIndex);
    return this.mCyclerStates[data.cyclerState];
  getColumnProperties: function getColumnProperties(aCol) { return ""; },
  getParentIndex: function getParentIndex(aRowIndex)
    var info = this.getInfoByIndex(aRowIndex);
    return info.parentIndex;
  hasNextSibling: function hasNextSibling(aRowIndex, aAfterIndex) { },
  getLevel: function getLevel(aIndex)
    var info = this.getInfoByIndex(aIndex);
    return info.level;
  getImageSrc: function getImageSrc(aRow, aCol) {},
  getProgressMode: function getProgressMode(aRow, aCol) {},
  isContainer: function isContainer(aIndex)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aIndex);
    return data.open != undefined;
  isContainerOpen: function isContainerOpen(aIndex)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aIndex);
    return data.open;
  isContainerEmpty: function isContainerEmpty(aIndex)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aIndex);
    return data.open == undefined;
  isSeparator: function isSeparator(aIndex) {},
  isSorted: function isSorted() {},
  toggleOpenState: function toggleOpenState(aIndex)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aIndex);

    data.open = !data.open;
    var rowCount = this.getRowCountIntl(data.children);

    if (data.open) 
      this.mTree.rowCountChanged(aIndex + 1, rowCount);
      this.mTree.rowCountChanged(aIndex + 1, -rowCount);
  selectionChanged: function selectionChanged() {},
  cycleHeader: function cycleHeader(aCol) {},
  cycleCell: function cycleCell(aRow, aCol)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aRow);
    data.cyclerState = (data.cyclerState + 1) % 3;

    this.mTree.invalidateCell(aRow, aCol);
  isEditable: function isEditable(aRow, aCol)
    return true;
  isSelectable: function isSelectable(aRow, aCol) {},
  setCellText: function setCellText(aRow, aCol, aValue)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aRow);
    data.colsText[aCol.id] = aValue;
  setCellValue: function setCellValue(aRow, aCol, aValue)
    var data = this.getDataForIndex(aRow);
    data.value = aValue;

    this.mTree.invalidateCell(aRow, aCol);
  performAction: function performAction(aAction) {},
  performActionOnRow: function performActionOnRow(aAction, aRow) {},
  performActionOnCell: function performActionOnCell(aAction, aRow, aCol) {},

  // public implementation

  appendItem: function appendItem(aText)
    this.mData.push(new treeItem(aText));

  // private implementation

  getDataForIndex: function getDataForIndex(aRowIndex)
    return this.getInfoByIndex(aRowIndex).data;

  getInfoByIndex: function getInfoByIndex(aRowIndex)
    var info = {
      data: null,
      parentIndex: -1,
      level: 0,
      index: -1

    this.getInfoByIndexIntl(aRowIndex, info, this.mData, 0);
    return info;

  getRowCountIntl: function getRowCountIntl(aChildren)
    var rowCount = 0;
    for (var childIdx = 0; childIdx < aChildren.length; childIdx++) {

      var data = aChildren[childIdx];      
      if (data.open)
        rowCount += this.getRowCountIntl(data.children);

    return rowCount;

  getInfoByIndexIntl: function getInfoByIndexIntl(aRowIdx, aInfo,
                                                  aChildren, aLevel)
    var rowIdx = aRowIdx;
    for (var childIdx = 0; childIdx < aChildren.length; childIdx++) {
      var data = aChildren[childIdx];


      if (rowIdx == 0) {
        aInfo.data = data;
        aInfo.level = aLevel;
        return -1;

      if (data.open) {
        var parentIdx = aInfo.index;
        rowIdx = this.getInfoByIndexIntl(rowIdx - 1, aInfo, data.children,
                                         aLevel + 1);

        if (rowIdx == -1) {
          if (aInfo.parentIndex == -1)
            aInfo.parentIndex = parentIdx;
          return 0;
      } else {

    return rowIdx;

  mCyclerStates: [

function treeItem(aText, aOpen, aChildren)
  this.text = aText;
  this.colsText = {};
  this.open = aOpen;
  this.value = "true";
  this.cyclerState = 0;
  if (aChildren)
    this.children = aChildren;

 * Used in conjunction with loadXULTreeAndDoTest and addA11yXULTreeLoadEvent.
var gXULTreeLoadContext =
  doTestFunc: null,
  treeID: null,
  treeView: null,
  queue: null