<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML a11y spec tests</title>
  <link id="link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />

  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"
  <script type="application/javascript"

  <script type="application/javascript">
    function doTest()
      // HTML:a@href

      var obj = {
        role: ROLE_LINK,
        states: STATE_LINKED,
        actions: "jump",
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText, nsIAccessibleHyperLink ],
        children: [ // all kids inherits linked state and jump action
            role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF,
            states: STATE_LINKED,
            actions: "jump"
      testElm("a_href", obj);

      // HTML:a no @href

      obj = {
        todo_role: ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER,
        absentStates: STATE_LINKED,
        actions: null,
        children: [
            role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF,
            absentStates: STATE_LINKED,
            actions: null
      testElm("a_nohref", obj);

      // HTML:abbr contained by HTML:td

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_CELL,
        attributes: { abbr: "WWW" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
        children: [
            role: ROLE_TEXT,
            children: [ { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } ]
      testElm("td_abbr", obj);

      // HTML:address

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
      testElm("address", obj);

      // HTML:area@href

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_LINK,
        states: STATE_LINKED,
        actions: "jump",
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleHyperLink ],
        children: []
      testElm(getAccessible("imgmap").firstChild, obj);

      // HTML:area no @href

      obj = {
        todo_role: "ROLE_SHAPE",
        absentStates: STATE_LINKED,
        children: []
      testElm(getAccessible("imgmap").lastChild, obj);

      // HTML:article
      obj = {
        role: ROLE_DOCUMENT,
        states: STATE_READONLY,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
      testElm("article", obj);

      // HTML:aside
      obj = {
        role: ROLE_NOTE,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "complementary" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("aside", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:audio
        role: ROLE_GROUPING
      testElm("audio", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:b contained by paragraph
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-weight": kBoldFontWeight }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:b text
      testElm("b_container", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:bdi contained by paragraph
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        todo_textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          5: { "writing-mode": "rl" },
          8: { }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // HTML:bdi text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // plain text
      testElm("bdi_container", obj);

      // HTML:bdo contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        todo_textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "writing-mode": "rl" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
      testElm("bdo_container", obj);

      // HTML:blockquote

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SECTION,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
        children: [ { role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH } ]
      testElm("blockquote", obj);

      // HTML:br contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        children: [ { role: ROLE_WHITESPACE } ]
      testElm("br_container", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:button
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        absentStates: STATE_DEFAULT,
        actions: "press",
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("button", obj);

      // HTML:button@type="submit" (default button)

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        states: STATE_DEFAULT,
        actions: "press"
      testElm("button_default", obj);

      // HTML:canvas

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_CANVAS
      testElm("canvas", obj);

      // HTML:caption under table

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_TABLE,
        relations: {
          RELATION_LABELLED_BY: "caption"
        interfaces: nsIAccessibleTable,
        children: [
            role: ROLE_CAPTION,
            relations: {
              RELATION_LABEL_FOR: "table"
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
          { // td inside thead
            role: ROLE_ROW,
            children: [
                role: ROLE_COLUMNHEADER,
                interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleTableCell, nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
              { role: ROLE_COLUMNHEADER }
          { // td inside tbody
            role: ROLE_ROW,
            children: [
                role: ROLE_ROWHEADER,
                interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleTableCell, nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
                role: ROLE_CELL,
                interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleTableCell, nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
          { // td inside tfoot
            role: ROLE_ROW
      testElm("table", obj);

      // HTML:cite contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-style": "italic" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:cite text
      testElm("cite_container", obj);

      // HTML:code contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-family": kMonospaceFontFamily }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:code text
      testElm("code_container", obj);

      // HTML:col and HTML:colgroup under table

      obj =
        { TABLE : [
          { ROW :[
            { role: ROLE_CELL },
            { role: ROLE_CELL },
            { role: ROLE_CELL }
          ] }
        ] };
      testElm("colNcolgroup_table", obj);

      // HTML:data contained by paragraph

      obj =
        { PARAGRAPH: [
          { TEXT_LEAF: [] } // HTML:data text
        ] };
      testElm("data_container", obj);

