
  <title>Accessible state change event testing</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
    // Invokers

    function makeEditableDoc(aDocNode, aIsEnabled)
      this.DOMNode = aDocNode;

      this.invoke = function editabledoc_invoke() {
        // Note: this should fire an EVENT_STATE_CHANGE
        this.DOMNode.designMode = 'on';

      this.check = function editabledoc_check(aEvent) {

        testStates(aDocNode, 0, EXT_STATE_EDITABLE);

        var event = null;
        try {
          var event = aEvent.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent);
        } catch (e) {
          ok(false, "State change event was expected");

        if (!event) { return; }

        ok(event.isExtraState, "Extra state change was expected");
        is(event.state, EXT_STATE_EDITABLE, "Wrong state of statechange event");
        ok(event.isEnabled, "Expected editable state to be enabled");

      this.getID = function editabledoc_getID() {
        return prettyName(aDocNode) + " editable state changed";

    function invalidInput(aNodeOrID)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aNodeOrID);

      this.invoke = function invalidInput_invoke() {
        // Note: this should fire an EVENT_STATE_CHANGE
        this.DOMNode.value = "I am not an email";

      this.check = function invalidInput_check() {
        testStates(aNodeOrID, STATE_INVALID);

      this.getID = function invalidInput_getID() {
        return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " became invalid";

    function changeCheckInput(aID, aIsChecked)
      this.DOMNode = getNode(aID);

      this.eventSeq = [
        new stateChangeChecker(STATE_CHECKED, false, aIsChecked, this.DOMNode)

      this.invoke = function changeCheckInput_invoke()
        this.DOMNode.checked = aIsChecked;

      this.getID = function changeCheckInput_getID()
        return "change checked state to '" + aIsChecked + "' for " +

    function stateChangeOnFileInput(aID, aAttr, aValue,
                                    aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled)
      this.fileControlNode = getNode(aID);
      this.fileControl = getAccessible(this.fileControlNode);
      this.browseButton = this.fileControl.firstChild;
      // No state change events on the label.

      this.invoke = function stateChangeOnFileInput_invoke()
        this.fileControlNode.setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);

      this.eventSeq = [
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled, this.fileControl),
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled, this.browseButton)

      this.getID = function stateChangeOnFileInput_getID()
        return "inherited state change on file input on attribute '" + aAttr + "' change";

    function dupeStateChange(aID, aAttr, aValue,
                             aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled)
      this.eventSeq = [
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled, getNode(aID))

      this.invoke = function dupeStateChange_invoke()
        getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);
        getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);

      this.getID = function dupeStateChange_getID()
        return "duped state change events";

    function oppositeStateChange(aID, aAttr, aState, aIsExtraState)
      this.eventSeq = [ ];
      this.unexpectedEventSeq = [
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, false, getNode(aID)),
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, true, getNode(aID))

      this.invoke = function oppositeStateChange_invoke()
        getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, "false");
        getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, "true");

      this.getID = function oppositeStateChange_getID()
        return "opposite state change events";

     * Change concomitant ARIA and native attribute at once.
    function echoingStateChange(aID, aARIAAttr, aAttr, aValue,
                               aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled)
      this.eventSeq = [
        new stateChangeChecker(aState, aIsExtraState, aIsEnabled, getNode(aID))

      this.invoke = function echoingStateChange_invoke()
        if (aValue == null) {

        } else {
          getNode(aID).setAttribute(aARIAAttr, aValue);
          getNode(aID).setAttribute(aAttr, aValue);

      this.getID = function echoingStateChange_getID()
        return "enchoing ARIA and native attributes change";

    // Do tests

    var gQueue = null;

    // var gA11yEventDumpID = "eventdump"; // debug stuff
    //gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debug stuff

    function doTests()
      gQueue = new eventQueue(nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_STATE_CHANGE);

      // Test delayed editable state change
      var doc = document.getElementById("iframe").contentDocument;
      gQueue.push(new makeEditableDoc(doc));

      // invalid state change
      gQueue.push(new invalidInput("email"));

      // checked state change
      gQueue.push(new changeCheckInput("checkbox", true));
      gQueue.push(new changeCheckInput("checkbox", false));
      gQueue.push(new changeCheckInput("radio", true));
      gQueue.push(new changeCheckInput("radio", false));

      // file input inherited state changes
      gQueue.push(new stateChangeOnFileInput("file", "aria-busy", "true",
                                             STATE_BUSY, false, true));
      gQueue.push(new stateChangeOnFileInput("file", "aria-required", "true",
                                             STATE_REQUIRED, false, true));
      gQueue.push(new stateChangeOnFileInput("file", "aria-invalid", "true",
                                             STATE_INVALID, false, true));

      gQueue.push(new dupeStateChange("div", "aria-busy", "true",
                                      STATE_BUSY, false, true));
      gQueue.push(new oppositeStateChange("div", "aria-busy",
                                          STATE_BUSY, false));

      gQueue.push(new echoingStateChange("text1", "aria-disabled", "disabled", "true",
                                         EXT_STATE_ENABLED, true, false));
      gQueue.push(new echoingStateChange("text1", "aria-disabled", "disabled", null,
                                         EXT_STATE_ENABLED, true, true));

      gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();



  <a target="_blank"
     title="Make state change events async">
    Bug 564471
  <a target="_blank"
     title="Fire a11y event based on HTML5 constraint validation">
    Bug 555728
  <a target="_blank"
     title="File input control should be propogate states to descendants">
    Bug 699017
  <a target="_blank"
     title="Fire statechange event whenever checked state is changed not depending on focused state">
    Bug 788389
  <a target="_blank"
     title="State change event not fired when both disabled and aria-disabled are toggled">
    Bug 926812

  <p id="display"></p>
  <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
  <pre id="test">

  <div id="testContainer">
    <iframe id="iframe"></iframe>

  <input id="email" type='email'>

  <input id="checkbox" type="checkbox">
  <input id="radio" type="radio">

  <input id="file" type="file">

  <div id="div"></div>

  <input id="text1">

  <div id="eventdump"></div>