Mozilla Bug 452388 Mozilla Bug 499653

This button has aria-pressed="true" and should get ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON. It should also get STATE_PRESSED.
This button has aria-pressed="false" and should get ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON.
This button has aria-pressed="" and should not get ROLE_BUTTON.
This button has aria-pressed="undefined" and should not get ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON.
This button has no aria-pressed attribute and should not get ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON.
This treeitem has aria-selected="true" and should get STATE_SELECTABLE. It should also get STATE_SELECTED.
This treeitem has aria-selected="false" and should get STATE_SELECTABLE.
This treeitem has aria-selected="" and should not get STATE_SELECTABLE.
This treeitem has aria-selected="undefined" and should not get STATE_SELECTABLE.
This treeitem has no aria-selected attribute and should not get STATE_SELECTABLE.
This treeitem has aria-haspopup="true" and should get STATE_HASPOPUP.
This treeitem has aria-haspopup="false" and should get STATE_HASPOPUP.
This treeitem has aria-haspopup="" and should not get STATE_HASPOPUP.
This treeitem has aria-haspopup="undefined" and should not get STATE_HASPOPUP.
This treeitem has no aria-haspopup attribute and should not get STATE_HASPOPUP.
This treeitem has aria-expanded="true" and should get STATE_EXPANDABLE. It should also get STATE_EXPANDED.
This treeitem has aria-expanded="" and should not get STATE_EXPANDABLE.
This treeitem has aria-expanded="undefined" and should not get STATE_EXPANDABLE.
This treeitem has no aria-expanded attribute and should not get STATE_EXPANDABLE.