      // HTML:datalist associated with input

      todo(false, "datalist and summary tree hierarchy test missed");

      // HTML:dd, HTML:dl, HTML:dd

      obj = {
        states: STATE_READONLY,
        children: [ // dl
            role: ROLE_TERM,
            states: STATE_READONLY,
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
            children: [ // dt
              { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }
            role: ROLE_DEFINITION,
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
            children: [ // dd
              { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }
      testElm("dl", obj);

      // HTML:del contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-line-through-style": "solid" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:del text
      testElm("del_container", obj);

      // HTML:details with open state

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_DETAILS,
        children: [
            role: ROLE_SUMMARY,
            states: STATE_EXPANDED,
            actions: "collapse"
         { role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH }
      testElm("details", obj);

      // HTML:details with closed (default) state

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_DETAILS,
        children: [
            role: ROLE_SUMMARY,
            states: STATE_COLLAPSED,
            actions: "expand"
      testElm("details_closed", obj);

      // HTML:dfn contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { "font-style": "italic" },
          12: { }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // HTML:dfn text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // plain text
      testElm("dfn_container", obj);

      // HTML:dialog

      todo(isAccessible("dialog"), "dialog element is not accessible");

      // HTML:div

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SECTION,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // plain text
      testElm("div", obj);

      // HTML:em in a paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-style": "italic" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:em text
      testElm("em_container", obj);

      // HTML:embed (windowless and windowed plugins)

      if (WIN) {
        obj = {
          role: ROLE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT,
          states: STATE_UNAVAILABLE

        testElm("embed_plugin_windowless", obj);

        obj = {
          role: ROLE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT,
          absentStates: STATE_UNAVAILABLE
        testElm("embed_plugin_windowed", obj);

      // HTML:fieldset and HTML:legend

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_GROUPING,
        relations: {
          RELATION_LABELLED_BY: "legend"
        children: [
            role: ROLE_LABEL,
            relations: {
              RELATION_LABEL_FOR: "fieldset"
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
            role: ROLE_ENTRY
      testElm("fieldset", obj);

      // HTML:figure and HTML:figcaption

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_FIGURE,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "figure" },
        relations: {
          RELATION_LABELLED_BY: "figcaption"
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_GRAPHIC },
            role: ROLE_CAPTION,
            relations: {
              RELATION_LABEL_FOR: "figure"
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("figure", obj);

      // HTML:footer

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_FOOTER,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "contentinfo" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("footer", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_FOOTER,
        absentAttributes: { "xml-roles": "contentinfo" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("footer_in_article", obj);
      testElm("footer_in_section", obj);

      // HTML:form

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_FORM
      testElm("form", obj);

      // // HTML:frameset, HTML:frame and HTML:iframe

      obj = {
        INTERNAL_FRAME: [ { // HTML:iframe
          DOCUMENT: [ {
            INTERNAL_FRAME: [ { // HTML:frame
              DOCUMENT: [ { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF} ]
            } ]
          } ]
        } ]
      testElm("frameset_container", obj);

      // HTML:h1, HTML:h2, HTML:h3, HTML:h4, HTML:h5, HTML:h6

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "1" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h1", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "2" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h2", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "3" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h3", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "4" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h4", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "5" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h5", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADING,
        attributes: { "level": "6" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("h6", obj);

      // HTML:header

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADER,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "banner" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("header", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_HEADER,
        absentAttributes: { "xml-roles": "banner" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("header_in_article", obj);
      testElm("header_in_section", obj);

      // HTML:hr

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SEPARATOR,
      testElm("hr", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:i contained by paragraph
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-style": "italic" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:i text
      testElm("i_container", obj);

