<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"

<window xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
        title="Accessible focus event testing">

  <script type="application/javascript"
          src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
          src="../common.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"
          src="../role.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"
          src="../states.js" />
  <script type="application/javascript"
          src="../events.js" />

  <script type="application/javascript">
    function getColorBtn(aBtnObj)
      var colorpicker = aBtnObj.colorpicker;
      var container = colorpicker.firstChild;
      var btn = container.getChildAt(aBtnObj.btnIndex);
      return btn;

    //gA11yEventDumpID = "eventdump"; // debug stuff
    //gA11yEventDumpToConsole = true; // debug stuff

    var gQueue = null;
    function doTests()
      // Test focus events.
      gQueue = new eventQueue();

      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("textbox",
                                 new focusChecker(getNode("textbox").inputField)));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("textbox_multiline",
                                 new focusChecker(getNode("textbox_multiline").inputField)));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("scale"));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocusOnFrame("editabledoc"));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("radioclothes",
                                 new focusChecker("radiosweater")));
      gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("radiosweater",
                                   new focusChecker("radiojacket")));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("checkbox"));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("button"));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("checkbutton"));
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("radiobutton"));

      // focus menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("menubutton"));
      // click menubutton, open popup, focus stays on menu button
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("menubutton", new nofocusChecker()));
      // select first menu item ("item 1"), focus on menu item
      gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("menubutton", new focusChecker("mb_item1")));
      // choose select menu item, focus gets back to menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("mb_item1", new focusChecker("menubutton")));
      // press enter to open popup, focus stays on menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("menubutton", new nofocusChecker()));
      // select second menu item ("item 2"), focus on menu item
      gQueue.push(new synthUpKey("menubutton", new focusChecker("mb_item2")));

      // clicking on button having associated popup doesn't change a focus
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("popupbutton", new nofocusChecker()));
      // select first menu item ("item 1"), focus on menu item
      gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("popupbutton", new focusChecker("bp_item1")));
      // choose select menu item, focus gets back to menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("bp_item1", new focusChecker("menubutton")));
      // show popup again for the next test
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("popupbutton", new nofocusChecker()));

if (!MAC) {
      // click menubutton of the 'menubutton' button while popup of button open.
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("mbb", new focusChecker("mbb"), { where: "right" }));
      // close popup, focus stays on menubutton, fire focus event
      gQueue.push(new synthEscapeKey("mbb", new focusChecker("mbb")));
      // click menubutton, open popup, focus stays on menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("mbb", new nofocusChecker(), { where: "right" }));
      // select first menu item ("item 1"), focus on menu item
      gQueue.push(new synthDownKey("mbb", new focusChecker("mbb_item1")));
      // choose select menu item, focus gets back to menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("mbb_item1", new focusChecker("mbb")));
      // open popup, focus stays on menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthOpenComboboxKey("mbb", new nofocusChecker()));
      // select second menu item ("item 2"), focus on menu item
      gQueue.push(new synthUpKey("menubutton", new focusChecker("mbb_item2")));
      // click on menu item of menubutton menu, focus menubutton
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("mbb_item2", new focusChecker("mbb")));
} else {
      todo(false, "mbb tests time out on OS X, fix bug 746970 and reenable!");

      // focus colorpicker button
      gQueue.push(new synthFocus("colorpicker"));
      // click on button, open popup, focus goes to current color button
      var btnObj = { colorpicker: getAccessible("colorpicker"), btnIndex: 0 };
      var checker = new focusChecker(getColorBtn, btnObj);
      gQueue.push(new synthClick("colorpicker", checker));
      // select sibling color button, focus on it
      btnObj = { colorpicker: getAccessible("colorpicker"), btnIndex: 1 };
      var checker = new focusChecker(getColorBtn, btnObj);
      gQueue.push(new synthRightKey("colorpicker", checker));
      // choose selected color button, close popup, focus on colorpicker button
      gQueue.push(new synthEnterKey("colorpicker", new focusChecker("colorpicker")));

      gQueue.invoke(); // Will call SimpleTest.finish();


  <hbox flex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
    <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <a target="_blank"
         title="xul:slider accessible of xul:scale is accessible illegally">
        Mozilla Bug 492518
      <a target="_blank"
         title=" fire focus event on document accessible whenever the root or body element is focused">
        Mozilla Bug 552368
      <p id="display"></p>
      <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
      <pre id="test">

    <vbox flex="1">
      <textbox id="textbox" value="hello"/>
      <textbox id="textbox_multiline" multiline="true" value="hello"/>
      <scale id="scale" min="0" max="9" value="5"/>
      <iframe id="editabledoc" src="focus.html"/>
      <radiogroup id="radioclothes">
        <radio id="radiosweater" label="radiosweater"/>
        <radio id="radiocap" label="radiocap" disabled="true"/>
        <radio id="radiojacket" label="radiojacket"/>
      <checkbox id="checkbox" label="checkbox"/>
      <button id="button" label="button"/>
      <button id="checkbutton" type="checkbox" label="checkbutton"/>
      <button id="radiobutton" type="radio" group="rbgroup" label="radio1"/>

      <button id="menubutton" type="menu" label="menubutton">
          <menuitem id="mb_item1" label="item1"/>
          <menuitem id="mb_item2" label="item2"/>
      <button id="mbb" type="menu-button" label="menubutton button">
          <menuitem id="mbb_item1" label="item1"/>
          <menuitem id="mbb_item2" label="item2"/>

      <colorpicker id="colorpicker" type="button" label="color picker"

        <menupopup id="backpopup" position="after_start">
          <menuitem id="bp_item1" label="Page 1"/>
          <menuitem id="bp_item2" label="Page 2"/>
      <button id="popupbutton" label="Pop Me Up" popup="backpopup"/>

      <vbox id="eventdump"/>