    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Tree Update Visibility Test</title>
  <body id="body">
    <!-- hide parent while child stays visible -->
    <div id="t1_container">
      <div id="t1_parent">
        <div id="t1_child" style="visibility: visible">text</div>

    <!-- hide grandparent while its children stay visible -->
    <div id="t2_container">
      <div id="t2_grandparent">
          <div id="t2_child" style="visibility: visible">text</div>
          <div id="t2_child2" style="visibility: visible">text</div>

    <!-- change container style, hide parents while their children stay visible -->
    <div id="t3_container">
      <div id="t3_parent">
        <div id="t3_child" style="visibility: visible">text</div>
      <div id="t3_parent2">
        <div id="t3_child2" style="visibility: visible">text</div>

    <!-- change container style, show child inside the table -->
    <div id="t4_container">
          <td id="t4_parent">
            <div id="t4_child" style="visibility: hidden;">text</div>

    <!-- hide subcontainer while child inside the table stays visible -->
    <div id="t5_container">
      <div id="t5_subcontainer">
              <div id="t5_child" style="visibility: visible;">text</div>

    <!-- hide subcontainer while its child and child inside the nested table stays visible -->
    <div id="t6_container">
      <div id="t6_subcontainer">
                    <div id="t6_child" style="visibility: visible;">text</div>
        <div id="t6_child2" style="visibility: visible">text</div>