      // HTML:img

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_GRAPHIC,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleImage ]
      testElm("img", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="button"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        absentStates: STATE_DEFAULT
      testElm("input_button", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="checkbox"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_CHECKBUTTON,
        states: STATE_CHECKABLE,
        absentStates: STATE_CHECKED,
        actions: "check"
      testElm("input_checkbox", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_CHECKBUTTON,
        actions: "uncheck"
      testElm("input_checkbox_true", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="file"

      obj = {
          { role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON },
          { role: ROLE_LABEL }
      testElm("input_file", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="image"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        absentStates: STATE_DEFAULT,
        actions: "press"
      testElm("input_image", obj);
      testElm("input_submit", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        actions: "press",
        states: STATE_DEFAULT
      testElm("input_image_default", obj);
      testElm("input_submit_default", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="number" and etc

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SPINBUTTON,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleValue ],
        children: [
            role: ROLE_ENTRY,
            actions: "activate",
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleEditableText ],
            children: [
              { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }
            role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
            actions: "press"
            role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
            actions: "press"
      testElm("input_number", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="text" and etc

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_ENTRY,
        actions: "activate",
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleEditableText ],
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }
      testElm("input_email", obj);
      testElm("input_search", obj);
      testElm("input_tel", obj);
      testElm("input_text", obj);
      testElm("input_url", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="password"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT,
        states: STATE_PROTECTED,
        extraStates: EXT_STATE_EDITABLE,
        actions: "activate",
        children: [
            role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF
      testElm("input_password", obj);
      ok(getAccessible("input_password").firstChild.name != "44",
         "text leaf for password shouldn't have its real value as its name!");

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT,
        actions: "activate",
        children: [
            role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF
      testElm("input_password_readonly", obj);
      ok(getAccessible("input_password_readonly").firstChild.name != "44",
         "text leaf for password shouldn't have its real value as its name!");

      // HTML:input@type="radio"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_RADIOBUTTON,
        states: STATE_CHECKABLE,
        absentStates: STATE_CHECKED,
        actions: "select"
      testElm("input_radio", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_RADIOBUTTON,
        actions: "select"
      testElm("input_radio_true", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="range"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SLIDER
      testElm("input_range", obj);

      // HTML:input@type="reset"

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PUSHBUTTON,
        actions: "press",
        absentStates: STATE_DEFAULT
      testElm("input_reset", obj);

      // HTML:ins contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-underline-style": "solid" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:ins text
      testElm("ins_container", obj);

      // HTML:kbd contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-family": kMonospaceFontFamily }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:kbd text
      testElm("kbd_container", obj);

      // HTML:keygen

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_COMBOBOX,
        extraStates: EXT_STATE_EXPANDABLE,
        actions: "open",
        children: [ 
          { COMBOBOX_LIST: [
            { role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION }, // high grade
            { role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION } // medium grade
          ] }
      testElm("keygen", obj);

      // HTML:label

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_LABEL,
        todo_relations: {
          RELATION_LABEL_FOR: "label_input"
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
            role: ROLE_ENTRY,
            relations: {
              RELATION_LABELLED_BY: "label"
      testElm("label", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_LABEL,
        relations: {
          RELATION_LABEL_FOR: "label_for_input"
      testElm("label_for", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_ENTRY,
        relations: {
          RELATION_LABELLED_BY: "label_for"
      testElm("label_for_input", obj);

      // HTML:ul, HTML:ol, HTML:li

      obj = { // ul or ol
        role: ROLE_LIST,
        states: STATE_READONLY,
        children: [
          { // li
            role: ROLE_LISTITEM,
            states: STATE_READONLY,
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("ul", obj);
      testElm("ol", obj);

      // HTML:link

      ok(!isAccessible("link"), "link element is not accessible");

      // HTML:main

      obj = {
        todo_role: ROLE_GROUPING,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "main" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("main", obj);

      // HTML:map

         "map element is not accessible if used as an image map");

      obj = {
      testElm("map", obj);

      // HTML:mark contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "background-color": "rgb(255, 255, 0)" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:mark text
      testElm("mark_container", obj);

      // HTML:math

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_MATHML_MATH
      testElm("math", obj);

      // HTML:menu

      obj = {
        todo_role: ROLE_MENUPOPUP
      testElm("menu", obj);

      // HTML:meter

      todo(isAccessible("meter"), "meter element is not accessible");

      // HTML:nav

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SECTION,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "navigation" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("nav", obj);

