
  <title>Accessible value change events testing</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
     * Do tests.
    var gQueue = null;

    // Value change invoker
    function changeARIAValue(aNodeOrID, aValuenow, aValuetext)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aNodeOrID);
      this.eventSeq = [ new invokerChecker(aValuetext ?
                                           EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE :
                                           EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, this.DOMNode)

      this.invoke = function changeARIAValue_invoke() {

        // Note: this should not fire an EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE when aria-valuetext
        // is not empty
        if (aValuenow != undefined)
          this.DOMNode.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", aValuenow);
        // Note: this should always fire an EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE
        if (aValuetext != undefined)
          this.DOMNode.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", aValuetext);

      this.check = function changeARIAValue_check() {
        var acc = getAccessible(aNodeOrID, [nsIAccessibleValue]);
        if (!acc)

        // Note: always test against valuetext first because the existence of 
        // aria-valuetext takes precedence over aria-valuenow in gecko.
        is(acc.value, (aValuetext != undefined)? aValuetext : aValuenow,
            "Wrong value of " + prettyName(aNodeOrID));

      this.getID = function changeARIAValue_getID() {
        return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " value changed";

    function changeValue(aID, aValue)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aID);
      this.eventSeq = [new invokerChecker(EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE,

      this.invoke = function changeValue_invoke()
        this.DOMNode.value = aValue;

      this.check = function changeValue_check()
        var acc = getAccessible(this.DOMNode);
        is(acc.value, aValue, "Wrong value for " + prettyName(aID));

      this.getID = function changeValue_getID()
        return prettyName(aID) + " value changed";

    function changeProgressValue(aID, aValue)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aID);
      this.eventSeq = [new invokerChecker(EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, this.DOMNode)];

      this.invoke = function changeProgressValue_invoke()
         this.DOMNode.value = aValue;

      this.check = function changeProgressValue_check()
        var acc = getAccessible(this.DOMNode);
        is(acc.value, aValue+"%", "Wrong value for " + prettyName(aID));

      this.getID = function changeProgressValue_getID()
        return prettyName(aID) + " value changed";

    function changeRangeValue(aID)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aID);
      this.eventSeq = [new invokerChecker(EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, this.DOMNode)];

      this.invoke = function changeRangeValue_invoke()
        synthesizeMouse(getNode(aID), 5, 5, { });

      this.finalCheck = function changeRangeValue_finalCheck()
        var acc = getAccessible(this.DOMNode);
        is(acc.value, "0", "Wrong value for " + prettyName(aID));

      this.getID = function changeRangeValue_getID()
        return prettyName(aID) + " range value changed";

    function changeSelectValue(aID, aKey, aValue)
      this.eventSeq =
        [ new invokerChecker(EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE, getAccessible(aID)) ];

      this.invoke = function changeSelectValue_invoke()
        synthesizeKey(aKey, {}, window);

      this.finalCheck = function changeSelectValue_finalCheck()
        is(getAccessible(aID).value, aValue, "Wrong value for " + prettyName(aID));

      this.getID = function changeSelectValue_getID()
        return `${prettyName(aID)} closed select value change on '${aKey}'' key press`;

    //gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true;
    function doTests()
      // Test initial values
      testValue("slider_vn", "5", 5, 0, 1000, 0);
      testValue("slider_vnvt", "plain", 0, 0, 5, 0);
      testValue("slider_vt", "hi", 0, 0, 3, 0);
      testValue("scrollbar", "5", 5, 0, 1000, 0);
      testValue("progress", "22%", 22, 0, 100, 0);
      testValue("range", "6", 6, 0, 10, 1);

      // Test value change events
      gQueue = new eventQueue();

      gQueue.push(new changeARIAValue("slider_vn", "6", undefined));
      gQueue.push(new changeARIAValue("slider_vt", undefined, "hey!"));
      gQueue.push(new changeARIAValue("slider_vnvt", "3", "sweet"));
      gQueue.push(new changeARIAValue("scrollbar", "6", undefined));

      gQueue.push(new changeValue("combobox", "hello"));

      gQueue.push(new changeProgressValue("progress", "50"));
      gQueue.push(new changeRangeValue("range"));

      gQueue.push(new changeSelectValue("select", "VK_DOWN", "2nd"));
      gQueue.push(new changeSelectValue("select", "3", "3rd"));

      gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();



  <a target="_blank"
     title=" Fire delayed value changed event for aria-valuetext changes">
    Mozilla Bug 478032
  <a target="_blank"
    title="We dont expose new aria role 'scrollbar' and property aria-orientation">
   Mozilla Bug 529289
  <a target="_blank"
    title="Make HTML5 input@type=range element accessible">
   Mozilla Bug 559764
  <a target="_blank"
    title="ARIA comboboxes don't fire value change events">
   Mozilla Bug 703202
  <a target="_blank"
    title=" HTML5 progress accessible should fire value change event">
   Mozilla Bug 761901

  <p id="display"></p>
  <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
  <pre id="test">
  <div id="eventdump"></div>

  <!-- ARIA sliders -->
  <div id="slider_vn" role="slider" aria-valuenow="5"
       aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="1000">slider</div>

  <div id="slider_vt" role="slider" aria-valuetext="hi"
       aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="3">greeting slider</div>

  <div id="slider_vnvt" role="slider" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuetext="plain"
       aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="5">sweetness slider</div>

  <!-- ARIA scrollbar -->
  <div id="scrollbar" role="scrollbar" aria-valuenow="5"
       aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="1000">slider</div>

  <!-- ARIA combobox -->
  <input id="combobox" role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="inline">

  <!-- progress bar -->
  <progress id="progress" value="22" max="100"></progress>

  <!-- input@type="range" -->
  <input type="range" id="range" min="0" max="10" value="6">

  <select id="select">