<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>nsIHyperLinkAccessible chrome tests</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
    function testThis(aID, aAcc, aRole, aAnchors, aName, aValid, aStartIndex,
      testRole(aAcc, aRole);
      is(aAcc.anchorCount, aAnchors, "Wrong number of anchors for ID "
                                      + aID + "!");
      is(aAcc.getAnchor(0).name, aName, "Wrong name for ID "
                                        + aID + "!");
      is(aAcc.valid, aValid, "No correct valid state for ID "
                             + aID + "!");
      is(aAcc.startIndex, aStartIndex, "Wrong startIndex value for ID "
                                       + aID + "!");
      is(aAcc.endIndex, aEndIndex, "Wrong endIndex value for ID "
                                   + aID + "!");

    function testAction(aId, aAcc, aActionName)
      var actionCount = aActionName ? 1 : 0;
      is(aAcc.actionCount, actionCount,
         "Wrong actions number for ID " + aId);
      try {
        is(aAcc.getActionName(0), aActionName,
           "Wrong action name for ID " + aId);
      } catch (e) {
        if (actionCount)
          ok(false, "Exception on action name getting for ID " + aId);
          ok(true, "Correct action name for ID " + aId);

    //gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debug stuff
    function doPreTest()
      waitForImageMap("imgmap", doTest);

    var gQueue = null;
    function doTest()
      // normal hyperlink
      var normalHyperlinkAcc = getAccessible("NormalHyperlink",
      testThis("NormalHyperlink", normalHyperlinkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "Mozilla Foundation", true, 17, 18);
      is(normalHyperlinkAcc.getURI(0).spec, "http://www.mozilla.org/", 
         "URI wrong for normalHyperlinkElement!");
      testStates(normalHyperlinkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);

      // ARIA hyperlink
      var ariaHyperlinkAcc = getAccessible("AriaHyperlink",
      testThis("AriaHyperlink", ariaHyperlinkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "Mozilla Foundation Home", true, 30, 31);
      testStates(ariaHyperlinkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction("AriaHyperlink", ariaHyperlinkAcc, "click");

      // ARIA hyperlink with status invalid
      var invalidAriaHyperlinkAcc = getAccessible("InvalidAriaHyperlink",
      is(invalidAriaHyperlinkAcc.valid, false, "Should not be valid!");
      testStates(invalidAriaHyperlinkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);

      // image map and its link children

      var imageMapHyperlinkAcc = getAccessible("imgmap",
      testThis("imgmap", imageMapHyperlinkAcc, ROLE_IMAGE_MAP, 2, "b", true,
               79, 80);
         "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#b", "URI wrong!");
         "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#a", "URI wrong!");
      testStates(imageMapHyperlinkAcc, 0, 0);

      var area1 = getAccessible(imageMapHyperlinkAcc.firstChild,
      testThis("Area1", area1, ROLE_LINK, 1, "b", true, 0, 1);
         "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#b", "URI wrong!");
      testStates(area1, (STATE_LINKED));

      var area2 = getAccessible(area1.nextSibling,
      testThis("Area2", area2, ROLE_LINK, 1, "a", true, 1, 2);
         "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#a", "URI wrong!");
      testStates(area2, (STATE_LINKED));

      // empty hyperlink
      var EmptyHLAcc = getAccessible("emptyLink",
      testThis("emptyLink", EmptyHLAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1, null, true, 93, 94);
      testStates(EmptyHLAcc, (STATE_FOCUSABLE | STATE_LINKED), 0);
      testAction("emptyLink", EmptyHLAcc, "jump");

      // normal hyperlink with embedded span
      var hyperlinkWithSpanAcc = getAccessible("LinkWithSpan",
      testThis("LinkWithSpan", hyperlinkWithSpanAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "Heise Online", true, 119, 120);
      is(hyperlinkWithSpanAcc.getURI(0).spec, "http://www.heise.de/", 
         "URI wrong for hyperlinkElementWithSpan!");
      testStates(hyperlinkWithSpanAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction("LinkWithSpan", hyperlinkWithSpanAcc, "jump");

      // Named anchor, should never have state_linked
      var namedAnchorAcc = getAccessible("namedAnchor",
      testThis("namedAnchor", namedAnchorAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "This should never be of state_linked", true, 196, 197);
      testStates(namedAnchorAcc, STATE_SELECTABLE,
                 0, (STATE_FOCUSABLE | STATE_LINKED));
      testAction("namedAnchor", namedAnchorAcc, "");