      // HTML:object (windowless and windowed plugins) and HTML:param

      if (WIN) {
        obj = {
          role: ROLE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT,
          states: STATE_UNAVAILABLE,
          children: [ ] // no child for HTML:param
        testElm("object_plugin_windowless", obj);

        obj = {
          role: ROLE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT,
          absentStates: STATE_UNAVAILABLE
        testElm("object_plugin_windowed", obj);

      // HTML:select, HTML:optgroup and HTML:option

      obj = { // HMTL:select@size > 1
        role: ROLE_LISTBOX,
        states: STATE_FOCUSABLE,
        absentStates: STATE_MULTISELECTABLE,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleSelectable ],
        children: [
          { GROUPING: [ // HTML:optgroup
            { role: ROLE_STATICTEXT },
            { role: ROLE_OPTION }, // HTML:option
            { role: ROLE_OPTION }
          ] },
            role: ROLE_OPTION,
            states: STATE_FOCUSABLE,
            actions: "select",
            interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("select_listbox", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:select@multiple
        role: ROLE_LISTBOX,
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_OPTION },
          { role: ROLE_OPTION },
          { role: ROLE_OPTION }
      testElm("select_listbox_multiselectable", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:select
        role: ROLE_COMBOBOX,
        states: STATE_FOCUSABLE,
        children: [
            role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_LIST,
            children: [
              { role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION },
              { role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION },
              { role: ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION }
      testElm("select_combobox", obj);

      // HTML:output

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SECTION,
        attributes: { "live": "polite" },
        todo_relations: {
          RELATION_CONTROLLED_BY: "output_input"
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("output", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_ENTRY,
        relations: {
          RELATION_CONTROLLER_FOR: "output"
      testElm("output_input", obj);

      // HTML:pre

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("pre", obj);

      // HTML:progress

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PROGRESSBAR,
        absentStates: STATE_MIXED,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleValue ]
      testElm("progress", obj);

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PROGRESSBAR,
        states: STATE_MIXED
      testElm("progress_indeterminate", obj);

      // HTML:q

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_TEXT,
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ],
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_STATICTEXT }, // left quote
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // quoted text
          { role: ROLE_STATICTEXT } // right quote
      testElm("q", obj);

      // HTML:ruby

      todo(isAccessible("ruby"), "ruby element is not accessible");

      // HTML:s contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-line-through-style": "solid" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:i text
      testElm("s_container", obj);

      // HTML:samp contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:samp text
      testElm("samp_container", obj);

      // HTML:section

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_SECTION,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "region" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("section", obj);

      // HTML:small contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "font-size": "10pt" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:small text
      testElm("small_container", obj);

      // HTML:source

      ok(!isAccessible("source"), "source element is not accessible");

      // HTML:span

      ok(!isAccessible("span"), "span element is not accessible");

      // HTML:strong contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:strong text
      testElm("strong_container", obj);

      // HTML:sub contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-position": "sub" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:sub text
      testElm("sub_container", obj);

      // HTML:sup contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-position": "super" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:sup text
      testElm("sup_container", obj);

      // HTML:svg

      obj = {
        todo_role: ROLE_GRAPHIC
      testElm("svg", obj);

      // HTML:textarea

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_ENTRY,
        actions: "activate",
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleEditableText ]
      testElm("textarea", obj);

      // HTML:time

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_TEXT,
        attributes: { "xml-roles": "time", "datetime": "2001-05-15 19:00" },
        interfaces: [ nsIAccessibleText, nsIAccessibleHyperText ]
      testElm("time", obj);

      // HTML:u contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        textAttrs: {
          0: { },
          6: { "text-underline-style" : "solid" }
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:u text
      testElm("u_container", obj);

      // HTML:var contained by paragraph

      obj = {
        role: ROLE_PARAGRAPH,
        children: [
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // HTML:var text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF }, // plain text
          { role: ROLE_TEXT_LEAF } // HTML:var text
      testElm("var_container", obj);

      obj = { // HTML:video
        role: ROLE_GROUPING
      testElm("video", obj);




