<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>@aria-owns attribute testing</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
    // Tests

    //enableLogging("tree,verbose"); // debug stuff

    var gQueue = null;

    function doTest()
      var tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t1_1
          { HEADING: [ // t1_2
            // no kids, no loop
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t1_1", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t2_1
          { GROUPING: [ // t2_2
            { HEADING: [ // t2_3
              // no kids, no loop
            ] }
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t2_1", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t3_3
          { GROUPING: [ // t3_1
            { NOTE: [ // t3_2
              { HEADING: [ // DOM child of t3_2
                // no kids, no loop
              ] }
            ] }
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t3_3", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t4_1
          { GROUPING: [ // DOM child of t4_1, aria-owns ignored
            // no kids, no loop
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t4_1", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t5_1
          { GROUPING: [ // DOM child of t5_1
            { NOTE: [ // t5_2
              { HEADING: [ // DOM child of t5_2
                { FORM: [ // t5_3
                  { TOOLTIP: [ // DOM child of t5_3
                    // no kids, no loop
            ] }
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t5_1", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // t6_1
          { RADIOBUTTON: [ ] },
          { CHECKBUTTON: [ ] }, // t6_3, rearranged by aria-owns
          { PUSHBUTTON: [ ] }, // t6_2, rearranged by aria-owns
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("t6_1", tree);

      tree =
        { SECTION: [ // ariaowns_container
          { SECTION: [ // ariaowns_self
            { SECTION: [ // ariaowns_uncle
            ] }
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("ariaowns_container", tree);

      tree =
        { TABLE: [
          { ROW: [
            { GRID_CELL: [
              { TEXT_LEAF: [] }
            ] },
            { GRID_CELL: [
              { TEXT_LEAF: [] }
            ] }
          ] },
          { ROW: [
            { GRID_CELL: [
              { TEXT_LEAF: [] }
            ] },
            { GRID_CELL: [
              { TEXT_LEAF: [] }
            ] }
          ] }
        ] };
      testAccessibleTree("grid", tree);





  <p id="display"></p>
  <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
  <pre id="test">

  <!-- simple loop -->
  <div id="t1_1" aria-owns="t1_2"></div>
  <div id="t1_2" aria-owns="t1_1" role="heading"></div>

  <!-- loop -->
  <div id="t2_2" aria-owns="t2_3" role="group"></div>
  <div id="t2_1" aria-owns="t2_2"></div>
  <div id="t2_3" aria-owns="t2_1" role="heading"></div>

  <!-- loop #2 -->
  <div id="t3_1" aria-owns="t3_2" role="group"></div>
  <div id="t3_2" role="note">
    <div aria-owns="t3_3" role="heading"></div>
  <div id="t3_3" aria-owns="t3_1"></div>

  <!-- self loop -->
  <div id="t4_1"><div aria-owns="t4_1" role="group"></div></div>

  <!-- natural and aria-owns hierarchy -->
  <div id="t5_2" role="note"><div aria-owns="t5_3" role="heading"></div></div>
  <div id="t5_1"><div aria-owns="t5_2" role="group"></div></div>
  <div id="t5_3" role="form"><div aria-owns="t5_1" role="tooltip"></div></div>

  <!-- rearrange children -->
  <div id="t6_1" aria-owns="t6_3 t6_2">
    <div id="t6_2" role="button"></div>
    <div id="t6_3" role="checkbox"></div>
    <div role="radio"></div>

  <div id="ariaowns_container">
    <div id="ariaowns_self"
         aria-owns="aria_ownscontainer ariaowns_self ariaowns_uncle"></div>
  <div id="ariaowns_uncle"></div>

  <!-- grid -->
  <div aria-owns="grid-row2" role="grid" id="grid">
    <div role="row">
      <div role="gridcell">cell 1,1</div>
      <div role="gridcell">cell 1,2</div>
  <div role="row" id="grid-row2">
    <div role="gridcell">cell 2,1</div>
    <div role="gridcell">cell 2,2</div>
