 * Load the browser with the given url and then invokes the given function.
function openBrowserWindow(aFunc, aURL, aRect)
  gBrowserContext.testFunc = aFunc;
  gBrowserContext.startURL = aURL;
  gBrowserContext.browserRect = aRect;


 * Close the browser window.
function closeBrowserWindow()

 * Return the browser window object.
function browserWindow()
  return gBrowserContext.browserWnd;

 * Return the document of the browser window.
function browserDocument()
  return browserWindow().document;

 * Return tab browser object.
function tabBrowser()
  return browserWindow().gBrowser;

 * Return browser element of the current tab.
function currentBrowser()
  return tabBrowser().selectedBrowser;

 * Return DOM document of the current tab.
function currentTabDocument()
  return currentBrowser().contentDocument;

 * Return window of the current tab.
function currentTabWindow()
  return currentTabDocument().defaultView;

 * Return browser element of the tab at the given index.
function browserAt(aIndex)
  return tabBrowser().getBrowserAtIndex(aIndex);

 * Return DOM document of the tab at the given index.
function tabDocumentAt(aIndex)
  return browserAt(aIndex).contentDocument;

 * Return input element of address bar.
function urlbarInput()
  return browserWindow().document.getElementById("urlbar").inputField;

 * Return reload button.
function reloadButton()
  return browserWindow().document.getElementById("urlbar-reload-button");

// private section


var gBrowserContext =
  browserWnd: null,
  testFunc: null,
  startURL: ""

function openBrowserWindowIntl()
  var params = "chrome,all,dialog=no";
  var rect = gBrowserContext.browserRect;
  if (rect) {
    if ("left" in rect)
      params += ",left=" + rect.left;
    if ("top" in rect)
      params += ",top=" + rect.top;
    if ("width" in rect)
      params += ",width=" + rect.width;
    if ("height" in rect)
      params += ",height=" + rect.height;

  gBrowserContext.browserWnd =
                      "_blank", params,

  whenDelayedStartupFinished(browserWindow(), function () {
    addA11yLoadEvent(startBrowserTests, browserWindow());

function startBrowserTests()
  if (gBrowserContext.startURL) // wait for load
    addA11yLoadEvent(gBrowserContext.testFunc, currentBrowser().contentWindow);

function whenDelayedStartupFinished(aWindow, aCallback) {
  Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic) {
    if (aWindow == aSubject) {
      Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic);
      setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
  }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);