  <a target="_blank"
    title="Implement figure and figcaption accessibility"
     Mozilla Bug 658272
  <p id="display"></p>
  <div id="content" style="display: none"></div>
  <pre id="test">

  <a id="a_href" href="www.mozilla.com">mozilla site</a>
  <a id="a_nohref">anchor</a>
      <td id="td_abbr"><abbr title="World Wide Web">WWW</abbr></td>
  <address id="address">
    Mozilla Foundation<br>
    1981 Landings Drive<br>
    Building K<br>
    Mountain View, CA 94043-0801<br>

  <map name="atoz_map">
    <area id="area_href"
          coords="17,0,30,14" alt="b" shape="rect">
    <area id="area_nohref"
          coords="0,0,13,14" alt="a" shape="rect">
  <img id="imgmap" width="447" height="15"

  <article id="article">A document</article>
  <audio id="audio" controls="true">
    <source id="source" src="../bug461281.ogg" type="video/ogg">

  <aside id="aside">
    <p>Some content related to an &lt;article&gt;</p>

  <p id="b_container">normal<b>bold</b></p>
  <p id="bdi_container">User <bdi>إيان</bdi>: 90 points</p>
  <p id="bdo_container"><bdo dir="rtl">This text will go right to left.</bdo></p>

  <blockquote id="blockquote" cite="http://developer.mozilla.org">
    <p>This is a quotation taken from the Mozilla Developer Center.</p>

  <!--  two BRs, one will be eaten -->
  <p id="br_container"><br><br></p>

  <button id="button">button</button>
    <button id="button_default" type="submit">button</button>

  <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

  <table id="table">
    <caption id="caption">caption</caption>

  <p id="cite_container">normal<cite>cite</cite></p>
  <p id="code_container">normal<code>code</code></p>

  <table id="colNcolgroup_table">
      <col span="2">

  <p id="data_container"><data value="8">Eight</data></p>

  <datalist id="datalist">
    <summary id="summary">details</summary>
    <option>San Francisco</option>
  <input id="autocomplete_datalist" list="datalist">

  <dl id="dl">

  <p id="del_container">normal<del>Removed</del></p>

  <details id="details" open="open">
    <p>If your browser supports this element, it should allow you to expand and collapse these details.</p>

  <details id="details_closed">
    <p>If your browser supports this element, it should allow you to expand and collapse these details.</p>

  <p id="dfn_container"><dfn id="def-internet">The Internet</dfn> is a global
    system of interconnected networks that use the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)
    to serve billions of users worldwide.</p>

  <dialog id="dialog" open="true">This is a dialog</dialog>

  <div id="div">div</div>

  <p id="em_container">normal<em>emphasis</em></p>

  <embed id="embed_plugin_windowless" type="application/x-test"
         width="300" height="300"></embed>
  <embed id="embed_plugin_windowed" type="application/x-test" wmode="window"
         width="300" height="300"></embed>

  <fieldset id="fieldset">
    <legend id="legend">legend</legend>
    <input />

  <figure id="figure">
    <img src="../moz.png" alt="An awesome picture">
    <figcaption id="figcaption">Caption for the awesome picture</figcaption>

  <footer id="footer">Some copyright info</footer>
    <footer id="footer_in_article">Some copyright info</footer>
    <footer id="footer_in_section">Some copyright info</footer>

  <form id="form"></form>

  <iframe id="frameset_container"
          src="data:text/html,<html><frameset><frame src='data:text/html,hi'></frame></frameset></html>">

  <h1 id="h1">heading1</h1>
  <h2 id="h2">heading2</h2>
  <h3 id="h3">heading3</h3>
  <h4 id="h4">heading4</h4>
  <h5 id="h5">heading5</h5>
  <h6 id="h6">heading6</h6>

  <header id="header">A logo</header>
    <header id="header_in_article">Not logo</header>
    <header id="header_in_section">Not logo</header>

  <hr id="hr">
  <p id="i_container">normal<i>italic</i></p>
  <img id="img" src="../moz.png">