      // No link (hasn't any attribute), should never have state_linked
      var noLinkAcc = getAccessible("noLink",
      testThis("noLink", noLinkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "This should never be of state_linked", true, 254, 255);
      testStates(noLinkAcc, 0, 0, (STATE_FOCUSABLE | STATE_LINKED));
      testAction("noLink", noLinkAcc, "");

      // Link with registered 'click' event, should have state_linked
      var linkWithClickAcc = getAccessible("linkWithClick",
      testThis("linkWithClick", linkWithClickAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1,
               "This should have state_linked", true, 292, 293);
      testStates(linkWithClickAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction("linkWithClick", linkWithClickAcc, "click");

      // Maps to group links (bug 431615).
      var linksMapAcc = getAccessible("linksmap");

      // Link with title attribute, no name from the subtree (bug 438325).
      var id = "linkWithTitleNoNameFromSubtree";
      var linkAcc = getAccessible(id, [nsIAccessibleHyperLink]);
      testThis(id, linkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1, "Link with title", true, 344, 345);
      testStates(linkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction(id, linkAcc, "jump");

      // Link with title attribute, name from the subtree - onscreen name
      // (bug 438325).
      id = "linkWithTitleNameFromSubtree";
      linkAcc = getAccessible(id, [nsIAccessibleHyperLink]);
      testThis(id, linkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1, "the name from subtree", true, 393,
      testStates(linkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction(id, linkAcc, "jump");

      // Link with title attribute, name from the nested html:img (bug 438325).
      id = "linkWithTitleNameFromImg";
      linkAcc = getAccessible(id, [nsIAccessibleHyperLink]);
      testThis(id, linkAcc, ROLE_LINK, 1, "The title for link", true, 447,
      testStates(linkAcc, STATE_LINKED, 0);
      testAction(id, linkAcc, "jump");

      // Text accessible shouldn't implement nsIAccessibleHyperLink
      var res = isAccessible(getNode("namedAnchor").firstChild,
      ok(!res, "Text accessible shouldn't implement nsIAccessibleHyperLink");

      // Test focus
      gQueue = new eventQueue();

      gQueue.push(new focusLink("NormalHyperlink", true));
      gQueue.push(new focusLink("AriaHyperlink", true));
      gQueue.push(new focusLink("InvalidAriaHyperlink", false));
      gQueue.push(new focusLink("LinkWithSpan", true));

      gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();


<body><a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=418368">Mozilla Bug 418368</a
  ><p id="display"></p
  ><div id="content" style="display: none"></div
  ><pre id="test">
  >Simple link:<br
  ><a id="NormalHyperlink" href="http://www.mozilla.org">Mozilla Foundation</a
  ><br>ARIA link:<br
  ><span id="AriaHyperlink" role="link"
         tabindex="0">Mozilla Foundation Home</span
  >Invalid, non-focusable hyperlink:<br
  ><span id="InvalidAriaHyperlink" role="link" aria-invalid="true"
         onclick="window.open('http:/www.mozilla.org/');">Invalid link</span
  ><br>Image map:<br
  ><map name="atoz_map"
    ><area href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#b"
    ><area href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#a"
  ><img width="447" id="imgmap"
        src="../letters.gif"><br>Empty link:<br
  ><a id="emptyLink" href=""><img src=""></a
  ><br>Link with embedded span<br
  ><a id="LinkWithSpan" href="http://www.heise.de/"><span lang="de">Heise Online</span></a
  ><br>Named anchor, must not have "linked" state for it to be exposed correctly:<br
  ><a id="namedAnchor" name="named_anchor">This should never be of state_linked</a
  ><br>Link having no attributes, must not have "linked" state:<a id="noLink"
  >This should never be of state_linked</a
  ><br>Link with registered 'click' event: <a id="linkWithClick" onclick="var clicked = true;"
  >This should have state_linked</a
  ><br>Link with title attribute (no name from subtree): <a 
      id="linkWithTitleNoNameFromSubtree" href="http://www.heise.de/"
      title="Link with title"><img src=""/></a
  ><br>Link with title attribute (name from subtree): <a 
      id="linkWithTitleNameFromSubtree" href="http://www.heise.de/"
      title="Link with title">the name from subtree</a
  ><br>Link with title attribute (name from nested image): <a 
      id="linkWithTitleNameFromImg" href="http://www.heise.de/"
      title="Link with title"><img src="" alt="The title for link"/></a
  ><br><br>Map that is used to group links (www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/#group-bypass), also see the bug 431615:<br
  ><map id="linksmap" title="Site navigation"><ul
    ><li><a href="http://mozilla.org">About the project</a></li
    ><li><a href="http://mozilla.org">Sites and sounds</a></li