  <input id="input_button" type="button" value="Button">
  <input id="input_checkbox" type="checkbox">
  <input id="input_checkbox_true" type="checkbox" checked>
  <input id="input_file" type="file">
  <input id="input_image" type="image">
    <input id="input_image_default" type="image">
  <input id="input_submit" type="submit">
    <input id="input_submit_default" type="submit">
  <input id="input_number" type="number" value="44">
  <input id="input_text" type="text" value="hi">
  <input id="input_search" type="search" value="cats">
  <input id="input_email" type="email" value="me@mozilla.com">
  <input id="input_tel" type="tel" value="111.111.1111">
  <input id="input_url" type="url" value="www.mozilla.com">
  <input id="input_password" type="password" value="44">
  <input id="input_password_readonly" type="password" value="44" readonly>
  <input id="input_radio" type="radio">
  <input id="input_radio_true" type="radio" checked>
  <input id="input_range" type="range">
    <input id="input_reset" type="reset">

  <p id="ins_container">normal<ins>Inserted</ins></p>
  <p id="kbd_container">normal<kbd>cmd</kbd></p>
  <keygen id="keygen" name="RSA public key" challenge="123456789" keytype="RSA">

  <label id="label">label<input id="label_input"></label>
  <label id="label_for" for="label_for_input">label</label>
  <input id="label_for_input">

  <ul id="ul">
  <ol id="ol">

  <main id="main">main</main>

  <map id="map_imagemap" name="atoz_map">
    <area href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#b"
          coords="17,0,30,14" alt="b" shape="rect">
    <area href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#a"
          coords="0,0,13,14" alt="a" shape="rect">
  <img id="imgmap" width="447" height="15"

  <map id="map" title="Navigation Bar" name="mapgroup">
      [<a href="#how">Bypass navigation bar</a>]
      [<a href="home.html">Home</a>]

  <p id="mark_container">normal<mark>highlighted</mark></p>

  <math id="math">

  <menu id="menu" type="toolbar">
      <menu label="File">
        <button type="button" onclick="new()">New...</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="save()">Save...</button>
      <menu label="Edit">
        <button type="button" onclick="cut()">Cut...</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="copy()">Copy...</button>
        <button type="button" onclick="paste()">Paste...</button>

  <meter id="meter" min="0" max="1000" low="300" high="700" value="200">200 Euro</meter>

  <nav id="nav">
      <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

  <object id="object_plugin_windowless" type="application/x-test"
         width="300" height="300">
    <param name="foo" value="bar">
  <object id="object_plugin_windowed" type="application/x-test" wmode="window"
         width="300" height="300"></object>

  <select id="select_listbox" size="4">
    <optgroup label="Colors">

  <select id="select_listbox_multiselectable" multiple>

  <select id="select_combobox">

  <input id="output_input">
  <output id="output" for="output_input"></output>

  <pre id="pre">pre</pre>

  <progress id="progress" min="0" value="21" max="42"></progress>
  <progress id="progress_indeterminate"></progress>

  <q id="q" cite="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_McCormick#Cultural_impact">
    Oh my God, they killed Kenny!

  <ruby id="ruby">
    漢 <rp>(</rp><rt>Kan</rt><rp>)</rp>
    字 <rp>(</rp><rt>ji</rt><rp>)</rp>

  <p id="s_container">normal<s>striked</s></p>
  <p id="samp_container">normal<samp>sample</samp></p>
  <section id="section">section</section>
  <p id="small_container">normal<small>small</small></p>
  <span id="span"></span>
  <p id="strong_container">normal<strong>strong</strong></p>
  <p id="sub_container">normal<sub>sub</sub></p>
  <p id="sup_container">normal<sup>sup</sup></p>

  <svg id="svg"></svg>
  <textarea id="textarea"></textarea>

  <p>The concert took place on <time id="time" datetime="2001-05-15 19:00">May 15</time></p>
  <p id="u_container">normal<u>underline</u></p>
  <p id="var_container">An equation: <var>x</var> = <var>y</var></p>

  <video id="video" controls="true">
    <source id="source" src="../bug461281.ogg" type="video/ogg">
